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630 · Jul 2015
Stated For The Obvious
Concerns held as laden
Toxic contagion
Leveled with a thetan
Embodied by satan

Cast its presence in philanthropic light
Take up the cause of an international plight

Meaning held to juxtapose
The congregation of those
Holding up their nose
For a lie they chose

Join a syndicate of shell game dealers
Collecting charitable gains

Join the big game wheelers
Motivated by social pains

Bleed the weak to feed the meek
And go to bed on a good night's sleep.
624 · Nov 2014
Swim Good
The sky split, cracked open through sheer force. A spectre’s mind is hailed away to a foreign shore, nestled amongst unsolidified generalities, binding it to the aftermath of time’s relevance. Hope came in a voided sun, imploding in the sky over Bethlehem, and through its transparency, a vision of the end was brought forth to this unjust land, where filth rules supremacy, and dominion is granted for a grandfather’s pittance. It displayed the market value of a soul through a diminished stance, collapsing on the shore as violent waves crash and beat the resonant senses held within.

Contemporaries held in fear, chucked and pushed down back alleys, ending up under the pier, vandalizing a vanquished peer, awkward glances insuring no one is near. Washed away with the evening tide, passed up to the coast after a lifeless ride. Broken down, drifting with the stream, token now, drifting with the dream.
Naturalized and neutered before a board of advisors, composed of highly unsanitary elders, pieces of flawn stuck to the chin, picked up while eating from another’s bin. Dictated and deemed to seem all right, recreations shown on daily late night, refracted and turned into a joke, remuneration held as big brother had spoke. Patience restored as order forms in line, hastened into place by fluorinated wine, individuals return to their lives, and negligently pass over recent lies.
The bowels of Hell descended
Pink sock rolled out distended
Dropped Bono off after the lapse
Wheezing out remnants of latent gas

That **** had its own movement
One making a dismal improvement
Let loose a hellish ****
A cavernous ****** housing a catcher’s mitt

The runny bile formed in place
Birthing music’s great disgrace
Mrs. Miley popped her molly
And passed out watching Wall-E

Woke up in a mound of stool
There in place stood a tool
Aligned talent with ******* pagans
Pounding drums, the lead singer of Imagine Dragons
611 · Nov 2014
Rat In The Shed
The struggle’s made vivid
Played out in a telecast
The boundaries made rigid
Erecting a minted sociopath

Swallowing sick lies at the mercy of a pint
Regurgitating references made to incite

The warden lost hold
When privatization was sold
The winter ran cold
Captives grew bold

Scratching out eyes for dead presidents
Smoldered in flame
Lost in the mire of false precedents
Monopolizing the game

Hectic self-imposed calamity drawing heavy on the soul
Elitist mentality rips you away from the bowl

Recently paroled
Breathing in the mold
Knocking pawnshops for gold
Adjustments held…cost of being old
609 · Apr 2015
Left Hand Bound
Count the pauses… count the ums.
Bankrupt sit county sums.

Budget, a fixture, no more than a talking point
Biased ramblers to appoint

Unintelligible doctrine to spout
Fear mongering to tout

Advertisements pair worth to a nine-year absence
And speak of self-mirroring balance

Public workers left without voice
And an inability to promote their choice

A fountainhead meaning proved invalid
Still chattered on about for the sake of the ballot

A demonic man with cat on lap
Spewing forth a **** load of crap

Chosen stance, in promotion of defense
Bankrupting the nation in a swindlers fence

Bound in decision to a blurred spectrum
Loyally stuck brown-nosing a corrupted ******.
609 · Sep 2014
Long Delay
Is this the time I'm supposed to be rude?
Offer up some comment, intentionally lewd.
Make her feel like a common ****.
One who takes three ***** in the ****.
Grab her wrists as a substitute for hair.
Passover the idea of a longing stare.
Acting forcefully for the sake of pride.
Insert fingers with a quick little slide.
Watch her squirm in conflicted delight.
As she gazes with a hazel reflected spite.
...Nope, doesn't sound like my idea of simplicity.
Suppose I'll hold onto this downtrodden virginity.
601 · Oct 2014
Commando In The White House
Billy wore his shirt too long.
And was told by most that the thing smelt wrong.
Years went by without a clue,
For the facts that others knew.
One day, while dropping the Huxtables off at the pool.
The boy realized the back of his shirt was covered in stool.
Turns out the fabric kept getting entangled.
Leaving the shirt toxically mangled.
He’d gotten caught up in the t.p.
Leaving streaks for all to see.
Billy wore his shirt too long.
Leaving poo smears from wiping wrong.
592 · Aug 2013
So they say that you can walk on water
But, what's the point when it starts getting hotter?
You can't cool yourself by plunging in too deep
Instead you'd find yourself hanging by the skin of your feet.
A man of Mensa fell from grace,
Along with the world's population bound for space.
The ship was constructed from metal of a new source.
The inventor for which was known to be hoarse.

Warnings had been shared.
Reserves were being prepared.
Rumours ran amuck.
Confidence became unstuck.

A limitless arc of man's own invention.
Its potential impacts go without mention.
A crew selected.
No aspect neglected.

Few men chose to stay behind.
To the Christian faith they were all aligned.
Fearful of the concept of a new life,
One void of the perils held within religious strife.

The day man left earth,
Christians chose to stay in the waters of their baptismal birth.
They stared in awe as the shuttle soared,
The throttle for which was completely floored.

The man at the helm possessed an incredible mind.
A duplicate the centuries have made hard to find.
Cogs in the ship became incorrectly tangled,
And soon the thrusters were completely mangled.

The ship plummeted towards the ground
Screams of agony the only audible sound
The whole thing crashed and burned.
All were dead, no lesson to be learned.

The world was left without reason.
A word against Christ deemed to be high treason.
Now, these void of thought own the land
Sacrificial place holders for those who took a truly righteous stand.
There in the road lay a free-minded crustacean.
Turned out to be no more than a wayward piece of insulation.


“Please allow me to introduce myself; I’m a man of wealth and taste”
Turned out to be no more than a man cleaning up basic waste


Good morning fool…
I said to myself.
Reaching for the uniform on the bottom shelf.
Spent a few minutes putting it on,
Insuring the curtains weren’t fully drawn.
Stood a minute posing before the glass…
A man bellow presented himself as a colossal ***
So I dropped a loogie just over the edge
Poor aim left it hanging from my window’s ledge
                            ­  .
                             ­ .

The streets were swarmed with the innocently vain,
Looking for regal alleyways to make a social gain.
Marching through the “Slickers” campus,
Watching the bobbing of books holding tidbits on the hippocampus.
A new year comes.
The freshman student runs.
Princeton ushers in a new breed;
Teaching that blue is the only blood to bleed.

                                                         ­   .

­As I stumble towards the school,
Can’t help but feel I’ve been made to feel the fool.
Snickers jab at my waning pride.
Preppy children always seem so snide.
Overhear a remark mocking my attire,
Said by an ascot wearing boy filled with mire.
Left the path for ivy coated building.
An hour later, the day’s dwindling.

                                                     ­                                 .
                              ­                                                        .
       ­                                                                 ­              .

A teacher stands at the front of a classroom.
A man at the back sweeps with his broom.
The professor,
Proceeds with his lecture.
Spreading misconceptions on malformed events.
The man at the back cleans the covers on the vents.
There, a question is put toward the crowd.
The janitor in the back answers aloud.

                         ­     .

I shouldn’t have opened my ******* mouth!
Who cares if bigotry’s still relevant in the south?
People glare in mocking jest.
Blankness sits on the faces of the rest.
I’m only here to pick up the trash,
A job I use to make some extra cash.
They all have money for a proper education.
There’s no time for me, and my financial situation.

581 · May 2015
Outright Fiction
Her lipstick blossomed against this, particular, shade of white.
It dimmed, as the filter thickened with a yellow stain.
Halfway down the bridge, held the implements saving her sight.
Lost in a back alley while feeling contrite
Privileged enough, still avoiding a handouts gain
Easy enough, held at her beauty’s height.
Unresolved, and drenched in self-imposed pain.
T-shirt’s ripped and garnished in disdain

Caught up with mystics and the art of transference.
Eye line clotted in an ever-thickening paste of black.
Standing upright on borrowed self-assurance
Using a bodyguard as a cocktail for hollow insurance.
Always a rotational position, pulled from the stack.
No more than a figure head to represent deterrence.
Tripped on a bed-rock buried in the track.
Wound up addicted her first time on crack.
April Seventh, 1928

Through the fence, between the curling flower spaces, I could see them hitting.
Luster searched the rough, amongst the grass, doing his own bidding.
"Here Caddie," a man shouted before he hit.
Images came back and I entered a fit.
Weeping and wailing I stood, a 33 year old male.
Soon to be reminded of being hooked on a nail.

My sister Caddy treated me well, though mother won't agree.
She thinks I'm pampered by the girl sneaking down a nearby tree.
Caddy ruined the family name.
Or so mother says, but I don't think she's to blame.
The girl lost her scent.
The Compson name is on the descent.
Caddy held me. She smelled like trees.
And not the kind that make one sneeze.

Maury was supposed to be my title.
My uncle's indiscretions made its worth idle.
So i was given something new to be called.
As Uncle Maury's and Mrs. Patterson's relationship stalled.

Miss Quentin picked up after her mother.
Looking absentmindedly for a wayward lover.
She sat next to a man with a red ascot on a swing after supper.
Luster wandered up and picked up something rubber.


I have no sense of how things occur.
My illness makes things easy to obscure.
The ticking of a broken watch beats on.
I, for ignoring such nonsense, have been deemed wrong.
Colliding events of different times.
Blurring together dateless lines.
577 · Dec 2015
Small Town Bias
Diseases lapped up from a rotted spoon, consumed to drown as costs balloon.

Parasitic conscription,
Amortized affliction.

Resource held ownership of any and all depiction.
Please hold for an obligatory moment of silence, mute in its act, wordless in its perpetration.
Place artificial flowers on outer lapels, held in place with no concentration.

Feudal rivalries resurrected for resources and land…to be ripped from the native source’s hand.

Pitiful glances at battle worn soldiers, still praising ideology projecting them as a supported saviour.
Unregretful acts lead one to question their behaviour.

Service dogs doled out in bulk, preventing an army of PTS Banners from turning Hulk.

These discretionary acts of ill will mutilate the concept of freedom, and men who fought to uphold its worth.
These incendiary pacts on parliament hill, fumigating for roaches of aspersion, are bastardizing a new world’s birth.

Carriers’ return home, housing the long departed, not to be thanked, not to be appreciated, but to be ******, for unholy, sanctified acts.
Permitted parade zone, rousing the socially guarded, to be spanked, depreciated, and deemed unworthy to stand, before coyly rectified rats
Played some scratchers for the better part of his life.
One hundred in
Got ****** up on the UV ink

Hope drawn from the next in line
One hundred and one
Connection voided with a tare

Shackled to the shilling
Required for one hundred and two
Binds himself to an unsightly wealth

Allowance gifted in bi-weekly installments
And out comes one hundred and two
Wins the jackpot with pigment under nail

His keeper takes to court.
Seizing one hundred and two
She departs for paradise

Left with a modest sum
He’s up to three hundred and eight
He’s losing it now

Support called in by all the renounced
Stalemated at three hundred and eight
His credits no longer valid with any lottery clerks
Body bagged sleep disorder
Picked up in a house out west
Lived out through a tape recorder
Moving on at the owner’s request

Dream deprived in a timely pit
Progeny separated at the request of the kids
Knife turned friend in the heat of a fit
Rectification sold to the first one who bids

Delusions through insomnia of potential bliss
Fractured into reality on a nightly affair
Putting too much worth behind more than a kiss
Cleaned up afterglow with a bit of Nair
557 · Sep 2014
A Fluid Arrangement
They ****** incessantly in bathroom stalls.
Reeking heavily of forgotten Paul Mauls.
One day they both caught *****.
From one of the porcelain slabs.
Or so both believed.
Making them relieved.
Since there was no extracurricular fun.
Committed on either one.
Problem was, they both were wrong.
Each had been a ******* for far too long.
557 · Jun 2015
Not The Face
Two by two, to Timbuktu, watching the preamble to his vegetative state
Rope-a-dope, a cautious *****, setting to fire from the gate

Flame surged, feet merged…swept up in a seamless blur
Awareness urged, the white flag’s purged…hallmark in corner paid slur.

Back fed, delusions said, motivation slow to percolate
Quick feed, slow bleed, letting the skin marinate

Light stab, swift jab, birthed through motion
Re-run, high spun, bringing about commotion

Objectivized meat, rinse-repeat, turn a hook to roll the page
Ref stalls, opponent falls, strobe lights flood the stage

Roll to ten, count and spend, nothing goes unchanged
Two to one, sign and done, it’s all prearranged
"Here was a new generation, shouting the old cries, learning the old creeds, through a revery of long days and nights; destined finally to go out into that ***** gray turmoil to follow love and pride, a new generation dedicated  more than the last to the fear of poverty and the worship of success; grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken..."

"I know myself," he cried, "but that is all."
555 · Apr 2016
Separate Beds
Forced to comfort by the notion of division.
Patronizing the sanctity of a poor decision.
555 · May 2015
A Colourful Spectrum
Born to a blank wall
Full of purpose and all

Undecided is the place to be
Inconsequential as thoughts tend to flee

It gets political now
One mind, set to wow

Enthralled in the scenery
Personality the unknown replica of thievery

Understanding semi-formed
Understanding still uninformed

Take back up again with the best of intentions
Becoming wary of overlapping dimensions

Obligation takes precedent
Action becomes evident

Money makes the soul grow weary
Inclinations become contrary

In the darkness alignments cease to matter
Just a stray woven thread held by a tatter
Blood On The Tracks**

It spoke in rhythmic transgressions, lifted from the dotted line. It held. It fell.

Polka dots made up of tiny horizontal lines, intersecting with vertical peers.

Overindulging on the semblance of fact, just to seem like they’d grown up a bit.

Self-engrossing indoctrinations to be preached out and blown over…for the rabble it was.

“When something’s not right, it’s wrong.”

Wide-eyed on sleep craved incognizance. It had all gone on too long.

They tried to force their hand, critiquing structure through the veil of a cabaret roused in the liveliest of their rooms.

Stormy shores swept to sea lit calm as the doorframe shook.

Set for a strut, intent on curbing this freshly acquired sensationalism.

Gravity logs its presence through rain dropped conviction…a steam engine sounds off in the distance...finality.
549 · Sep 2014
Slow Learning
Lost in the dim light of your thoughts
A man trips
The glow slowly rots
Clarity slips

A black tar drips from the roof
The man's emotions run aloof.
Periodically it erodes.
In a hailstorm of biblical toads.

Trapped in a point of stasis
The man falls
Up against a wall he braces
The dim light calls

He hears the panic in a billion voices
Distinguishing each of their choices
Runs towards the noise
And blindly acknowledges the form with a sense of poise.
Side worn glances draw the skin pale. Half dressed inferences hooked on a nail.
Spiteful nostalgia picked from the nose, of Tom Waits while holding a rose.
Serpentary train of thought, inevitably back to the same spot.

Revert to responsibilities of old, and return to reveries told.

Spectrums of light tumble blindly, refracting in through open panes,
     Opaque shadows cast from blind spots left by stains.

Trying to be poetic for poetry’s sake, resolute in resolve, discovered as a fake.
The lexicon’s been tossed aside, for depressive angst most should hide.
Tachyons convolute the art, allowing the removal of heart.

Starry skies stripped of worth, sanitized sacrilege straight from birth.

Tentative steps, pushing the precursor forward as the floe begins to melt,
   Nudge the idol in, and return to shore without talent, but svelte.
546 · Feb 2015
No Tread Trending
Waking up to a sale on shoe strings,
Screams of panic as they reach for things
Approach the riot on bare feet
Callouses left over from the street.

Bartering the price up to a surplus
Purchasing things with no purpose

Trampled are the slow
Bodies lay crumpled well bellow
Stomped to a fine dust
****** fluids leave way to rust

Stripes of nylon cover flesh
Color on skin seems so fresh

Inhaling fumes straight from the pipe
Second Hand dealings seized through hype
Misconceptions bound to implode
Laces stripped and worn loose on the road
546 · Oct 2016
No Harmony To This Duet
The mistake isn’t in pain, but its regret.
Armed with distortive apprehension
And speech too scrambled for mention
The bard chews on hollowed tune
Ushered forth in a broken croon.
538 · Apr 2014
Impunity's a Female Dog
******* sheets of copper,
          Something so improper.
        Balanced on a pillaged scheme,
Straight from a crooked stream.
          The tenderness of mass,
                 A fondled higher class
      Breakfast's gone cold
             Poor champion's been sold.
To a home of swindled means,
   For the sake of argument, let's call them the Greens.
They were prestigious in a worldly right
      The cause of most any blight
To some, they were a cursed name,
      Nonetheless, they had quite a bit of fame.
Mr.Green owned a large stable
     His prized beast a creature named Mabel.
She came shipped in a crate,
                           No mere act of fate.
Mr. Green broke her in that very night,
     Regardless of marital right.
Bruised and broken from that day on.
      Mabel remained the victim of a vast wrong.
In time, all with wealth had a ride
    Wretchedly ripping the poor girls hide.
   Soon she caught a common plague
And passed it on to every stag.
            One day Mrs. Green was heard ******* copper
    And explained to her husband why that was so improper.
                              So the man set fire to his stable
      Murdering poor old Mabel.
It was mostly over that very night
    Then cleaned up fully by a sheriff in the daylight.
530 · Nov 2014
Wish-List Gala
Appetizing morsels of snack food leftovers, jammed down the throats of the gathering’s well-meaning occupants, trapped in place, paralyzed by purchasing power, co-mingling amongst a gossamer of plague ridden staff, exercising their right to a paltry sum, at the cost of worldly dignity.

Tupperware auctioned off at a silent word, while women with crow’s feet crevices compile layers of expensive, foundry concealer, birthing a new, more melancholic Pagliacci, only to be outdone by the next in line.

Sound equipment, purchased over market value, placed on the showroom floor, mechanically regurgitating a playlist of old hits as broken hips slaughter the concept of rhythm and cadence, dancing for their youth, embarrassed by their age.

Late husband’s life insurance, blown on a new make-up line tested on Lassie, bought for the sake of a cost-free gift, which would have the woman’s palm eaten out by a monetarily starved charlatan, rented out on an hourly basis.

Sprayed odors, mixing and merging as they meet on the undersides of veiny wrists, fumigating the stale air, weakening the legs of the participants, dropping them to the floor as sequenced lights illuminate in time with an ancient billboard tune.

Eight o’clock bedtime, difficult to impose, when giddy patrons stay drunk on the bliss of over-spending, knocking off to a land of nod in unmonitored broom closets, clutching at their purchases with the vigor of a lowly man in pursuit of his bottle.

The night slows, crawling in turn with a dead clock as it ticks in place, stalemated, flinching, but not forward, only in place.

Lights leave the room, and silence ensues, the visitors leave, weighted down to a lifeless crawl by their numerous, unnecessary purchases in overfilled, non-recyclable shopping bags.
527 · Apr 2012
Drowning in the sorrows of everyday life,
due to a fight at home with a rotund wife.
Things are never as bad as they seem,
...Well actually that depends on how much you let them mean.

But still with mildly corrected vision,
and possibly an unplugged ear to listen.
Things can sort themselves out,
before you go finding a noose to hear you pout.

I swear the chord offers little bounce,
as your life will be quick to trounce.
You'll be left to dangle in pain.
As you realize it was for no gain.
526 · Nov 2014
A Collection Of Nonsense
Caught myself in a cart wheeled stance, gazing fondly at a soiled sky
A homeless man calmly rants, preaching to every passerby

Follicles dry up, flaking off bits of skin
Wayward into a cup, stuck in teeth, accompanying the grin

Inferences read by a measly pauper, picked up after a quick popper
The fuel fed, deemed improper, drained from the canyon by a local proctor

Repeated references to a world of old
Stored on dust filled shelves until sold

Spoke too much fancy for one to understand, blindly making it hard to comprehend
Lack of knowledge for the reprimand, timely practices seem to suspend

Going to try and be still, maybe close my eyes
Sleep on the lull of a hill, quick to rise

Told of Grimm lit tales of horror and abuse, held in spectrums casting light
Reordered for disorderly misuse, clouded by traces of spite

The jabberwocky speaks before the crowd, shrouded in the misconception of a dreamed up word. Hastened into speaking loud, the message soon becomes absurd

Words are falling out in a cyclical lexicon, adjusting themes to fit complacent lives
Illiterate Satanists sit in their hexagon, purging everything that thrives

A final thought implies just that, I have more faith in this thieving rat
522 · Jan 2015
For Those Of Tomorrow
*****-eyed toddlers, sipping soda from Molly’s Hatchet
Dr. Roberts dolling out prescriptions using Pauli’s racket
Intergalactic minds racing down the halls
Juggling cruelty with a ******’s *****

Samson held in an awkward dream
Likeness paid for using Steam

Burdens left on a turned-over sill.
Polyester found in the sweat poured from a still
Flimsy breezes gust in through openings in the flume
Driving backwards into the arms of a woeful doom
Puffing at anxiety filtered liability.
Suffering from plausible deniability.
The sickness comes in slowed,
But acknowledges a debt still owed.

Places to go, people to see,
Problems to know, expectations to be…
It all seems unnerving in its unraveled state,
The meaningless nature of this loaded plate…

Idolizi­ng the thought of idolization...
Do lofty failings offer any dispensation?
518 · Sep 2015
Weight wears buxom, on concrete skin.
Held in check, but worn too thin.
Just a pose, to juxtapose
This pirouette on pointed toes
515 · Nov 2014
She Belongs To Me
"You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees
You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she" needs

Ole Hollis Brown, "picked poor robin clean"
Oh Hollis Brown, wicked door robbing seen
"I’m a hustling ****, that’s just what I am"
I’m a wayward boon, acting on a righteous plan

"Hollis Brown, he lived on the outside of town
With his wife and five children and his cabin broken down"

"There’s seven breezes-a-blowin"
All around the cabin door
There’s seven breezes-a- blowin"
Knocking down the cabin door

His wife was a wonder, "she’s nobody’s child
The law can’t touch her at all."
Life went asunder, the marriage went wild,
The law can’t touch her at all

The gypsy’s hide, directed on order
"With god on their side", waiting at the property border
A sign signals advance
Wife departing after a nod and glance

There sat Hollis Brown, in his cabin on the outside of town,
Without his wife, holding his five children, in a cabin burning down

"She’s got everything she need’s, she’s an artist, she don’t look back
She can take the dark out of the nighttime and paint the daylight black

Bow down to her on Sunday
Salute her when her birthday comes
Bow down to her on Sunday
Salute her when her birthday comes
For Halloween buy her a trumpet
And for Christmas, get her a drum"
A generation born, devoid of thought
Corrupted measures sold and bought
An aged perspective hardly sought
Due to connections with the late Pol ***

Perilous times call for desperate measures
Seeming to mean an abuse of pleasures
Greed acting as a constant suppresser
For the evils deemed to be quite lesser.

Terrified of your average looking glass
Displaying all things that have come to pass.
Revolted by an older, religious class
Who weep over children absent from mass

Lost in a generation exhausting their youth
Forging conspiracy out of men like John Booth
Believing that the world needs a negligent sleuth
Like Alex Jones, to uncover fake truth

There's nothing to be done about a past indiscretion
That lifted many out of a deep depression
War can be a necessary transgression
Without the tools of forced confession

There's no need for idiots to constantly spout
Opinions that they don't honestly tout
All you do is cause mass doubt
Make new wars with peaceful *****

Then there comes a point where a doubtful voice is needed
In times where a government has become conceited
Out of fear of the past being repeated,
and the idea that liberty could be defeated.

This doesn't include conspiracies like 9/11
Or belief in ideas like your supposed heaven
Or allowances for an ultimate weapon
Though to say all is a denial of expression.

I guess in the end what I'm trying to say
Is that Alex Jones just needs to decay
I mean this in an offensive way
The man's a corruptive, and crude cliche
513 · Aug 2016
Drawn serious, spelling synonyms in cereal.
Taking the meaning as literal.
Its poison's lyrical
Bolstering concern in the trivial.
511 · Jun 2014
These bloodsuckers won’t touch my skin
Finding the liquid inside too thin.
If one wanders up in haste
They quickly discover a bitter taste
Left behind through direct intention
A wordless action beyond mention
Fingers stained a golden hue
A single victim, they fall in cue.
510 · Apr 2015
Community Fixtures
This dream worked paradise built on southern myth
Collapsed the other night, I’m sure.

Floorboards drenched in gasoline,
Burnt to embers in a seconds fifth.

A devote wife seen to be impure
Stricken dead by the last shell in a magazine.

The silhouette of a hollow soul
Took to dragging out her man.

He’s brought about betrothed in atonement
The latter half feeling hardly whole

He speaks soft words to his beloved Anne
Departure leaves no postponement.

Barrel presses in on the underside of his ear.
Carrying the sulfur scent that killed his love

He hears the trigger click, silence from the gun
No deafening boom for all to hear.

Takes the demon down with no more than a shove.
On the ground bellow stands his lover’s son.
Bolo tie
Primped and fly
Dining on nostalgia, for nostalgia’s sake
Living off the food at Kurt Cobain’s wake
Pressing a Mangum to your head
A case of Velvet dread
Addicts caught up in the Reed(s)
Sticky Fingers and their steeds
A Moonlit Mile
A case of Kurt Vile
A Day Dream Nation’s falling apart
Little Wing's lost its heart
489 · Nov 2014
I Used To Run
Backbone bleachers
Nicotine creatures
Adopted features
Stained glass preachers

The reverie of an ideal day,
The misery of an idle way.

This stagnant relationship dissipates with clarity, one found through a lack of prosperity.

Left off before the light
Standing in shambles, a dismal sight

Confused and dazed
Seemingly un-phased
Exceptionally hazed
Socially praised
Blood ran thick as consciousness imploded
Corrupted thoughts fighting to be decoded
Pupils expanded into new territory
Doomed accession through manipulated clarity.

False perception carries falsified fears
Hesitantly drawn close by passing sneers.
Sweat forms on the nose
Then it drenches all his clothes

People stare as he walks on by
Captured by the nature of a passing sky
Demonic stare
Perceived despair.
He falls out of grace
Forgetting how to maintain a walking pace
Looking all out of sorts
As he fumbles conversational retorts.

The eyes are starting to drift away
As enjoyment begins to decay
Pupils restore to a natural state
Thoughts return to a blank slate
481 · Aug 2016
This regretful overture, it hounds the drum, it persists.
Penetrating soul and bone in proof it exists.
Ignoring fault-lines held within the trysts,
And notches embroidered upon bloodied fists.
Lucy’s lost lipstick
Is wrapped around a thin ****
Applied halfway through the flick
Ruby lining a tasteless *****.
473 · Aug 2014
Slave To Condition
Caught up in a pretty boy strut, the ****** walks disjointed.
Stepping on a cigarette ****, an attitudes anointed.
With each pace, he sheds his skin.
Every passing face, mocks him through a grin.

In a time when gender can be reversed.
And prejudices against it have been immersed.
Is it not fair to believe,
That a change in colour is not beyond reprieve.

If a man can become a lass,
Surely the ****** too should get a free pass
473 · Apr 2016
One of the Same
Spoken in twinkled tones, over breathless moans.
Harsh is the brevity, following their levity.
472 · Oct 2014
Juvenile Restraint
Constipated glance at the foot of the stairs
Captured by seller’s remorse
A man leaves the room having bought some wears
No further discourse.
Patiently the buyer sneaks from the house
And enters his designer car
There sits the homeowner’s traded spouse
Waiting to be taken to the bar
Key turns, engine roars
The wife hikes her skirt
The man checks for sores
Her previous titleholder stumbled to the dirt
Says that he wants back his wife
Though soon brought to realize he had just sold her life.
446 · Aug 2014
Ketchum (1961)
Ponder, if you will, 100 years of life
Consider within it, all the accumulated strife.
Leave pause, don't bend,
And certainly don't seek a controlled end.

Pain is a privilege most neglect,
Or they simply grant the construct too much respect.
Allow it to whittle away emotions,
And abruptly slow motions.

It grants life a sudden halt.
You take on self pity, feeling at fault.
Then allow an illness to grip hold,
Leaving ones disposition frightfully cold.
438 · May 2014
December 15th, 2011...C.H
Dust flies from the rotation of an oscillating fan
Its pale fragments coat and clothe the semblance of man.

Wake up, broken dreams, bounce forward out of stasis, collectively dropping down to the focal point of races, all they see is shades of grey, a blurry bunch of victimless prey, spectrum free skin, to make all akin.

In the midst of all that spin, they packed fiberglass in the tin. Walked out last, a fetish for the past. Drooling blood, it’s a wretched flood. Life’s passing by, wrapped in a papist lie.

The winged are envious of a capability to fall; they haven’t gone high enough to pivot and stall.

Diluted folks talk in statured forms, learning off of intelligible norms. Baptizing a culture of youth, in the blood shed by imagined truth. Cultivating a guilty conscience, in those stuck with the deceit of providence.

His name is hollow and shrewd; in fact, it’s quite misconstrued. Supposed valleys jumped in leaps and bounds, factual evidence’s show only bodies left in heaps and mounds.

Where the broken lay, you may be sure He paved the way.
"Clouds and darkness round about him: righteousness and judgment the habitation of his throne."
433 · Sep 2014
The Leftovers
Slober knocked back to a cadence measure.
Turning in tune with the illusion of leisure.
Stand at fault, holding the gun.
Cryptic followings at the point of a pun.
Deny and defile the logic of man.
Floating backwards catching a cancerous tan.
Indescency accepted as common form
The policies for which are quick to swarm.
Holdings in life, seem to diminish.
Removed suddenly of their veenered finish.
Left aside as needless want
A proxy value for those too gaunt.
Picked up again by mimicing lepers,
Balling their eyes out as communication severs.
Catching a reflection in the glint of an eye.
Turning quickly, as not to pry.
Beholden, clearly, to a bare ideal.
Something tangible to which one would kneel.
Beckoned forth in a fleeting glimpse.
The man has not been heard from since.
430 · Aug 2014
Teen Mom
Charity found in clarified thought.
Harlequins in dormitories quickly sought.
Indiscretions come with ease.
Liberated by a youthful ******.
Dilation found in most pupils.
Birthed in the hell of forgotten scruples.
Irate over nature's gift.
Renounced parentage moves in swift.
Theologians they're not to be.
Heathens, they are, as it's clear to see.

Insurrection from a parents hope.
Secured through the first ****.

Nodding off to dreams of bliss.
Organized by pots of ****.
Tempting fate with a play on chance.

A child's born through horizontal dance.

Vindication came during a failure at grace.
A look of contempt etched across a father's face.
Composure slipped through the cracks.
Adolescents and their empty sacks.
Tying nots in a diluted fashion.
Insulating them from drifting passion.
On and off they float along.
Nullified in the end by unwanted spawn.
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