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ChawzzyScript Feb 2020
It's me, the two week old puppy licking your face, wagging my tail, jumping all over you; simply because you're you.
I'm the best qualities your Grandpa expounded, all of the details he shared with you that were important before he died.
I'm all of the hearts drawn on the outside of the diary you hold close to your breast for fear of losing.
I'm your **** Adonis, though I don't have dimples, and I have a four pack at best, instead of the six visible quadrants of abs.
I'm the red wine you sip and savor while you're relaxing on Sunday afternoon reading Louisa May Alcott.
I'm the ready apology waiting when I've made a mistake or inadvertently hurt your feelings.
I'm the lingering scent of POLO that wafts through your mind when we are apart from each other, and the chill on your skin as you remember my touch.
I'm the joy spread across your smile when you laugh out loud, the butterfly that lights upon your fingers and not fly away.
I'm the diamonds encrusted tennis bracelet you weren't expecting, just because.
I'm the tears rolling down your face when you are sad, and the punchline of the joke used to cheer you up.
I'm the slight stare across the room at the event because I can't stop thinking about you.
I'm every droplet of hot water that showers you, envelops you, and caresses you.
I'm the fast beating heart when we kiss, and the giddy child when we hold hands.
I'm the soul that slow dances with yours when we make love and hold each other in afterglow.
I'm the Thankful!
I'm the Blessed and Lucky one.

ChawzzyScript Sep 2019
zero, one, three, one
seven times one plus zero
ten, divide by two

ChawzzyScript Jan 2019
The Blue of her eyes and her heart;
The Red of her blush and her passion!

Even the rain longs to kiss her!

ChawzzyScript Feb 2018
It's Red! - This Day,
So filled with brain washed emotion, connection,
and stupid teddy bears;
When each day I highlight my love for you,
And not bereft of this single commercialized spotlight on my $2.99 "Kittens" Calendar
I both know and feel, how you feel about me!
As expressed last week when your, surprisingly, powerful thighs clamp my head like a vice,
Whilst shuddering from ******* release, as a result of my lingual dexterity in Downtown Doucheville, America; I do so love the beauty of this part of the Cuntry!
You gather me up into your soft breast filled embrace as the high of your clitoral adventure subsides.
I smile with a sense of prideful accomplishment, my lips,
still slick with your perfumed moisture.
A Saint fails to manufacture this, and a single Day can never encapsulate the incredible love with each moment I get the Blessed opportunity of spending with you.

Chocolates and Roses **** ***!...
                     well by the way...,
                                                         ­             I'll remind you...,

******* *** Day is Today...!!!

ChawzzyScript Sep 2017
From the cockpit of my silver R8 convertible, I was
“Not The Doctor” on call, I drove at dusk the 89A from Sedona on my way to Flagstaff.
The failing sun brushing against the red rock was so beautiful,
As "Jagged Little Pill" blared and bounced off the canyon walls echoing “Mary Jane”

The diminishing daylight gave way to the cool of the “Perfect” night,
And the stars began their delicate lattice song of arrival,
Yet incomparable to the grandeur of the full moon
That rose in my view elevated along side of me, then "Right Through Me."

Its celestial wonder, its luminous glow, its dimpled smoothness, captivating.
Quickly reminded I was driving, my car veered to the left shoulder,
Alanis declaring "Wake Up", I corrected back on the highway.
My eyes re-fixed on that wondrous stellar promontory.

This lunar object, on which many experts claim mental unrest,
Had me "Head Over Feet" as I continued to stare, then unconsciously drool.
I fancied how it would feel to be on that great orb, then recollected, and was “Forgiven” of
My childhood wish to become an astronaut.

I could see her face laughing as she looked back past her voluptuous *** protruding out the window.
From the back seat of the Range Rover, brunette, woo-hooing her young adulthood to the world.
She was beautiful, liberated, spontaneous, uninhibited, and likely inebriated; I was infatuated.
She looked into my lustful eyes; I had one hand on the wheel and one "Hand in My Pocket"

I ruined my jeans; then chastised myself, “You Oughta Know” better.

No other night since has carried with it a moon so lovely as the one I saw that evening;

Isn't it "Ironic"

ChawzzyScript Feb 2017
I awoke thirsty in the night, after your love dehydrated me.
I awoke to the letter you left next to me, and read you were leaving me;
I awoke to the notion that I knew that you would.
I awoke knowing a Victoria's Secret Super Model and a Video Game Software Applications Programmer could never be.
I awoke sadly recognizing cute, funny, and bespectacled couldn't and wouldn't sustain you.
I awoke to the expectation of going to Comicon with my friends after all.
I awoke between 25 and 26 years old, I could actually say I had had a girlfriend.
I awoke with the stored memory of nine and a half weeks, no longer a ******.
I awoke in my awareness I would once again have to Master my own Bate;
I awoke with a renewed hard-on, greeted by Palm'ira Queen of the Right Hand'ling Empire, her skin glistening with **** and expectation.
Ohh man this ******* *****!
*** with someone other than yourself is so KICK ***!!!

ChawzzyScript May 2013
Mmmmmm......Good Morning Honey.........

Delightedly awakened by your lingual dexterity
Opening your mouth to engulf its fullness
******* and slurping, hastening its juices
From escaping and running down your chin.

Its tangy nectar making your fingers slick and sticky
A tighter grip you employ when it slips within your grasp
The sound you're making is so ******, the fullness of your lips, so enticing,

I do so love it when you eat sweet peaches in the morning!

Fancy a napkin?

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