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Charles Sturies Dec 2019
Rock the boat by the Hues
Still I Wanna Get Next to you by Rose Royce
an instrumental hit - i can't think
of the name of it by Rohanon
Fly Robin Fly - by the Silver Convention
You're a Native New Yorker - I can't think
of who by
You're the One That I Want
by Olivia Newton John and John Travolta
If i Can't Have You by Yvonne Elaman
and more, more, more by
Andrea True Connection
Nov 2019 · 210
To my secret friend
Charles Sturies Nov 2019
You alert me to when someone is
trying to put me down and tell me what
to do.
You buck me up with a secret signal
body language wise when you can
tell I'm depressed.
you know I like to speak but
it doesn't have to be first.
You know I admire you.
Like I say I like your odor or what
I imagine your odor to be
and your clothes and your build
I've already said
finally I like to pretend
I have someone of the opposite
*** like you specifically to rely
on again.
Charles Sturies Sep 2019
Roast pork and mashed potatoes
with pork gravy on both,
biscuits and gravy,
chicken and noodles,
beef and noodles,
roast turkey and mashed potatoes
with turkey gravy on both,
BBQ chicken,
polish sausage
filling tasty
and that'll put hair
on your chest.
good grub,
sure a little fatening
but it'll make you tuff.
smother it with
and watch it disappear those bunions
I don't know
whether it's down home
but it'll stop you
from wanting to roam.
Charles Sturies Sep 2019
Santa in a rich dare red coat
the reindeer with
special decorations on them
the sleigh in a rich caramel
to contract with Santa's red
but and bags of toys in back
the sleigh over loaded with em
and the most schooled expression
in Santa's face at it
as he cracked the whip
on the reindeer
I know a little theological fantasy
this is all
there's nothing I feel
wrong with that.
Charles Sturies Sep 2019
Part African American and related to
related to Hugh Hefner
related to whatever
part Lithuanian and royal
Lithuania blood
part German
part Cherokee Indian
maybe part Polish and part English
part Mexican
part South American
maybe some middle eastern
part English maybe
and part Irish
Charles Sturies Sep 2019
by the way yeah the song "Imaginary Lover"
and the song "Secret Lovers" too
if I'm permeated with lust don't sue.
the song with the lines  "I need a lover
who won't blow my cover" comes to mind
she's gotta have a neat sign.
love hobnob
eat together over cob on the corn
it and lobster.
and make love like we're mobsters
hand in hand like go
over pupating paypal
when we flow
it just isn't low
and we know the lows
like each other minds we blow
hoho, we even love lovers glow.
Charles Sturies Sep 2019
I don't know if anyone
looks that qualified
I ko know
that rough parts of my
poetry might qualify.
and an occasional charity card
is worth saving
just in case I become famous
and go back on life for fun
and the used wrappers
let me know that latest paper back is right for ***
and the rest of the stuff
insane for men
even Ken can old daycare apartment with
and add in a pocket full of miracles
the parse water have
you fine for periodical
come in clear too
and warm
Aug 2019 · 132
Michael nichols
Charles Sturies Aug 2019
I like your what I call
Jewish good looks
it looks like if you were alive during "the revolution"
you didn't get took.
I don't think you're a Trump
fake all the NBA "studs"
also I know you're not a pup.
you look like you've lost weight
and are still attractive enough
that you're not in the take.
Your blandness (knockout 60s German
movie actress) you're not
but you're far from a snot,
let alone a mannequin
trying to make it with some
latest point captain.
I want you just a little
but as soon as I hear
you play the fiddle
I'll want you a lot.
Aug 2019 · 167
What happened to Baby Joan?
Charles Sturies Aug 2019
John Drill,
hiding atop the brill building,
afraid of being thrilled
by the cousin bill,
make out her will
and then least
down to the ground
only to discover her now found
mounds by
atop a wooden marijuana
how far out
that I didn't turn this
into some ***** minded some
about Joan getting reigned
in the scene
at a taxi cab stand
underneath the ticket ****
by tape worms.
Sicicok ****!
Charles Sturies Aug 2019
Read the great books
read the dictionary
become a jazz singer
perfect my bingo playing
learn how to play the regular drums
collect furniture sets of NBA collecting
sleep a lot
wear lord & taylor clorfars now
rather than brooks brothers
travel some more
see my favorite group Tavares Clue
in concert
think I can do all that?
I think I can and them some
I'm probably fed up with watching reruns of the Beverley Hill Billies
like it seems so many of
my what seem to me to be as true
taste wise "friends" yes when I lable
them commands also do for watching them
watch I chances are they're (who even they are)
lane you since.
Charles Sturies Aug 2019
     1.  James Brown
     2.  Michael Jackson
     3.  Terence Treat Darby
     4.  Sammy Davis Jr.
      5.  Prince
      1.  Donald O'Connor
      2.  Danny Kaye
      3.  Frank Sinatra
      4.  Don Rickles
      5.  Jonathan Winters
let's do the females
      1.  Ella Fitzgerald
      2.  Carmen McCrae
      3.  Brandy
      4.  Rihanna
      5.  Beyonc'e
       1.   Cher
       2.  Judy Garland
       3.  Sally Field
       4.  Lana Turner
       5.  Arlene Dahl
Aug 2019 · 139
Tristan Maks
Charles Sturies Aug 2019
probably Christian,
probably know the system,
and probably like
Lawrence Fishborne
not that he's ugly and that's iconic
that beautiful hair
would like whom I'm implying thought is ugly
since summary people
think like attracts like.
I don't know what i'm saying here
for you'd think
if a hippie looking chick like her
would like one if those rude dudes
with a lot of hair.
me have a cute nickname
like Pobje like to think
I'd probably about that make a stink
not that I'm what is know
in ministry circles as a stinker
I like to think I'm a thinker
but maybe I crave Tristian
I probably shouldn't
since I see myself an ugly home runt
so no one I probably should envision.
Aug 2019 · 142
To Kelly Rowland
Charles Sturies Aug 2019
To you Kelly,
bravo for your success
just as much as newly
reminding little ol me
of the finest in even newly
and teaching me him
to read a poem by Sherry
you smell so good.
your regure is exquisite
and you're probably at home
in the hood.
Your face has such grace
you as witt just wouldn't roam
and you probably know what is a kirutz.
you're such a pretty girl
I'd love to smooch with you
without haste
love, Mr. Charlie Sturies
Charles Sturies Aug 2019
My once again "girlfriend" (black chick)
makes me think of things of the lectors in
white heads philosophy
Janet Jackson makes me think of the
residence in Einstein's theory of relating
in unusually **** black
here at the hospital makes
me thinking of the hard rocks, how they compare,
and their essence
Marilyn Monroe makes me think of
the "spirit of 76" at the beginning of
the local 4th of July parade in Champaign
and the ways and where fires or
the 3 figures
Pave Prentiss I find hard to compare
to Pinifela Evan in looks although
they look alike in the face to me.
and soon!
Charles Sturies Aug 2019
Kristy McNickle beaming at me in
a picture when she was still nice.
Eva Mendes with a curled upper lip
like she knows who I am and she
wants me.
Adriana Diaz gazing at me displaying
her body wares discreetly
under a nice dress on the morning
CBS news.
Having Margaret Brennan on the
CBS evening news muttering
that she wants me back I guess
she thinks as a follower
of hers
oh heck I could go on and on
about some of my fantasies.
Charles Sturies Aug 2019
I imagine I can snow almost any female.
I'm sure I'm emphasizing enough that
I make the whole thing up about my
mindset there.
I think I need certain women more
whose looks in the face appeal
especially to me.
I think I love them especially for
various aspects of their bodies like
the thin width of their arms and legs
I imagine their scent measurements and
the way they speak to be exuded by them
just for a guy like me.
I have to fantasize but I don't want to
go around saying things like I can't get
"No Satisfaction" (a Rolling Stones song) and introducing like "The New Thing" (a Maryn Caye-Tammi Terrell song) just
to call attention to the fact like
there's much more to me than a little
boy in a candy shop of beautiful eco men
you see I'm trying to tone down my mixed
up ness but at the same time
emphasize my reactiveness.
Charles Sturies Aug 2019
if I let you know that I am well
influenced you to the enph degree what would
you do?
If I let you know how you can fall hopelessly
in life easily like me what would you do?
If I let you know I love your bluntness
with me about aspects of me what would you do?
If I let a slew of people know that
i'm impressed with their taste inspire
of them being name preppy and social
compare maybe what would they do?
If I let Donald Trump know i'm envious
of his stretching out his neck for the U.S.
what would he do?
When a medical professional might let
me know that "that's not good" about
connecting "wrong with me" and that all about
me do I still consider them as reassuring
me that they're concerned about my in basic health?
If I got "secret pills" now that I feel
there's awesome love retrieved us what
would they do?
so much for that
Aug 2019 · 164
To My Secret Friend
Charles Sturies Aug 2019
you alert me to when someone is
trying to put me down and tell me what
to do
you buck me up with a secret signal
body language wise when you can
tell i'm depressed
you know i'm relieved to see you.
you know I like to speak but
it doesn't have to be first
you know I admire you.
like I say I like your odor or what
I imagine your odor to be
and your clothes and your build
I've already said
finally I like to pretend
I have someone of the opposite
*** like you specifically to rely
in again.
if I entrust you with your
gut feeling about such and
such what would you do?
if I let you know that I apming well
influenced you to the nta degree what would
you do?
if I let you snow how you can fall shoelessly
in life easily like me what would you do?
If I let you know I love your bluntness
with me about aspects of me what would you do?
if I let a slew of people know that
i'm impressed with their taste inspire
of them being name preppy and socall
compare maybe what would they do?
if I let Donald Trump know i'm envious
of his snacking out his neck for the U.S.
what would he do?
when a medical professional might let
me know that "that's not good" about
connecting "wrong with me" and that all about
me do I still consider them as reassuring
me that they're concerned about my in
ground health?
if I got "secret pills" know that I feel
there's awesome love retrilen us what
would they do?
so much for that
Aug 2019 · 128
Measuring Up
Charles Sturies Aug 2019
I'm getting short.
I get winded easily due to my fat stomach
somehow I don't think I'm putting
best foot forward to get a girlfriend
I'd be right for
somehow I feel like I let my friends
somehow I don't think I've been as good
a Sturies as I could have been
so you see, I have my disappointments
favored do to speak and I've heard
if you don't have all your goals you set
out to achieve, you are regarded as
a failure by the expert.
If my finals involved the end results
of the above, then so be it I'm a
but I don't want to be that demanding
of myself - I like the song "That's Life"
by Frank Sinatra a lot!
Jun 2019 · 119
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
Names I've heard of certain
men associated with modern music
Jerry Wexler-had something to do
with Ketha Franklin

Bernie Taupin in David Geffen-
could berated with Elton Jon on
propuncing soke or his hits,
Nat Hentoff-jazz critic for down
beat jazz magazine
Holland Dozier, and Holland-Composers
if many Motown composer
collaborated with Harvey Fuqua and
later Johnny Bristol, I believe
B. Hobgood, a James Brown band
member who collaborated with Brown
In many unique good hits,
so much for that.
Jun 2019 · 248
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
Dream merchant
for the red man
squand, maiden,
come back from the
formica cracks
to lend a bear
like me
to where I wanna be
in the tetons
in yellows to nf,
down on Stone Mountain Creek
there's a brake
who says wrong turn,
you have much to learn.
I will go with you,
young lady
as you back him up,
sweat that your white boyfriend
won't get upset
and have a jolly good time
and not go bereft
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
working men foremen,
Cardinal Newman,
although I haven't read him yet,
nice religious people,
really hard worker,
followers of Aristotle, etc.
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
They follow Christ closely I bet,
those long haired hippies,
whom I once thought
were a bunch of decadence-
I'm learning lessons after lesson
after the change over.
due to "the revolution"
not that I don't cringe
at the whole thing
finding myself a conservative
oh well,
like I say
change for changes sake
is no good
but maybe there's a reason
behind the whole thing
Jun 2019 · 165
Juicy Names
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
Mickey Klutts,
Ike Futch,
Billy Shore,
Ed ****,
Yankee farm system prospects
years ago,
Bobby Riscof,
another Yankee prospect,
and an eastern or western
Kentucky basketball player
who was an opponent of the way
back then,
I'm just taunting of clever
names in some sports who
more my fan on them just because
of their clever names.

some people I find to be

*** symbols who knowing
about me from say,
my poetry, you'd find
that I do

Janet Jackson
Steven Seagall
Liam Neeson,
Billy Martin,
Edward Everett Horton,
Donald Trump,
Shawn Robinson,
and finally William Demarest.
Jun 2019 · 132
Kisses Et. Al.
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
abrupt smacks in the laps,
trying to walk alike,
she goes tippy toey,
I've been told I walk like John Wayne,
me wanting to wriggle her elbow,
her wanting to fake stepping in my foot
a wink,
a sigh,
a licking of the hops,
a walk a little along with
each other,
true love-how sweet!
Jun 2019 · 192
Wandering Around the Town
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
Down the Street,
to the left of the Burger King,
to the right of the McDonald's,
above the Wendy's
just beyond the Culver's,
lies a body
of water,
a lake,
there to try to take
on the way to Boston
beyond Providence,
from Philadelphia and New York.
that's the East Coast-confusing?
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
Roast Pork and mashed potatoes
with pork gravy on both,
biscuits and gravy,
chicken and noodles,
beef and noodles,
roast turkey and mashed potatoes
with turkey gravy on both,
BBQ chicken,
polish sausage
filling tasty
and that'll put hair
on your chest.
good grub,
sure a little fattening
but it'll make you tuff.
smother it with
and watch disappear those bunions
I don't know
whether it's down home
but I'll stop you
from wanting to roam.
Jun 2019 · 147
Classic Baseball Moments
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
Tinkers to Eurs to change-the
ol Chicago Cubs double play trio,
the triple play in rowing
Bill Wanbengiss,
Babe Ruth calling his hometown shot
in Wrigley Field
Frankie Frisch, Pepper Martin,
and Pucky Medwick and the old "St, Louis
Marvey Wills and Lou Brock stealing
Roger Maris hitting his sixth-first
home run to the great field in sean lanker
stadium caught by a young Italian
fellow by the name of Armen De
Lou Gearing when he said "I
consider myself the luckiest
man in the face of the earth."
Jackie Robinson's debut,
Willie May's sensational back
to the plate catch in a world series
Don Larson's preferred game in a
World Series
the OK moment I come to mind
bit I'm sure we base back fans
could be reminded of many more.
Jun 2019 · 132
I Get Redundant
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
Redundancy abounds
there's shouts about a mound,
and what it's like
down here on the ground
and having kids
in upward bound,
not here.
not there
but in my mind
when I'm looking for a sign
of the times.
Jun 2019 · 197
The Latest Rez
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
Rexon the Rez,
see there's a rendezvous
with tex
so rex and tex
can be
in the rez
Where is that rez?
tex asks
it's where thefeos are.
not Marilyn Monroe!
Jun 2019 · 137
Me and My Weight
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
I gain all of a sudden,
2-3-4 pounds.
It makes me sgudder.
I hate the feeling of being bloated
that companies the weight gain
the dieticians wants me at 195.
I feel so frustrated: like owning
an Archaic De Soto
I feel next I'll pull up lamf
but 20 pounds differential-
I'm relieved it's just that
and in spite of shrinking in height
I don't consider myself fat.
Somehow I feel I'll get some
treatment that's preferential-
for not getting carried away booloo
Jun 2019 · 125
Me and Song Writing
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
Sometimes tunes come to me.
It fills me with glee
I don't know how to write
the noter
I just teach myself to sing them by rote
song titles
lines from songs
swim around in my head
leading me to go to the music urut
of mine
to see if I'll come kup
with an original idea
not something I just bet
would ring a bell
if my quote and title
was be thut.
Jun 2019 · 150
Angel Ice, Die For the Nice
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
We'll hear about this
With the power of the fist
Some of the HIC Troubadours
white, carry the concept
of right on
too far.
Make it to Wade
Through a bunch of crap
and try to act like a card
not a bard.
If some of the simps
Vietnam vets
would stop acting out,
I wouldn't feel like
I was along with myself
another boxing bout.
Let there be light
LBJ practically said-
it turned out he was right
about the left
as in a cert
they were too restrained about
bombing Handi and
halphone harbors
don't be hesitant
about arbors.
Jun 2019 · 99
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
To one of my new "my girls"
love entanglement- not to the old-
I'm just putting you on hold

Our legs get tangles
we try to pretend we're tough
and up to *****
motioning maybe
wanting to for their motion,
irregardless of whose conching
at the latest railroad crossing
but we're just tossing
and turning in our sleep,
wanting to be more yearning.
Jun 2019 · 138
Language and Me
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
I love English
It's so complex.
I love French
It's so much fun.
I love classical Greek
It's so beautiful
I love Latin
Since each word
seems to make a statement.
Yeah, Spanish al little,
German somewhat,
Arabic it's so
Jun 2019 · 109
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
It's in dress a lot these days,
Llsoin hair
also in the taste in music
I wish I could be
creative in stuff like that.
I'd feel like I belong
there's still a little time
for me though.
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
Send me your breaths
and I'll show you your bent
relieve yourself
whenever you can, of course
but point out the real names
if your enemies
and your new interests
and I'll show you
and unopened can
of beans to eat
when your desperately poor,
hungry, and in the street.
Show me your words,
your temperament,
and I'll show you, maybe
a derelict or
two that's or that are
as good as you.
Jun 2019 · 145
Out For The Ten Count
Charles Sturies Jun 2019
I count the suns
I blew a fuse
Call me if you will a tweenk
No, I'm a bore
Five, What is jive?
Six, I think I need a fix
I guess I'll get the muslim heaven
I just want a taste
I bet I go blind
I like to think I'm hep as in sen-sen
there I counted to ten,
with justification
now I'll lose my temper without
Charles Sturies Nov 2018
1) Identity crimes that get to the core
Of the soul if the person credited with mind and body "*******"
doing most of the damage.
2) Violent *** crimes
3) Character assassination
4) slander
5) petty theft
6) some mental patients acting out
And disturbing the peace
7) premeditated ******
8) forcing conscientious objectors
to fight
Had enough?
I bet I sound sorta self righteous?
Charles Sturies Nov 2018
I imagine Kathryn Mcphee as a crocheter.
I imagine Kyra Sedgwick as cooking
Divine tuna noodle casserole.
I imagine Liz Taylor as being a good
I imagine Brandy as an expert in  making
Chocolate layer cake
I imagine Tina Turner as a collecter
of rare beer bottles.
Oct 2018 · 147
My Lucille
Charles Sturies Oct 2018
My Lucille,
Shanana you don't.
My Lucille,
Down on the street of Bealie,
Shanana you don't.
Please conceal
What is real
From me
And I'll talk to you over lunch
My Lucille,
Shanana you don't.
Oct 2018 · 162
Nothing Much
Charles Sturies Oct 2018
Oct 2018 · 156
Charles Sturies Oct 2018
Modern day talent
Slips through the drainer
Like sand and water
to make a blend
Of your youth , dignity,
And the unknown star quality
As I see it,
Or in other words there is plenty
Of takeout in just the right places
But you got to know
How to discounter it
And whom has it
And maybe for what reason.
Maybe I'm imagining the above
And a very few are talented
But I don't think so.
Oct 2018 · 233
Lady in Glee
Charles Sturies Oct 2018
Designs like the cubists do
Or the calculus involved in Andy Warhol's
Campbell's tomato soup can
You my new imaginary lover, Cady C
can slip down the ladder of one art
Work to another
Letting your nice skirt
And nice feminine deodorant
Smell in the cool breezes of summer
Glancing at your female
Wristwatch , blowing me a cart
Of kisses beside the hallucination
Of Judy Garland as Dorothy in the
Wizard of Oz movies on a tree swing
And land with dark legs
On the planet earth.
They're see later men
*** Calleome curly.
Oct 2018 · 214
Morning side My Dear
Charles Sturies Oct 2018
Morning side heights was never like this
To say good morning in the afternoon like
Odd ***** doesn't become me as I greet
You on the morning-side,
The flip side
So you can smell the flowers in the
Early morning dew.
Open your eyes to get a style out
And smell, the morning coffee brewing-
Be you old-time movie starlets in
Randolph Scott movies like Mala Powers
And Dorothy Malone or my favorite love
Drip on a love trip flipping for you
Cady K one or two.
It'd be so cool
If we were in the old west parts that
Were peaceful.
Oct 2018 · 176
Charles Sturies Oct 2018
In my coloring book by Vicki Carr-
Murry the K was probably behind.
Dance with Me by Orleans- partners in crime.
You're still the One,also by Orleans-I'm
Glad some of them still got some gumption.
You Make Lovin' Fun by Fleetwood Mac-
No I'm not going to make some crack.
Maggie May by Rod Stewart, on say.
Charles Sturies Oct 2018
The way you form your lips to kiss.
The way you move your lips to eat.
The way you lick your lips in anticipation.
Of giving me a lover's peck on the cheek.
The way your lips pout when you're pouting
At something I've done.
The way your lips part when you
Maybe take a drag on a cigarette
Although I've never seen you smoke.
The thin slices of pizza it looks like
You're slipping into your mouth
When you speak.
You're proud of your kisses,I need them,
And they do a number of things to me.
Charles Sturies Oct 2018
Winnie, I'll take you over Albert Finney.
You remind me of the city.
Kendall,your legs are nice.
They add just the right spice.
Tishtish, you don't even go tisk tisk
On your way to sheshe
Who doesn't go heehee
At all.
On a necessary ball.
Ramona, I know I'm not your Joe Bolona
And you can tell you don't have to use
The tona.
Georgia, I bet you remember Portia. Faces. Life
You're that right.
On and on.
Yeah my latest cluster.
Charles Sturies Oct 2018
The latest non-filter cigarette,
The latest huggable chick,
The latest large chocolate chip malt at
The latest fried chicken dinners,
The latest fashioned reasonably priced pair of jeans,
Picking out a nice top for them,
The latest rock group in my opinion,
A couple of chic , near as I can tell, Jazz CD's,
A good little paperback western,
The latest article on Illinois football or
Basketball recruiting,
News of the latest Yankee transaction
That seems key,
The latest sundae, in my opinion ,at Dairy Queen,
With whipped cream -it's either caramel or
**** magazines that I like to subscribe to,
I'm sure there are others...
Charles Sturies Oct 2018
He took his time.
The hose he held just like cradling a dime
In the sunshine.
He was all mind
And I didn't think of him that
Holding the hose
Had ****** connotations
Even though he was one hung dude.
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