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Feb 2014 · 637
A Mid-Summer Rebirth
Cheri Lynn Feb 2014
Chapter II

A wreath of passionate fire encircles a face of pure light,

A being, framed by strong shoulders and chest, with gentle hands.

Flames from within that flicker and dance

with a deep glow, spilling forth happiness from the soulful orbs

of his eyes that shine bright like the sun, in spite of the darkness of night.

Mischievous and joyful as a Midsummer Goodfellow.
And yet...
If not for the solid purpose in each step, easily he could be Oberon.

Two sides of a coin.

Fully alight, there is no stopping the energy that pours forth...

From his entire being.

All around are consumed by his love.
All around are enveloped in his luminescence.
All around are enamored by his beautiful soul.

It is enchanting to watch.

……How do I know?
Because I died…and he brought me back..
He gave me new life and now…

My heart beats in rhythm with his.

A shared heart-song.
We are one. An unbreakable embrace.
There was a time....Once..when I danced alone…

Then he found me. And now I am home.
Part 2 of 2.
Preceded by: A Winter Death by Dance.
A gift for my Valentine <3
Jan 2014 · 554
Cheri Lynn Jan 2014
I'm lost in a reverie.
A cloudy, soft lit, expanse in my mind
my favorite place to visit
when I'm missing you.

I linger on the moment I first saw you.

Your stride confident as you found me.
Your eyes alight with excitement reflecting my own.
You reminded me of some imagined friend I dreamed
long ago; who in that moment, found his way to the home he wanted most.

My feet carried me toward you of their own volition.

I fit into your arms so neatly.
My smiling  lips found respite in the crook of your neck
I held back bubbling giggles as you encircled me
and I listened, as the world shifted around us;
The end of life as we knew it.

In that moment I heard so much keener; saw so much clearer

The streets were bright and loud!
The earth whispered your name.
The way your gaze held me, like I was the only woman you'd ever seen.
Adoration flooded my senses.

"I love you." I knew in this moment, I had been ruined for all others.

No one could ever touch me the way you had.
No other eyes would ever see me the way you do.
No other face could carry the sun and stars upon it
to reflect back my wishes and dreams.

So many needs and wants we chase in life...
*....but it was only ever you.
Jan 2014 · 812
Dream Crafter
Cheri Lynn Jan 2014
Imagine your dreams as reality,
one who crafts and shapes how their life will be.
A smith with unlimited skill,
unmatched force inside,
called the strength of ones will.

You carry a charge within you,
A powder keg of potential dreams;
Don't let all these shadows dissuade you.
Light your fuse and burst life at the seams!

There's no need to rein in adventure,
not when the company's true.
Just be sure to take stock and measure,
the loyalty of those close to you.

The message that resonates deep,
that echos within each of our souls is
have courage -- live what you dream up.
No one else can achieve your heart's goals.
Jan 2014 · 497
You Have Me
Cheri Lynn Jan 2014
Shaken to the ground,
You have me.
Listen to my sound,
You have me.
Heart and soul astound,
You have me.
Lost because I'm found,
You have me.
Two souls as one, we're bound,
You have me.
Love is all around.
You have me.
*I am yours forever.
For The Sun.
Jan 2014 · 776
Two into One
Cheri Lynn Jan 2014
The sound of clothes slipping from shoulders in the quiet dark.
A muted glow bouncing enticingly off of smooth, exposed skin.
A playful giggle, a gentle lingering kiss.
The plush, warm, hypnosis of lips on lips.

A quickening heartbeat that pairs with another.
The transition of teasing touches and subtle amused sounds.
The rush of heat shared between bodies.
A catching breath in the moment.

The need that fills the senses of both.
A feeling of urgency, euphoria just out of reach.
A joining of two halves, one soul.
The moment of sheer bliss with one deep, and warm, within the other.

A new universe is gradually exposed.
The unique rhythm of two bodies, discovered.
The sweat trickles, where salted skin excites.
A love expressed by approaching ecstasy.

Life is rarely as beautiful as in these moments.
Cheri Lynn Jan 2014
Papery white dust motes hang in the air
soft, early light, beckoning you
having stolen it's way in through the cracks
of this world we have been hiding in together.

The early light, before the dawn.
That morning, the one I kept hoping would decide to stay away
just a little longer...has found us.
These are the only times I truly hate the coming sun.

When I knew it was coming to take you away
I didn't want to close my eyes
maybe, if I kept watch over you,
it would freeze time, just once.

I wished for it, but wishes did not prevail.

Now, I don't want to open these eyes.
I want to stay wrapped in this cocoon of warmth with you.
I can't bare the sting of sadness I will feel
once our small lover's cove lacks your presence.

I touch your cheek with my fingertips,
so smooth and perfect under my skin,
you lie still with your eyes closed,
but I know you are aware.

My heavy-lidded gaze watches the clock, slow and deliberate.
These feel like stolen moments, and I,
I am a greedy treasure-seeker, hording
delights of my heart for one more precious minute and wishing for more.

Again, I wished, but to no avail.

I can feel the wall cracking.
The one I had constructed through the night as I always do,
my resolve, weakening as I know
I must face your inevitable departure.

I close my eyes but a moment,
when I open them again your face is bright,
full of love for me as you try to ease my sadness,
but the physical distance between us has already begun.

I hide my tears from you as best I can,
a silly thing to do when I know you can feel them,
but my pride will not allow me to show
the full weight that sits on my chest.

"All the time in the world", you say, and I try to smile as I wish the distance away.
Jan 2014 · 650
Pink and Red
Cheri Lynn Jan 2014
A rusty sun glances over the thin black line in the distance
but it does not share it's light
not for you.
In fact, the burnt orange rays only serve to remind you of the sting that lives,
thrives inside.
The warmth is not appealing when one can't feel it.
Hands on knees, palms up.
Absolute silence between here and the rest of the world.
You have sat like this so many nights into dawns
So many days when you just could not move because your bones ached.
Your bones that seemed likely to grind into dust from the weight held within.
That awful weight that you cannot call by name,
No matter how hard you try to command it,
It slowly kills you.
Tear streaked, pensive orbs of brown,
drop from that rusty view and for the millionth time,
dully do they note the maker's marks.
As if they simply just appeared.
The culprit silently slips from your fingertips.
A young, cream-hued canvas, splashed with color.
Pink and Red.
Jan 2014 · 527
A Winter Death by Dance
Cheri Lynn Jan 2014
Chapter I

There was a time...Once...
When I danced alone.
In a silent thicket full of creeping vines and
heavy tree’d paths that hid me from sight
by drooping, mossy, branches.

It was my home.

I danced,
a lonely dance of bare feet,
toes gliding over soft blades of grass, uninterrupted.

To a song heard only by my soul, a melody sung only by my heart.

I would dance,
eyes closed,
arms outstretched before me
                               circling. spinning…spinning, circling

Calling, casting,
wishes out into the universe from my small corner of the world.

My dance.

Without warning, it took me…

Over hills and dales it took me, warm and beckoning
To mountaintops, on gossamer wings it took me,
where the wind blew through my hair and I could fly.

But then…
Down I went. Down into shadowy valleys which blinded me.

Through cold waters that seeped in
and froze my veins.
Frosted me.

My dancing slowed,
as my limbs grew cold,
the beating of my heart had all but stopped.

To my knees, I fell, rooting myself to the ground.
And there I stayed...
my lips quietly forming the echo of the slowing beat...

made by my heart
             as the struggling rhythm
                      of my dance
                                began to die…

Part one of two.
Part 2 is not yet available to read, but will be in the near future.
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Cheri Lynn Dec 2013
I have new eyes I've opened wide,
the better for me to see,
this brand new world
brought in by the tide
pushed and pulled by the strength of the sea.

Now I ponder the timing,
the why and the rhyming,
not sure when or how I deserve it.
But I seem a bit quicker,
just a candle flame flicker,
quite more careful that I should not burn it.

How exciting to know that adventure is starting
and this time I'll be well prepared!
Tie my coat,
Zip my shoes,
Put my "brave" ****** on
and brush every one of my hairs.

See! It's there, I can glimpse it
just o're that horizon
I see that a new life is starting!
Hurry up, let's not miss it
that Neverland calling
I'm all yours now - no time left for stalling.
Cheri Lynn Dec 2013
Would that I could breathe my heart onto these pages for you.
That my lips would part their blushed pink line and whisper words into the air,
a rush that dried as ink on white.

I could tell my story in all it's honest imperfection,
to lighten me,
free me,
give me hope.

Oh, that I could close my eyes and rest,
only for a moment.
And while dark feathers dared to touch my cheeks,
I could open my eyes again - for the first time - and be renewed.

And yet, here I is in my grasp.
My voice seeks out a new song to sing.
My eyes seek to find the light within myself,
and within you.

All hearts bear scars and somehow keep beating,
it's within us to give all we have
until we are spent,
our faces pressed to the ground,
then we stand again and spark the fire anew.

Would that I could be the one to light that spark in you.

That my fingers could brush yours and know in that touch -no fear-
Certain that neither will seek to bruise the other, but to uplift them.
Lighten them.
Free them.
Give them hope.

Would that I could bleed my heart onto these pages for you.
That my lips would part their blushed pink line and whisper words into the air.
A request-
that found it's way to someone who needed me too.
I could tell our story in all it's improbable charm,
and hope.
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Cheri Lynn Dec 2013
I wish I had known you when you were alive,
when your heart was still beating and your skin was flush.
I wish I had known your will to survive when your thoughts weren't in such a rush.

I wish I had met you back when we were young,
before all these trials of life...
I wish we had cried all our tears to the ground and evicted the whole of our strife.

Never, no never, did I ever think
that I'd bury a friend like you.
But clever, so clever, those poisonous barbs that split both our hearts in two.

I loved you so deeply, though you were so cold
I was fooled by the warmth of a lie.
Naked and blinded I gave you the knife
and lifted my eyes to the sky.

Now I've stumbled through darkness and stretched for a hand, wishing sometimes I could die.
While loneliness dances across my heart, suppressing my urge to cry.

I wish I had known you when you were alive,
when your heart was still beating and your skin was flush.
I wish I had known that I'd lose such a friend in a sparring that I couldn't crush.

I wish I had met you back when we were young,
before all these trials of life...
I wish we had cried all our tears to the ground and evicted the whole of our strife.

Never. No never.
Did I ever think that I'd bury a friend like you.....

But clever, so clever, those poisonous barbs that split both our hearts in two.
Dec 2013 · 480
Morning Ghost
Cheri Lynn Dec 2013
I've been lying in this twist of sheets
with feet hanging off the edge of the world.
I rub my blurry eyes.
My fingers catching in my tangled hair.
"Sit up." I tell myself.
Feel that familiar loss.
A puff of breath escapes.
Light spills in through my window, pouring onto the floor.
It beckons me to rise, but how can I?
The last vestiges of you will evaporate.

Day starts.

My head hits the pillow again,
where I imagined you to be.
These reveries fill my mind with flashes of skin, and scent.
You on me.

I roll off the edge of the world now, wondering,
how does one pull reality out of these cloudy, pensive corners?
I need to know,
because you're waiting for me far away.

It's you I need. Just you.

Tell me what I have to do to make this real.

All the colors are ****** to gray.
Time forces me to be still.
The damnable mirror reflects my face -  looking back at only me.
Without you.

I rub the chill from my limbs.
I go about the trivial parts, only half aware.
I'm always living somewhere else inside my head.
A morning ghost.
Dec 2013 · 444
Cheri Lynn Dec 2013
What happens when life stops?

Life stops. It happens.

I think of breathing out...

A long, deep, release - exhale.


I think of being free, weightless.
Worlds open up at our feet, familiar yet new to our eyes,
as we dare to pull our gaze away from what we know, and we allow ourselves to focus
on something bigger.

The sharp, direct, avenues of the life we just lived:
L-shaped and dotted with choices.
The languid, lazy O of our many years stretched out from beginning to end, coming together at the same point.
All people, places, events forming a V to the center of it all, the apex. God.
Our spirit divides itself in an E among the lifetimes, learning and learning again...going in all directions at least once.
Until we know...Love.
What it is. Really.
Only then do we know peace.
When Life...

We begin.

(This is dedicated to every person I have ever loved and lost, or will lose to death on this earth. I have not lost you, not really...and neither has any one else. We're just in the queue waiting to begin our real lives back at home with you. I love you. Keep the light on for me.)
Dec 2013 · 525
Cheri Lynn Dec 2013
Water drops slid down
on my bedroom windowpane
and I wondered if I'd ever feel something good again.
I remember just that night as if it's happening right now, obsessed with asking why, asking when, and asking how.

Feeling absolutely lonely, left me like a hollow shell,
No more cares or worries to be shared, I had no stories left to tell.
I felt like life had left me, like my rib cage split in two, and ever since that night...
I realize now...
I dreamt of you.

It's funny how life's trials can inhibit us
to see the innate good in people
or what's truly meant to be.
We all become so jaded and so strictly "Bulletproof"
that we shut out all our senses and resign to just aloof.
But the point that I'd been missing
is now shining crystal clear...
I had to face these trials just so I could meet you here.

So please say that you'll hear me when I need to call your name,
and please don't ever fear me, I promise you it's not a game.
Everyone who ever passes through has their own side to tell,
Each and every one of us has suffered our own hell.
I won't pretend to have the answers
or to know the reasons why,
but the way this path's unfolding seems commanded from the sky.

Apparently, my voice was heard.
Gods had messages to tell.
A warden to protect my heart...
They sent me Gabriel.

— The End —