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1.7k · Apr 2014
Doing Glasses
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
It's the same all the time:
You go to the table you pick up the glasses and trash
You throw away the garbage and dump out the ***** glasses
You push the glasses on the scrubber and twist them and turn them until there is no dirt
You rinse off the soap and then you put them in the scalding hot blue chemical water and stack them in twos

You start again but this time you do two at a time and you scrub
You push two on the scrubber you twist and you turn them and get all their stains off
you rinse away the cleaner and drown them in sanitizer and stack them next to glasses the same

You finally reach that last glass with cream and grime to the brim
You go to scrub this glass and push it onto the scrubber

As you scrub the water is turning milky white and brown
you keep scrubbing but it won't get clean
maybe it needs a rinse
you hurridly put it in the second bath of water but that only gets it *****
maybe if you sanitize it, it may finally be clean
you put the crusted glass in the blue water and your hands burn and bleed
you turn away to nurse your hands but there's one problem.

*the glass isn't clean
it won't be cleaned
it's broken now because I tried to fix it
1.2k · Apr 2014
I'm not innocent
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
They all look at me and believe I'm innocent
Yes, I don't do drugs or drink
Yes, I don't smoke cigarettes

I'm tired of feeling like a teachers pet
I'm tired of feeling like a goody too-shoos
I'm tired of feeling like a plain Jane

I'm not perfect
I'm not innocent
I'm not a ******

I crave him constantly
I want him more than anything
I crave being touched
I want to be kissed

I'm not the christian girl I used to be
I don't believe in "God"

I want to be perceived differently
I want to be seen for who I am
I want to be seen as an adult

I'm no child
I'm a women and a strong one at that
Just ranting
1.0k · Apr 2014
When your aunt marry's rich
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
I work
I work for every I have ever wanted
I work 6 hours after school every day
I work every weekend
I work till I have blisters on my hands and feet

My hands are dry,
calloused, but strong

I'm sore,
but stronger

I may not know sleep and luxury like you
I may not know what its like to be finacially taken care of
but I know a different luxury

I know the luxury of freedom
the freedom to make my own money
my own choices
I know I can fall back on my strength

You have to rely on daddy's money
I rely on myself and my stamina

One day when you don't have daddy's money
and you wake up to the real world

I will be sitting here with
my saving
my home
my happy life
laughing because while I was working
you were dicking around
not knowing hard work
My sister and I have a step ahead on this one. Oh cousin, I hope you learn this lesson before it's too late.
930 · Apr 2014
She is a swan
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
She has a problem with people
she struggles to speak out in public
she doesn't feel confident

but she doesn't realize how confident she is
she's confident when she dances
she's confident when she makes jokes
she's confident in her knowledge
she's confident in her writing

I want her strength
I want the strength of her words
the strength of her beauty
and the strength of her movement

I want to be like her
I want her hair
I want her skin
I want her clothes

I want her soul

I know she doesn't feel beautiful
but she's a porcelain doll
her skin is perfect and white
and her hair is one of a mermaid's

She hides under her white feathers
so others won't see her
but there are those that see her shine
the way the glint comes of her wings

When she does come out of her cave
she lights up the space around her
she soars through the air and the world stops
her beauty is beyond me and I feel I'm the only one who knows

She is a swan
Although she's known for her nickname that swims
Ellen Stewert Jun 2014
I am going to snap
break her back

I swear if she talks in that tone
I will sucker punch that ***** in the gut

She's mean without reason
she's a **** without a purpose

but I pity her
she has no personality
and a nasally voice

It shocking her 8 year relationship finally became
a marriage engagement

I hope he leaves her at the altar
719 · Jul 2014
School isn't real life
Ellen Stewert Jul 2014
School is fake
school is a trick to make us believe
make you believe that you're going to
make a difference
make a life for yourself
but you won't
you'll work 2/3 of your life
and 1/3 will be spent with your family
which is funny because family and friends
are supposed to be the only thing that matters
719 · Apr 2014
Getting Past the Past
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
Getting Past the Past
Takes the moments yet obstained
While focusing on tomorrow
Rather than clinging to empty blame
Life delivers a newness
With every breath we take
Release the anchoring memories
That bind the aching heart
Getting past the past
Requires that you start
-The connective thinker
Written by a wise man who has taught me many lessons
686 · Jun 2014
Ellen Stewert Jun 2014
she's tired
I saw here cry today
she cried on the phone over nothing

she's exhausted
her skin is pale
her face is gaunt

she's wilting
the makeup dripped down her face
tears pulling the fragments of black goop mascara down her face
667 · Jun 2014
The Joys of Work
Ellen Stewert Jun 2014
what am I doing
Am I just wasting away
day by day
I don't know what today is
I haven't slept

but it's summer
I should be great
I couldn't tell you
what I've eating or done
I can't remember
The days roll together now

And so the adult life begins and maybe
I'll pay my bills
584 · Apr 2014
The Reoccuring Flashbacks
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
I'm angry when I see you yet its been years since I loved you
I want to pretend that we were never "in love"
I want to pretend you never touched me
I want to pretend you never guilted me into doing things
I wish I could forget everything we shared
I wish you never lied to me
I wish you never saw me so vulnerable

I'm angry when I remember you sliding your hand up my thigh
I want to pretend you never kissed me
I want to pretend I never enjoyed it
I want to pretend I never wanted you
I wish these memories would fade.....
582 · May 2014
Slow Down for a minute
Ellen Stewert May 2014
Ellen you're losing yourself
you're forgetting to many things
you can't remember what someone just said to you
you lost your wallet
your mind
you lost track of it all
something is wrong

slow down Ellen
take a breath
You're tired and so am I
relax for a second

You can't focus
Even on the little things
especially the most important
he just asked you a question
why aren't you listening?
who are you anymore?

Now repeat back to me what I just said
474 · Jun 2014
Odd Day
Ellen Stewert Jun 2014
I pretended I wasn't upset
I acted happy and okay
but I was angry

we ****** and I left

I didn't understand

I don't mind casual *** with my boyfriend but he usually romances me a little before....
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
Thinking about the past with you makes me feel guilty
Why do I feel guilty thinking about things we shared
I did love you once, I think
I don't know
I can't remember
Ellen Stewert May 2014
Once you wanted me
and you wanted me to want you

I know I shouldn't care if you did
but some part of me missed being wanted by you
like you used to
I knew you wanted someone else more (we both knew)
I alway knew you were someone
I would never have
but you were always there in some way

I want to know more

or not
382 · Apr 2014
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
We are so similar and close people can mistake us for one another
but you and I are different
we are too different
we are separate but,
we are close
but however you're my best friend
you do things that I don't understand and you make me so angry
you do things that make me smile and I don't understand why
we are too "the same"
we are together
we are close're my sister: I love you
364 · Jul 2014
10 days its not big deal
Ellen Stewert Jul 2014
You're gone again.
....... I breathe in and it feels like
I have too much room in my chest
362 · Apr 2014
I'm not innocent pt 2
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
I am not the girl you wanted me to be,
but you don't even know it
I know you wanted something different

You want the girl the put on the light blue robe and let a stranger dunk her head under water.
You want the girl that cried at the alter on her knees begging god to bring her friend back
You want the girl who had perfect grades and dated the boy that you liked
You want the girl who did everything you said without question

I hate that I'm breaking you're heart, but in breaking it I'm finally free
I'm finally free

I'm free of the chains that I used to wear like ribbons in my hair
An ode to my parents. I love them.
355 · May 2014
The Bleached Black Shirt
Ellen Stewert May 2014
I knew you
you knew me
but I don't want to know the dark things
the dark things are the things that hurt
the hurt that continues are from the dark within you
within you I am here
here to support the pain you feel
you feel what I feel and I knew that pain
because we once shared that pain
that pain that has stained our hearts
our hearts are a bleached black shirt
a black shirt that you're supposed to throw away
please throw away my black shirt
because I already threw away yours
346 · Jun 2014
Where are you my love
Ellen Stewert Jun 2014
the time you're away
I feel is wasted time
time I could be smiling with you
kissing you
laughing with you
the time we're apart doesn't exist
I pretend we're never apart

but without you I ache
with loneliness
with boredom
with lust

my joints and bones rely on you,
to feel ok
to feel healed and calm
I need you so soothe the daily stress,
that sleeps in my tensed muscles

cure my aches and pains
and hold me tonight
hold me in your arms
and gently drape my hair against my pale neck
whisper those sweet nothings I like

I beg you to come home my darling
for you and I don't exist without one another
where are you my love
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
I lay here thinking about you
I'm thinking about the way you kiss me
not just my lips but my body

you take your time
to caress me with your lips
you kiss my chest
my stomach
my legs

you romance me with your eyes
and you make me fall in love with your touch

after two years you'd think I'd be bored
but every time we make loves there's something new

sometimes we make love
sometimes we ****
and sometimes it's just ***

you know your way around my body
you know what turns me on
sometimes you surprise me

I'm desperate for you
I need you
but you're always so far away
we only get to be close maybe once a week
I need you all the time

I want to lay next to you and wake up with you in the morning
you make me desperate
334 · Apr 2014
His hands
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
I turn and there you are
you're on the bed with the guitar in your lap
you gesture me over
and I lay next to you

I watch you pick each string delicately
each string moves slowly
yet you strum them quickly

you play a sweet song that ****** a smile on my face
I fall into a trance
I'm under your spell
my eyes are closed and I'm soothed

I feel your lips against mine
and those hands against me

You touch me so gently
so softly you wouldn't know the work on them
the callouses disappear
the scars fade
they feel like home

His hands know the old strings
His hands know work
and his hands know me
329 · Apr 2014
That stain
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
I get out of the shower
I start to feel beautiful again
I walk up to the mirror naked

Nothing covering me
Nothing to hide behind

It is just me in the mirror

I look and there is that horrid stain on my chest
It glares at me and mocks me
It laughs at me for thinking I'm beautiful

Once it was unmarked
It was cream and beautiful

Who knew one mark could change me
When will I be able to feel **** looking in the mirror
When will I look and be proud of my body

My ******* will never have the same lure they used to
*I will never have the same lure as I used to
just ranting, again
289 · Apr 2014
Knowing this Love
Ellen Stewert Apr 2014
You click on the keys
Even though I sit here right next to you, looking deep into you face
     I look into your skin
     The way the light is hitting your pours
     The way your eyes reflect the green trees outside, your double-paned
You entrance me with your smile
     but you will make me feel bland when you don't look my
I wonder to myself
Do you know?
DO you know that I want you're attention?
I know you enjoy just sitting together and looking at games, but I crave you're attention

.....Then you pull away from the screen
you take your hand
you brush my hair over my ear
you caress my face with both hands
you lightly kiss me
you hold me in that perfect spot in your neck
you silently pet my hair (I can hear you breathe in my smell)
......Then you whisper in my ear that you love me
and sometimes that's just all I need
276 · May 2014
The perfect painting
Ellen Stewert May 2014
Layers of blended colors
One over another
Hues of every shade
Depth beyond what you know

The soul is a painting
Abstract but beautiful
Splattered in red and maroon
with violet smeared in between

Some with contrast so strong
the soul seems to be in pieces

There is one soul
one that every color comes together
reflecting light against each figure
each figure coming forward in the right places
and some falling back

This soul is in all of us it just needs a few more washes of blue and yellow
a highlight here and there
a maybe an added shadow in the back

Souls are paintings that don't stop changing
239 · May 2014
My day off
Ellen Stewert May 2014
I woke up in bed
with the light outside
and half the night left

It's 5:30 and here I am sleeping

I am tired
what seems like all the time

Is being tired worth the money
worth the time
worth my last strength is for now
233 · May 2014
Ellen Stewert May 2014
Here I am
feelings splayed on the ground
here for you to see

You found me gutted and broken
Angry at the desperate teenage boy who left me this way
you found me and wanted the broken mess

I don't think I was ready then but I am now
I was constantly trying to make you believe I wasn't broken
but that mask soon faded

You didn't look at me with rose colored glasses
you saw me with a genuine love and an honest heart
you wanted to be mine before I wanted to be yours

It took me this long to see this as it is
you have always loved me more
until now

Until now it was uneven
but now our love is equal and stronger

I am fully yours

— The End —