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Chelsea Nov 2012
crooked vines crawl a wicked way
twisting a treacherous path for
No! Don't go!
she thought, she forgot to say
heavy with power and
stumbling dry in the rain
wanting to lie in leaves
and feel the earth soak up her pain
wanting with impatience
the chance to say his name
Chelsea Nov 2012
Crocodile tears
A crying caterpillar's fears
A monarchy tottering
on empty childhood years
What will come of this?
Who will hear the cosmos crying?
My ancient mewling star
dripping filigreed, gaseous drops
of pure, unadulterated heart-break
Chelsea Nov 2012
The hourglass stands empty
and cracked
Sand merging with tears to form
salty mud
A girl made of glass vibrates with
the violent
energy of rejection and sighing,
she implodes
Sends pieces of herself flying
To embed deep in the blinded eyes of a swiftly
moving fish
Like fire clarity sweeps through him and filled
with remorse
He turns to find her already broken
and ruined
Chelsea Nov 2012
The bellows of your breathing
beating back the baffling barrier
between bare-faced beloved beauties.
The backward bedlam of your benevolent
heart besieges the bold bandit
that bawls brazenly in my blood.
Chelsea Nov 2012
Bitter feelings, words of hate
Depression won't discriminate
Angers' fist flying
leaves the moonbeam's offspring crying
for the arms of shelter that come from depth-less love

Vision changing, rearranging
all the karmic energies of me
Freedom from the heavy sadness
letting go of all the madness
Yearning deep down for you to follow me

On this path of joy and rapture
with honest, unpretentious laughter
and contentedness.....eventually.
Chelsea Nov 2012
Push Pull
Push Pull
Your behavior is unequivocal
Begging for change in the spiritual
But you are broke
Tied down by the literal
When your only inspiration is clitoral
Life is bound to be miserable
It's karma you have provoked
Stealing hearts is criminal
Your touch has become minimal
Your stratagem subliminal
Love is so cut-throat
Chelsea Nov 2012
A bleeding heart
expires posthaste
spawning a wretched,
once radiant face
The inequitable oracle
simpers her sardonic ways
and demands, stone-hearted
the temples of my soul
be razed.
Chelsea Nov 2012
A river flows
unseen by those
perpetually blinded
in their pain
they close the
wall-eyed chakra
breaking their own
hearts, again and again
but the river ever flows
steadily abiding
the wind that blows
and dreams it into rain
Chelsea Nov 2012
It's like watching the
eerie evolution of
  some ethereal
made of the same
shimmery divine
  substance as
we thank you for
     our petty
  on this planet
     is like an
eerie evolution
Chelsea Nov 2012
Drowsy rosebuds dip their dainty
heads in perfect slumber
This vision of rapture has torn asunder
the placid image of false love
that once rode high on the waves of feeling
that, for you, are unheard of.

Butterflies wings tear through the hot,
muggy night of bitter scorn
and build fragile cocoons of faith
hoping to again change form.

Never suspecting upon emerge
fires of wickedness that wait to purge
all the sparkles from their starstruck eyes

Blinded and breathless they catapult
into still, stagnant waters of slaughtered hope
and drown on their own good intentions.
Chelsea Nov 2012
I love your smile
Shining down like the rays of the
new rising sun

The temperature rises
and kisses the face of, gently awakes
(an undisturbed and dusty seed)

Your hands make the earth quake
and I fall apart from the tremors
that shake through, causing chaos

Stillness ensues
falling over me like a quiet veil
and stealing away my pain

Your fingertips splash
against my skin causing envy
in the heart of summer's gentle rain

I am open to you
like a morning glory basking
in the first light of day

My roots won't let
me push this earth away but
beyond all that, it's you that makes me stay
Chelsea Nov 2012
I ache, ravenously hungry
for the soothing balm of our
throbbing bodies, coming together
in a shameless tango of
pure, tantric bliss

"I love you" gasped in a
beautiful staccato from your tender lips
and settled gracefully in the crook of
my flowering hips

My burning tears could never
match the inferno of your embrace;
my moonlight was helpless to
illuminate your darkened gaze

Why should we become numb
to the loss of love, when love
is all there is?

Though I don't see you anymore,
I still can taste your kiss....
Chelsea Nov 2012
Fallings out and shooting stars
ragged unseen battlescars
Your love was an illusion
unaffected by my desperate
attempts at profusion
Given to bouts of sensitivity
my tender loving could not
turn you on to me
and you grew cold to my touch
unfeeling and sold for a ****
I could have loved you hard
I guess that's just hard luck
Chelsea Nov 2012
Two fish-swimming in opposing direction
seemingly unaware of their cosmic connection
Creatures of water never scorched by the
fierce fires of life
Walls of crashing waves protect
from love and strife
Ancient soul gains another year
refusing to let mortality interfere
with archaic wanderings and
living on Earth
The sum of all time could never
equal your worth
Chelsea Nov 2012
Road is a river
a Nile of tears
our love has been tainted
by liars and fears
separated by feelings
not miles or years
you've made me a target
for your vile-filled leers
your hostility taunts me
like childhood jeers
and makes me fall, empty
like bottles for beers.
Chelsea Nov 2012
Confusion courses through the final pulses
of a once virile spirit.
The winds of change bawl their cosmic arias
that fall on the deafened flower.
Rooted in affection, oblivious to the obvious connection
between the lacking pollen and the bee.
The yin is keening softly for the feral, untamed yang
and abides in troubled limbo till that momentous age.
A seed, which once was nothing is now a ripened tree
whose beauty is so dazzling that none can ever see.
Chelsea Oct 2012
If Marie-Antoinette were a ninja
And her fashion sense able to slay
Then perhaps she'd have fought
That crowd 'twas so hot
And her head not be rolled in the hay.
Chelsea Nov 2012
Frigid winds inhabit
where warm sunshine
once glowed....

A fox decides to eat
the hen that loves him
She didn't know....

Couldn't smell the
stench of a predator
Didn't recognize it disguised as it was,

Only yearning now
to lend you substance
but you sacrifice my gift to
your libido

Invisible to your naked eye
her filth drags you to a place
I will not go

Your mouth speaks beautiful
butterflies and your actions,
hideous toads

Through streaming tears you seem far away
Though it hurts I give you
freedom is hard to let you go....
Chelsea Nov 2012
Fish flop all about
toiling the water with
their thrashing tails
and flashing fins

Sea green dark filters in
clouding abundant logical reason
And sends them following forever
the infinitely proceeding summer season

Jealous of the un-natural bond
between cat and fish
the crab cries to the moon
and clings tenaciously to her
romantic wish

Lost in loving memory of
their one and only kiss
she sends her hard shell flying
and is lost to the abyss
Chelsea Nov 2012
Stuttering, muttering, fluttering
****** woman
for being a thinker, a feeler, a knower, a croucher in the shadows
she gets ******, forever alone
a planet rotating without a sun.
Chelsea Nov 2012
I smile as my vision blurs and your cheeky grin fades into a fuzzy world of shapes and colors
where everything is as indistinguishable as my purpose in life.
I cannot tell if your expression is the same or whether my tears cause you strife
or if they are only a few of a billion lonely teardrops in the sea of wasted time that
beats on your shore of deceit and apathetic landslides.
Pretending things are okay we move and groove to the same sad tunes
and all of a sudden there are no more notes in the air
and we are face to face, naked. Nothing standing between us and the truth
So courageous to reach out; grasp it, hold it like a lover to my breast
breath coming in short gasps.  I ponder this tedious decision
look up; catch you running away, running away, running away
I stare at your beautiful back, which I so dearly love
bouncing, weaving, running
Chelsea Oct 2012
Is love as it is or as I wish it to be?
Two lovely lovers who finally reach the sea.
That which makes us "we" is what you see in me
And the cost of what we've lost is never felt
and what we have is free.
If only I could know your precious face
and you know that of me.
Chelsea Nov 2012
I miss lying beneath you
shaking, trembling
like my lips against your flesh
hot, steaming
fogging the mirror that captivates
the ugliness inside
our vanity making us less
burning passion once imprisoned
now caressed
freed by love from degradation
and distress
only your goodness saves me
thusly I confess
Chelsea Nov 2012
It's funny how you always
seem able to walk away at any moment;
always ready to take flight.
I find myself often wondering
if I'll survive without you;
survive missing you at night.
What's more, though I'm sure I love you,
you've only ever inspired forced
poetry for me to write.
Chelsea Nov 2012
And the brittle rock of your pride
will crumble
and wither
and blow away
like the Enemy in the face of God

Strong winds will lift the pieces of you
and toss
you into the world to land or
keep flying as you please

And I will rain love onto you
and plant the seed of you
and sprouts will burst forth

and their beauty
will make
Chelsea Oct 2012
Your smile is like a lovely girl, all covered in flowers
sitting in a shower of sunlight; breathtakingly, achingly beautiful.
Your heart is like a corsair from Spain, heavily laden with gold
and rent in twain; silently waiting on the floor of the sea for someone
to discover its hidden delights.
A kindred spirit with eyes that see and strength of soul with capacity
to share the light that true love brings; soaring to breathless heights
never needing, wanting wings.
Chelsea Nov 2012
Confused thoughts ebb and flow
in an unnatural tide.
Swirl me out to sea, unmistakable;
a small black dot on the horizon
drawing further from you and
your reality.
It isn't mine!
Love me into freedom,
you've already been released.
Chelsea Nov 2012
I accidentally spoke with you today
I thought you had lost the power
to make me feel this way.

Both good and bad- just high and low
confused about feelings
I don't even know. you were able to walk away
able not to stop and say
"Thank you for the effort you made" was easier to turn your cold
shoulder from me, even though
mine was the greatest love
you could ever know.

If you could do it again, what would you change?
Never-mind sugah' you can't rearrange
the pattern of hurt you have lain.

Yeah.... I'll go on living, your space a throne
lonely of all but what you've shown;
memories that fade as time slips on.

I still miss you at the end of day
and truly believe there is a way
we will meet again some momentous day.
Chelsea Nov 2012
Shards of sunlight send spasms of
sweet synergy spiraling spine-ward.
Nimbly nestling in neglected nooks
needing nourishment nightly.
Feeling fabulously free from friends
feeding off feelings of fervent frustration.
Lying in the loving lap of Lady Luck,
learning lessons lost to lust.
Chelsea Nov 2012
What am I doing wrong?
Are my "vibes not thrumming to your cosmic song"?
Or are you blinded by the fools who surround you in throng?
And making your decisions by their ignorant opinions
like you're in a sing-along
Wait a minute here....did I miss a beat?
Are you really gonna deny there is heat?
One night of passion and then you retreat
Trading me for an empty hole that's petite
Oh baby! You've reached the height of conceit!
Meanwhile, I can't stop seeing your face
Telling my heart, "This is not a race!"
Trying to accept your rejection with grace
I never thought our scenario would reach worst-case
but I ache every night for your embrace
and get nothing but bitter-sweet aftertaste.

— The End —