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Chérie Dec 2016
Inside my shell is where I want to be hidden away. Making the very small bubble that surrounds me even smaller than what it is. Build the biggest and strongest wall around my heart to keep it from all the heartache it endours. Sheild myself from all the pain that the ones I love most seem to cause. I'm not as strong as I thought I was. I slowly feel myself falling apart piece by piece, with no one there to pick up the pieces.
Chérie Jan 2014
When I look into your eyes,
All I see are nothing but lies.
How can you not feel the least bit guilty,
When you constantly lie to me.
And you wonder why I don't trust you,
What do you expect me to do.
Trust is earned, isn't that what you always say,
But how can I trust you, there is just no way.
How can you tell me daily,
That you love me.
Do you even know the meaning?
Because this is all I'm seeing.
Your way of love is not well planned,
It's wrong, if only you could understand.
I've told you it's over and wish you'd leave,
But it's obvious you never will, because you just don't want to believe.
The only thing left to do is pack your bags and leave them by the door,
Then maybe you'll realize it's over, unlike before.
Chance after chance is what I've given,
Only to be lied to again and again.
So I'm going to try one last time, to tell you goodbye,
And please just walk away quietly, because I don't want to hear another lie.
Chérie Jan 2014
Forgive me Lord for I have sinned,
I've fallen for this man that haunts me in my dreams,
I've told him just how I feel,
The more my feelings grew, the less I could hide them it seems.
I've kept my distance as much as I can,
I'm doing my best at least I'm trying,
But he's so ****** irresistable that I cant stay away,
I'm so stupid for letting this happen that I just feel like hiding.
Why do I have to be such a fool,
And do so many ridiculous things,
I don't know why he still wants to be my friend,
He should consider me as nothing.
Although I'm so very greatful he's still apart of my life,
I just don't understand why,
Why does he still want to be,
But I fear the day when he tells me goodbye.
I'm praying to you Lord, please help me with my heart,
Once again I've managed to have my heart broke,
I've brought this on myself, and I only have myself to blame,
I'm just the fool, who should not have spoke.
Forgive me Lord for I have sinned,
I've fallen for the man I've been looking for,
I'm trying to only think of him as just a friend,
But he's sweet, kind, thoughtful, caring, funny, loving, and more.
I only hope he stays apart of my life forever,
Because without him I could not survive,
He's made such a big difference in my life,
That without him I would not be alive.
Chérie Nov 2013
My mind is a blank,
And I don't know what to write.
I can't think of what I want to say,
Is it from all the stress or is it just me.
Maybe I just ran out of things to write about,
I just don't know.
My mind is a blank,
And hopefully again very soon I will write again.
Chérie Oct 2013
I'm packing your bags and hope that you leave,
Because I'm done with you, that's one thing you can believe.
I'm sick and tired of the deceit and all your lies,
And it's finally time for me to tell you Goodbye.
I don't need you, I can make it on my own,
I already know that you won't be alone.
I'm tired of all your *******,
Someone else can deal with it.
I've dealt with it for far too long already,
It's time I think of my boys and me.
And don't think you can guilt me into feeling bad,
Because I'm not going to worry or feel sad.
You did this to yourself, but I'm sure you'll blame it all on me,
But it wasn't just me and that's plain to see.
I've been the one who has been walked all over for so many years,
And fought back all my tears.
Not tears from a broken heart though,
But tears that you would never go.
I'm slowly building up the strength and courage to say you need to leave,
But then I'm afraid that it is something I will never achieve.
Lord give me guidance to find my way,
So that maybe I can be happy again one day.
Chérie Oct 2013
I'm lost and alone,
How I wish I could just stay home.
To heal my broken heart,
That I try not to fall apart.
I want to find the man of my dreams,
But it seems I won't and I just want to scream.
My eyes fill with tears, but I try not to cry,
That I have to tell myself a lie.
I breathe in the thought of him, as much as I can,
Because without him I just can't stand.
My heart aches,
And my soul waits.
I know I'll never find you,
But I hope and pray that one day I do.
Maybe in another life,
I could finally find him and be his wife.
Until then I'll wait that day forever,
Even if our paths may not cross ever.
Though I may be making a big mistake,
But that's a chance I'm willing to take.
I hope one day my heart will heal,
Because I know your heart, I may never find to steal.
And I know deep in my heart, my life will never be complete,
Until the day we finally meet.
I see nothing wrong with keeping a dream alive,
If it's the only way for me to survive.
Chérie Oct 2013
She looks like a very lonely person,
Even though she is having a good time,
But deep inside she is a very sad person,
Though she tries to hide the sadness in her.
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