Like no other
alights upon my ears,
and musical;
trumpeted like heralding angels
whispered like cherubims,
announcing your pleasure-
and mine-
at hearing you so happy;
trickling down
like deep, clear spring waters
bubbled up from underground reserves,
filtering through the muck and mud
of everyday life-
until its sinks beneath the loamy thoughts
of the surface I present.
I am unable to ignore this wonderful presence,
nor cover myself back up,
for it has laid bare my most hopeful intentions.
what joy
like starlight
reflected on the still lake waters,
as the moon glimmers gently on the oars
and bow of the small boat on the surface,
with the entire heavens
as our companions,
you will put them all to shame;
I am envious of your carefree smile
and smooth white neck,
that glistens in the pale moonlight-
thrown back in beautiful abandon,
as rapturous as the ethereal and beautiful soul that sits beside me.
your lips part in ecstatic joy,
making this moonlit scene more complete than before,
entrancing me and drawing my gaze
to the eyes that stop my heart
for moments at a time,
filling my soul with profound contentment;
I thought your smile was gorgeous,
and your eyes and lips exquisite-
but nothing,
not even the stars tonight,
could compare to your laughter.