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Dimwitted cloves squashed before they developed four leaves.
Other foliage in the family constantly grieves.
Devoured and left sore
By a local herbivore

Cattle herded for the purpose of prolonged life
No more slaughtered at the point of a knife.
Living free in grassless fields
Farmland now hardly yields

Dietary concerns carefully balanced,
Finding you’re nutritionally challenged
Told its time to drop the meat
And pick up a steak made of beet.
Forked tongue gives way to split focus
Tantalizing a set of twins
Birth certificates turned out bogus
Discarded go the latex skins
Poetic inferences led the boy to speak in verse
Objectifying his father’s keeper, a light hearted nurse
Forced to pick up the title of the family curse
Bumping down back alley’s, swerving into Pa’s hearse

Responsibility, the weighted chain,
Attached generationally through one’s surname
Kaleidoscopic holdings drawn on from tumbling affairs forge indignant beliefs in the minds of those trapped in the spinning, weightless meanderings of an archaic and broken system designed with the sole intention of scattering and misinterpreting the grandest illusions life has to offer.

Voided of emotion, and self-respect, the paces of lost clergymen slow, as the prospect of death, and consequential eternal life, grow heavy on the soul, burdening the individual with corruptive notions of value and worth, crippling and manipulating the concept of existence until it becomes no more than a sacrificial placeholder for faith and faith alone.

…In the beginning, man created god, and what an awful error in judgment that proved itself to be…

Poisonous words in the form of prayer, spew forth from the mouths of anointed men, selected for their passive obedience, displayed in the wake of advancement, convoluting and clouding the acceptance of the self, promoting, and proclaiming the right to act as gate keeper to the doors of oblivion, as though they possess some unknown measure of good and evil, omnipotent in the face of the laws of man.

A charitable act of aid comes at the cost of the recipients soul, as churches buy up rights for those deemed morally conceited, holding no one, but a forgotten creator, to blame for the disgraces and disappointments projected onto man, by man himself, only to register, very briefly, for the opportunity to promote salvation, and its slipping worth, all in the hopes that such extrapolated thought may produce a golden tickets of sorts, granting one passage to the holy land, where one can remain unbothered by the wandering souls of unbaptized infants.

Poking holes in contraceptive thoughts, using pin sized ****** extracted from the backside of small boys, prodded and sodomized by glorified rapists who mask horrendous deeds in the guise of holy writ, condemning the act of gratification through the means of oneself, simply with the intent of diminishing an individuals potential in finding some form of earthbound nirvana, believing that such an experience could cloud and corrupt man’s view of god.

For a system designed with the intent of salvation, it becomes confusing, and appears at odds with the message, when most only see perpetual damnation, banning bummers in an act of spite, seeking out wars for the sake of a territorial fight, miles Christi, a paradox it seems, one stripped from Walt Disney’s bigoted dreams…

Ephesians 6:14-17New International Version (NIV): 14:Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15: and with your feet fitted the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16: In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17: Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
"The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can **** her own child, what is left for me to **** you and you to **** me?"...Mother Teresa...Hell's Angel (Christopher Hitchens)
828 · Oct 2015
Beating A Dead Horse
Kicking at the maggots knotted into this rotted steed
Calcified in a crucible purloined out of greed.
827 · Apr 2015
Corrosive Fun
Pre-Columbian decomposition held over the shilling
Bleached in the lord’s name god willing

Bartered with Charon
For voyage through the Acheron

Slipped and fell into the first whole circle
Limbo bound with unbaptized babies looking mighty purple
Hound-dog swallowing poly-coated pills, filling up, bloated, falling off stage, and into a more permanent and lasting Graceland, to be surrounded by another’s verse.

I only enjoy what comes from my own head, a modern Samuel Johnson, no matter what happenstance brought about to be said, a cage free Bronson. Hearing false verse through a syllable count, hoisted onto adverbs easy to mount. Congratulate a lesser mind, reaching commonalities most could find. Ease in creation, opens floodgate doors, distributing specs of grace through misworded spores. Life, love, and the pursuit of vanity, leaves simplified lumps of prosperous thought riddled with anonymity. The invention of despair overwhelms those ungifted, and leaves them erecting stale forgeries they grifted.

In the wee small hours of escaping light, a crooner steadies his hands as he falsifies his originality, reading off the music from another’s sheet.

A change in topic is something to hold as worthy, though in a modern context of prosaic prose, such good fortune can be exceptionally elusive. Broken hearted symptoms shared through a hash-tag, rerouted and worded, to fit an illiterate youth’s lesser diction, reposted to approach validity, only to be called forth as an original soul, one to revere, and hold as an entitled fraction of logic.

The piano man knocks out a tune, hit in stride with vocal conduct, inspired and laid in pen by a lesser man propelled by better wording, given up for another’s career.

Market’s over-saturated with teenage sonnets, weeping over cut wrists, ended (Victorian inspired) trysts, refreshed and brought back around until sentimentality vomits. Themes used to run rampant with fresh ingenuity, made extinct, occurred in a blink; now every poem has some congruency.

The grapevine got entangled, getting involved with a troublemaker, providing the soundtrack, using another’s words.
820 · May 2013
Disinterested Symmetry
She saw her life flash before her eyes
Even the dark chapter containing a swift demise
Fury sank in
As she grew uncomfortable in her own skin
Everything was supposed to turn out alright
Not flutter away like some unhinged kite
This man was supposed to be the epitome of desire
A person others could admire
There shouldn't have been any indecision
They were to merge in an act of pure fission
And So it appeared for fifty long days
Then in disintegrated in the reflected glimpse of a ****'s  cruel haze.
816 · Feb 2015
A Bit Of Rubbish
Sick lies told in serpentine
Slicked walled ****** told to tow the line
Symbiotic stays the bond
Symbiosis for the newly dawned
815 · Apr 2015
Daniel Boone
Dwindling down in a paradoxical manor,
Running sock footed on the carpet.
Boxers, a tribute to some hulking Banner.
Parental piggies, sold off at market.

Home alone with no Pesci in sight
School board shaken with a deep voiced call
Bills unpaid, there goes the light
Pillow fort expanded into a cushioned sprawl

Imagination run on an empty stomach
Stale crumbs of old yeller, collecting mold
Child Services arrive for the plummet
Off to an orphanage, or so I’m told.
813 · Feb 2015
Primates with Pasties
I have drunk your water, and thus your wine,
Though I choked upon the former's salty brine.
Lapped up delusions of dehydration.
Oceans now praised as a denomination.

Drainage…I drank it…I drank your milkshake!
Pillaged claims of an Arctic at stake.
Ruskies, Chankoros, and Yankees all alike,
All willfully ignoring Canada’s most northernly spike.
806 · Apr 2015
Repetitive Hit And Run
Egoism in crisis
It all seems so pious
It all seems so righteous
Reflecting shades of common bias

Mirror, fractured into several states.
Issued come a false set of plates

Checkered in neon flows the matted flag
Sightlines fall upon the stag
Set on hind legs as if to brag.

Cowardice departs in favor of fear. The hunter becomes the deer.

Tires rip against the grain
Their tread carry the ****** stain
No misery left here to feign
Backs up, to do it all again
Stupid ******* idiots saying stupid ******* things.

Spit flies from flapping gums spewing up unresolved equations to unremembered all flutters about amongst other absences of thought.

Speech and wording corrosive to the ear as volume beats out the drum.

Love, or its absence, held as the sole theme for soulless thought, all as teen angst is misinterpreted as teen spirit... god it smells like ****!

Talking now without any recognition of borrowed phrasing and copyrighted conclusions.

Why must they continue spouting irrelevancies to a grouping of irrelevants?

So tired now...time to quit writing in pen...need to learn to mimic, tracing poor thoughts in crayon
791 · Sep 2013
Black Eyed Bewilderment
From the twist
Came a fractured wrist
It was a fragrant tryst
Lived through a clenched fist
As an abhorrent cyst
Ambition was ******
Opportunities were missed
Told to desist
That they couldn’t exist
No need to resist

People came calling
Through suburbs sprawling
Temptations galling
Or, better yet, appalling
They tried stalling
Conversation crawling
Speaking of balding
The inevitability of falling
Then came the brawling
From memories they were hauling.
Stole some fixed verse, from a nicked purse
Drown me in turpentine
Told to react first, and act terse
Barren with no arginine
Diluted grape juice poured like nectar
Drips faithfully down to a rat in its cell
Forged delusions, lidless projector
Purgatory bound through this, a stint in hell
Outward embodiment shown as a spectre
Wilted flowering of a southern belle
Bedpost batters, it earns too deep a notch
Piggies arrive too late, they smell of scotch.
786 · Oct 2014
Canadian Classic
Tripping on the fumes from an oxygen tank
Loaned out from the local lenders bank
Grass lit dreams of focused thought
Drifting off, apparently, on the spot

Confidential whispers while waiting
Reverse synesthesia heard in a painting

Chivalrous misconceptions of past life holdings
Spruced up to latch onto misplaced moorings
The intake pulsed with the remnants of entombed regrets
Final draw, for a flattened pack of cigarettes
781 · Nov 2013
A Motel Painting
That little trumpet has lost sound
Go ahead and ask around
Picked up in a house I found
Nesting on the burial ground.

Contorted notes filled the room
After a dusting with the broom
False promise joined in soon.
Perched upon a dim lit flume

The night slipped by, no refrain
It blasted on through the pouring rain
Howled on in the excruciating pain
Of having sheltered existence through a life in vain

When daylight came, it was still the same
Brass with no name, playing for a dame
Really quite the shame, an ever-growing flame
Held within a picture frame, was a revitalized search for fame

As darkness came, I grew tired
Felt like it was about time I retired
Set down the trumpet I acquired
And left the shack feeling quite expired

There that little trumpet lost sound
Now there’s no need to ask around
Left it in the house I found
Somewhat near the burial ground.
775 · Dec 2014
Artless Pop
Lonerisms handed off with the talent of Phil Simms
Getting cold sick sweats from a case of Pimm's

Trading off the solid snake state of mind
Reverting back to hoodlums Dre co-signed

System shock came before the rapture
Long before Elizabeth’s inevitable capture

Duplicity played off Blu
Talentless Roberts certainly due

Speckled grin the size of a banner
Reverting back to Belushi’s manor

Hey…“Here’s to you kid”
Said as Ingrid’s sold at the highest bid

Lopez licked off the Latino
George and Jen pillaged the casino

Liquid Snake drawn from the grass
Cowering, waiting for Big Boss to pass
775 · Nov 2014
White Moon…White Moon
Patience became elusive,
The ending became conclusive.
Comedic flair held in the glow of a ****
Narcotic remedies picked up in a rut

Pediatrics pause as the womb grows thin
Bubble bursts at the point of a pin.
Hollow transparency left in the delivery room
Building up a two foot tomb

Gums rubbed sore
Caked ***** on the floor
Left to sleep outside in the snow
Basking in her pin pricked paradise and lonesome woe
764 · May 2015
Cash 4 Gold
Rent paid, toying with dewey decimals. Expense made, avoiding the forced confessional.

Skimmed milk, drunk up from a skinned ***, begged for in a time of need. Curdled for cheap cheese, worked over by skilled feet, reneged for the sake of greed.

Licking spit skeptically off a boot-wiped floor for the worth of a dime. Picking grit hectically in a moot-like chore, covered in grime.

Flick’n flash beat against the permeable door, social media made aware that you’re poor.

Moth and flame play the poor man’s vice, retreat handed out for a bag of rice. Told to go and play nice, life revoked if mistaken just thrice.

Livelihood donated through public tax, all to afford a home infested by rats. Hospital trips noted by fat-cats, looking to assimilate this case with their stats.

Infection corrodes every ****** cut. Distinction acknowledges a momentary rut.

Rent paid, thanks to forced confessional. Expense made, up-scale digs coined on a dime termed parental.
749 · Mar 2013
In the days filled with vacant eyes
Lost in the timid nature of hollow lies
A man was left too corrupt to realize
The exact root of his own demise

Blanketed in the emotions of doom
He forges his self made tomb
Leaving behind a dimly lit room
And the portrait of a family cartoon
742 · Dec 2014
Artificial Tumor
Eve bit into the knowledgeable apple
Unaware it was a scientifically spliced grapple

Pesticides and HGH digested
Bowel track quickly congested

Intelligence was null and void
Good and Evil seem devoid

Laid gently into a tender rest
Bearing the damnations of a faltered test

Prosperity in peace
Retracted lease
736 · Aug 2015
Unrequitedly Salacious
Tongue tied on double speak
I’m counting off diseased freckles
Waiting on a fragment to leak
This house sure sounds bleak

Miss Mary found hysteria
In a pillbox prescription
Developed quite the predilection
And overriding addiction

Her infant Michael drank Drano,
He found under the sink
Life stripped in a blink
Should have had a child lock, one would think

Arthur vanished with the birth of a daughter
He thought the whole notion was too big a bother
Left the girl alone in life
To struggle though adolescence without a father

Claire, the good one, wasn’t without her faults
All she did was babel
About her family life or lowly rabble
Confucius orders you to cease this gabble

Ear warped on endless noise
I’m counting off diseased freckles
Thinking up ******* ploys
Or perhaps I should just lose my poise
734 · Dec 2014
Arguable Clarification
Catching semiotic holdings from a cow-licked brain ****
Matching periodic scoldings, from a plough of picked-plain art

Filled prescription left for digestive tracts dissolution
Milled conscription cleft as congestive cracks merge in illusion

Temporal reconstruction, as the Adderall seeps into place
Federal distribution, as the admiral heaps the case
Welled as the spineless listen to a cautionary thought
Held as a timeless vision of a stationary plot

Pillbox running on fumes, causing fresh hysteria to solidify
Paradox coming, dawn looms, pausing thresh, staging an area to demystify

Later, new levy forbids pawing fear, spoken rotten, a deloused baiting sound
Cater to heavy lids, drawing near the cotton housed waiting ground
Act I

               Married at 25, in a small chapel off Caustic drive. Mr. Robinson was the envy of the whole town, as they all witnessed the beauty of his wife in a wedding gown. Twas a truly glorious occasion, even for those opposed to the Victorian persuasion.
                As a gift from her father, Mrs. Robinson received a family home. It wasn’t a gigantic bother, just a free place to roam. The couple was instantly overjoyed, not that it was an emotion to avoid. It just wasn’t a typical occurrence, for Mr. Robinson who, devoid of the world, felt little congruence.
                For six long years Mrs. Robinson’s husband toiled with cars, and avoided the nightly pleasure of bars. He brought home every penny he could, but was robbed a bit, working in a “hood”. Still he had enough saved for a little vacation, something to distract him from his “wretched vocation”.
                On the way home from withdrawing some money, just some small cash to get something for his honey, Mr. Robinson was stood up by a common thief, who smiled viciously with rotted teeth.  The man handed over his wallet with little struggle, scarred for his life. Seeing a license the man remarked through a muddle, about ****** Mr. Robinson’s wife.

Act II

                  Brutality was in this man’s blood, his day of reckoning approaching like a flood. It was clear to see in the thief’s gaze, that this wasn’t some malformed craze. Mr. Robinson had seen the look before, in his own mirror before crashing to the floor.
                  Violence was something begrudged in his soul, burning hot now festered by burning coal. He had avoided it all his life, steered away by a devotion to a girl he knew would be his wife. But in this moment it could have all faded away. So Mr. Robinson allowed his mind to stray.
                   His fists flew in an uncontrolled manor, there was little there that resembled glamour. The thief thrashed with the might of a knife, but Mr. Robinson put up a fight, clamoring to an image of his wife. Soon the thief’s skull was as flat as the pavement, and then Mr. Robinson sat there, constant and patient.
                    After a trip to the bar, Mr. Robinson returned home to his wife, and then laid before her all his strife. He wasn’t one to hide behind a lie, which could sever such an ever-loving tie. Mrs. Robinson understood it all to well, though from her hysteria you could hardly tell.
                    Tears were shed between both the Robinsons, and then came a series of promises. The first was that they’d leave the country with great speed; the second came contingent on one final deed. Mr. Robinson had to clear out his chequeing account, without inspiring a hint of doubt.
                    Sure enough, the deed went off without a single hitch, but in the back of his mind, Mr. Robinson had an itch. The wish for chaos hadn’t gone unnoticed inside his head, just lingered behind like a common dose of dread. Still he pressed on, and bought two tickets to Milan.


                    Mr. Robinson was drenched in sweat as the couple went through the metal detectors, and crossed a path of lazy eyed T.S.A inspectors. Regardless of any present fear, the man was aware that his destination was more than near. Walking past the last of the T.S.A, Mr. Robinson looked cool, nodding along to the music of DFA.
                    Boarding the plane turned out to be no big deal, in the pat down security had hardly copped a feel. They played a movie on the plane; its plotline seemed to run quite the same. A man boarded a westbound flight, but fell victim to a trending plight.
                    The whole compartment was overloaded with rage, and it came in a parcel they couldn’t encage. One by one they fell victim to disillusion, surely the result of a drastic head contusion. Though quickly it spread like a vile pollution…no race exclusion.
                     In the end only one lay in the wake, the turmoil, to him, was no more than a piece of cake. He was immune to the disease spreading amongst the flight, and used brute force to conquer the plight. Slid from the plane a triumphant man, and smiled for the cameras after a quick scan.
                     The whole film was a colossal joke, told from the mirrored reflection of a director on coke. Mr. Robinson didn’t take much from it at all, except that the righteous stand tall, it didn’t matter that the plot was about a hero, Mr. Robinson was going to burn that down like the fires of Nero.

Act IV

                      He strolled off the plane with a righteous grin. Mrs. Robinson obliviously was seen coating sun tan lotion all over her skin. They stayed at a hotel near the beach; Mr. Robinson renewed his license and began to teach. Six months passed without blood, no names to drag through mud.
                      During this time the Robinsons had a child, who had a tendency to be quite wild. The little girl was far too rambunctious; though saying so may be a bit presumptuous. It seems though, that it was the opinion of her father, who found need in removing the life of his daughter.
                       Mrs. Robinson played the part of being willfully naive, searching for some desperate form of reprieve.  She knew her husband had gone insane, the facts for which were more than plain. Still she pushed through and looked for the good, no matter what sort of hallowed grounds the shadow stood.
                       Two years went by without incident, their tedious normalcy, overly consistent. Then a reporter came asking questions, about a small time mugger and their known relations. Mr. Robinson laughed it off as though nothing was the matter, and then took the man down through the science of avoided clatter.
                       Hidden amongst those who don’t get found, was Mr. Robinson’s third victim, newly crowned. The deed lay hidden for a decade or so, time’s vagueness makes it hard to know. Romance was lively in the Robinson household, though such flare up hardly needed to be foretold.

Act V**

                      Mrs. Robinson was blind to all her surroundings, making it rather hard to collect any findings. She continued to believe that her husband was a kind soul, an innocent, but worldly foal. He spoke to her by the tender light of a candles glimmer, held her close in that weak flames shimmer.
                      One day she fractured a wall overloading a shelf, behind the latex laid the Robinsons daughter herself. Terrified and confused, Mrs. Robinson waited for her husband to come through the door, when he did she was already curled up on the floor.
                     They prayed together for a solemn moment, and then Mr. Robinson murdered his wife with little postponement.  He placed her inside the wall of his family home, right night to the kitchen phone. The next 40 years he consoled his loss with many a life, but none were buried anywhere near his wife.
                      He left the home as a constant reminder, of those he had failed as a provider. Stayed in it for every moment one should, and held onto it as long as one could. But in death, the home went up for auction, and it was sold off without a hint of caution.
                      A young Stedman bought the home for him and his future wife. They bought the home at a very low price, at such a rate it was hard to think twice. Renovations came, as one would expect, though the issues found weren’t necessarily from neglect.
                      This family was tainted by that gruesome, wretched home. Turns out, Mr. Stedman was also forced to roam. He had a nasty habit with a very sharp blade…that type of predilection doesn’t typically fade. During upkeep, Mr. Stedman discovered an odd bit of insulation, but certainly wasn’t about to seek further consultation.
                      He realized exactly what it was laying in the walls of his home, and he saw no reason not to let it get overgrown. The first victim added was his very own wife; they had been going through a bit of a strife. Soon after mudded in his parents in law, but removed them thereafter finding their odour quite raw.  

This side of paradise
Used to look so nice
Now its something i despise
As seen through your set of eyes

Sure money may run dry
And people may still die
Means nothing to the sky
As it casually drifts by

Paying no mind to those around
Who be stuck on the ground
Like a barking hound
Held up in the pound

Life moves on
Deal with it pawn
Dont yawn
Just...clean up your lawn

This side of paradise
Used to look so nice
Started to really think twice
After all this bleak advice
712 · Feb 2013
Waves lapse in on a hollow shore,
creating an intelligible roar.
In the distance stands an hour glass on a hill,
filled to the brim by poly coated prescription pills.
With time seeping through the cracks,
the object seems void of facts.
Staring down into the oceanic abyss,
as though there was no element of life it would miss.
It seems blind to all that's going on.
Can't see there's no point, it won't be long,
until he's overtaken and shown to be a pawn,
placed upright as a cautionary tale on the local churches front lawn.
Red lip
Bled for a tip
$6.00 grip
Retained and placed at the hip

Felt the caustic eye
Depicting a senseless lie
Seemed like a simple guy
Dressed elegant in a suit and tie
Liquidized assets in a fortune 5 hundred
Cauterized wounds for the plundered

Sipping on blueberry wine
Breaking bread, dinning on banned swine
Luxuries overgrow the jewelry box
Scotch overvalued, yet on the rocks

Locked safe, cold-clocked combination
Lost in a dream, trapped enumeration

Unwilling to sip soda as a pauper
Social stigmatisms holding him proper
The man bears arms
Coy as to avoid alarms
Muzzle lit
Puzzle refit
Hands up, dinners sit
$6.00’s retrieved after the handle hit

Red lips crashes to the floor
The well-earned man heads for the door
Attendants pause, awaiting more
Empty wallets, patrons left poor
702 · Apr 2012
Why they're all the same
I seem to be able to pulse of these two lined sentences,
filled ****** misspoken penances.
With a bitterly true rhyming scheme,
from someone else's dream.
I can't tell if what I'm doing is right.
That would require breaking my line of sight.
So instead it's nickel this, dime that,
bouncing my way through a base beat on a tom hat.
The contradiction is clear to state,
but it's too confined to rate.
Pulsing back and forth,
off of wave forms down... north.
I got off topic, but that's all I seem to do.
Not like it's something I consciously choose.
Just seem's so natural to deviate,
from the things I can't alleviate.
Where is everyone who knows what their doing
People who actual ponder the words their spewing
Who don't just falsify the metaphors around
And do more then fancifully describe absence of sound
Sure there may be no rules to this game you play
But still you do no good fiddling  in the grey
Sure it has a charming tone
That doesn't mean you have a single artistic bone
There's no formulated thought
Just basic patterns bought
Through the books you heard others sot
By authors who only gained value once they began to rot
So continue to spill your soul to those
Who's poetry lacks everything including a sense of prose
698 · Jan 2015
This Took Grew Up Wrong
The delusional expectancy of arriving to a unified decision under a false, and somewhat mysterious banner leaves the tender footed Neanderthals to drawl and crawl towards their inevitable demise, at the hands of a lesser evil, catering to their cowardice, the ultimate usurper.

Barriers formed and forged in concrete molds left behind by a war mongering ancestry devoured by their ****** progeny.

An enemy approaches…

Throne rooms held in recessed hills, concealed in a shroud of fog, left off by the chilled steam stewing off yesteryears loss.

Heroes transported on expensive tapestry, in banners provoking deeds of old, and the memory of their meaning.

Hold in masses of collected honor.

Catapulted horrors break the line.

Strains of panic retreat in woeful singularity.

Fear infects the herd as arrowheads of cowardice break the chain-mail guard.

Women and children pushed behind a diseased king as he purges his principles in the face of death.

He seals the entrance in stone.

A son, known for his great misdeeds, and vast misfortunes takes step before his small family as the army approaches.

In a hallowed tomb as a mere boy, he heard the tune, uttered from the devil’s lips.

A summoning song.

Here he sings the treacherous tune as the sounds of heavy marching fill the halls.

The last barrier breaks.

Shrieks of terror erupt.

Demise is at hand.

Men lose their valor as they turn and flee, only to be met by a concrete reminder of their inevitable fatality.

The child’s voice grows demonic as the words begin to devour his soul.

There’s an odd presence in the room.

Death is prolonged…momentarily.

A void is opened.

The army begins to flee.

Victory is at hand.

Then the illusion of their invasion lifts, as soldiers, once more than visible, turn to ghosts, and finally fade from battle.

Cheers break out, only for a moment.

A hole opens in the center of the room, at first no larger than the size of a pin, but it expands outward at an alarming pace.

Guards scramble to funnel their people out of the breach.

An evil comes forth, once barred from the walls of this land.

It antagonizes the people with tales of its delusional sorcery.

Then thanks the young boy who brought it forth.

A world is soon devoured.

The end.
698 · Oct 2014
Everything In Moderation
I met Mike while standing on a peer
Plucking up food when people got near
He wandered up to where i sat
A portly belly made him seem fat

I gave him some leftover bread
Which I brought for the pigeons I had recently fed.
Mike seemed stunned, reaching over
He couldn't grasp it so I brought my hand lower

Peckish, he ate
From my palm, which had become a makeshift plate
Full, he sauntered down the path
To an adolescent boy toying with wrath

Mike, with his stomach full
Couldn't resist the young man's pull
Reached out for the food in the boy's hand
Not knowing the act had been planned

Mike flew off and quickly imploded
The food, within, had alka-seltzer loaded
This is what happens when life gets dull
Young boys blow up my new pet seagull
Epicurean fantasies of being
Soaked up when teething
Gazing at a sightless ceiling
Missed nomenclatures peeling

Words drunk up like simple soda
**** lucky we ain’t in South Dakota!

Hallows Eve found in backwards verse
Picked up from a costumed nurse
Slung loose upon a stage
Taking on details ill equipped for the page.

Words drunk up like simple soda
**** lucky we ain’t in South Dakota!
688 · Oct 2014
All That Glitters Will Rust
Crows swarmed over Bourbon Street tonight.
Blotting out the moon through synchronized flight.
They plummeted down and out of sight.
Blanketed by the cover of night.

A jewelry box gets picked clean.
It belonged to a formerly wealthy teen.

A town terrorized by birds.
They’re all at a loss for words.

Within a week, every household had been robbed.
Mementos lost: people sobbed.
Woeful over trinkets taken.
Believing their eyes to be mistaken.

Men ran at the birds with loaded guns.
As the flock attacked, they got the runs.

Not before pushing them across state lines.
Where they **** upon passing signs.

Down a road long and winding
They plucked up everything shinning.

Forced back to the home they knew.
Housing everything that belonged to you.
The birds held for their final stand.
Exactly as their master planned.

Dive bomb from the sky.
Pluck out a wayward eye.

The force of an army had been pushed back.
All remaining birds formed a pack.
Flew home to their pied piper.
A man who was a retired army ******.

His lair was filled with gold and jewels.
Packed into sacks on dehydrated mules.

With everything stored.
The man stood before the hoard.

He spoke a few kind words.
To the flock of birds.
Then set fire to the room.
Culminating in a nitrogen…boom.

With no evidence in sight,
Or witnesses accounting for the plight.
The man moved on without a fight.
Staring at his earnings in a new days light.
Tremors held in the young girl’s face
Quaking in exquisite lace
Pulsing in place
Hip locked base
Ejaculatory race
Spermicidal mace

Thoughtless porcelain dolls
Shatter as bedposts hit walls
Reverb in the halls
Landlord calls
******* stalls
Waiting on drained *****

Thick housing in a fat cat’s den
Seal on the locked pen
Revolving door of men
Seems to break the Zen
Memorabilia of Cheyenne
Windup to go at it again

Shower sprays flakes of gold
Washing off latent mold
Rubbed off in the hold
…These men are old
Temperament’s cold
Cost of being sold
673 · Nov 2012
Apparently I'v been going through something of a phase,
eye's have become clouded by a sweet smelling haze.
Certainly not the child parents want to raise,
seeing their son indoors all day with an endless gaze.

So in a swift move at the end of the year,
Shipped off to a cottage with no one near.
Except of course the squirrels and deer,
maybe even an apparition created out of fear.

Believing that in my isolation I would find,
a personality more resigned.
Perhaps it was supposed to sooth my mind,
and prevent the regression of a life lived on rewind.
Congrats! Your thin!
Go home and grin,
Freely roam
Forget former days
And steak fillets
Still a fake
Just now tame when you're next to a cake
Though still completely the same
Which is really quite the shame
So you went for fame
To make a name
Grovelled to beg
Upon a bold mans leg
Only to be told
You were far too old
You go back home,
Eat heavy scones,
The belt line becomes blown
About the time you buy a pup
Who'll be drinking next to you from a cup
As the two watch TV,
Never to flee.
Finish alone
Pup soon outgrown.
Never leave the home,
Or hear a ringing phone.
But at least you're now a size three
Eating no more than a cup of tea
People really respond to that
whole notion of not being fat
Heavy was the globe, until the glove hit
Found himself entangled in a handlebar flip
Iron in the taste, ****** waste
Continuum drawn back on a meaningless quip

Unsteady footing reminiscent of preschool days, snorting paste
Zebra striped mockery, paid off the books; his vision’s been maced
Early end to prolonged exposure, he tries to bait
Steady eyed denial approaches with haste

The monetarily gorged rule keeper entangles in debate
Opponent grows weary appearing irate
He recalls the words in a blank cheque written by a weak frame
A levelling blow leaves his opponent in a blank state

World weary and star struck to blame
All in pursuit of everlasting fame
661 · Dec 2014
No Form
The room… it held in the darkness; a self-encapsulating prison…

Silent echo.

Cautionary tales, shared through a cautionary glance, half inferred cautionary advice, to be paid off with a cautionary stone.

The serpent held its place, dangling on the sill, whispering half concoctions to the man known as death… hell followed.

The guise of honor, shown in the stare of cadaverous ghosts, with pecked out pupils.

Respect suppressed in shame

Reverie found in pain

Obfuscation in the wake

Engrossed epigraph held over the stake
Heretics lost their way in the glare of divided philosophy.
While soaking up the rays protruding from their diluted progeny.

Individuality cursed the lot, a painful conclusion hardly sought.
A triptych constructed from passing sand, blown across mid-western land.
Panel one, a fools thought. Panel two, elongated plot.
Panel three, an outstretched hand. Collectively composing an image banned.
Words for the flock corrupt the soul.
Removed thought perched along a grassy knoll.
Heaven revoked all notions of vanity,
While tenderly clouding the wonders of individual sanity.
This split stick fucksicle... there it goes again, circling the drain...creating a distraction, truth in obfuscation... and, amongst it all, throughout the fall, there it holds, a heavy shadow tugging at her will, distended from an unearthed and then uprooted olive remain in stasis, and display the prophetic delusions of subversive prophets...who never seem to promote such blatant exhibitionism
654 · Jul 2014
Big Boys And Little Girls
Gazing warmly at a freshly set pearl necklace
The source for which was wholly reckless
A girl sheds tears of convoluted joy
Wondering if she’s just a manipulated toy
A body, gift-wrapped and sold
For no more than half her weight in gold
The new in search of old
Grasping at a material hold

Passive thoughts draw him away from the hummer
He was gifted in pursuit of slumber
Light breaking in through a window pane
Illuminates developmental strain
The man pounds back a bottle, or, what little remained
A bit trickled down, leaving his shirt stained
Looks over to see a girl ashamed
Of all within her which had so recently changed

He wasn’t handsome, but the girl didn’t mind
Through gifts, he showed himself to be overly kind
The man was a bit heavy set
But that didn’t stop her from getting wet
Innocence, a forgotten trait
Her consciousness told it straight.
But the action bared no weight
It was just a simple twist of fate

Age cripples all who care
Leading youthful eyes to wander and stare
Desperation hunts with the worst of intent
For a youthful soul in search of dissent
It lasts as long as it can
Which isn’t, truthfully, a long span
He leaves a concrete man
While the girl’s just a flash in the pan

648 · Aug 2015
Don’t Fuck Up My Island
Crescendo rising to torture the orchestral lull
Broke backed break beats, hound the exhumed hull
Waltzing off with the sounds of silver
Revoked in half measures by a cold sweat shiver
The aft bowed to its keel,
Scorpion shaped contorted steel.
It’s crescent figure draped on the horizon
Lulled to sleep by the house paid siren.
Sloppy soaked balsa kicks back reverence through the feed
Cracks in crackling, evident of disintegration in the reed.
Poppy poked ventricles provoke elegance through need
Rats in shackling, petulant for the absolution required to concede
Unbuckling at middays light
Caustically aware of approaching night
Collective need provokes a search for a scout
No one wants to leave their stash in the middle of a drought
Crashed and burned on grassless shoals
A boat full of users without goals
Left to withdrawal on barren land,
Hollow shores of endless sand
646 · Nov 2014
A League Of Marvels
This ragtime band of crusading heroes, called upon to support the crux of contentious plot, designed to be ridiculed, ridiculed to be designed, holding the proportional strength of a thousand independents in their clutches as they march haphazardly onto silver screens, reimagining through a stencil the works of yesteryear, paying homage to homely men long unaccounted for, and damning the spark of imagination held at their conception.
I had visions, wasn’t in them
They’re reflected into the mirror
Absence couldn’t be clearer
There’s nothing left inside of me

Fingertips have memories
Sightless, jaunting above my body
And then they feel a little bit naughty
I run it up the flagpole and see,
Who salutes, but no one’s ever does

I’m not sick, but I’m not well
And I’m so hot, cause I’m in Hell

Went through the roof and found
That only stupid people are breeding
The cretins cloning and feeding
And I’m not even watching T.V

Absent minded upward in the place of nerves
Something wrong about me
Starting to seem a bit crazy
They cut off my limbs and now I’m an amputee, ******* you

I’m not sick, but I’m not well
And I’m so hot, cause I’m in Hell
I’m not sick, but I’m not well
And it was a sin, to live so well

Torn blow the covers of ‘zines
Ripped in the cogs of machines
Forced to hold my tongue
It doesn’t hurt, it feels fine
Precariously sublime
I’d like to turn back time
And **** my mind
You **** my mind, mind

Paranoia, Paranoia
Everybody’s coming to get me
They are all pulling at me
I’m running underground with the moles, digging holes
I hear their voices in my head
I swear to god it sounds like they’re snoring
But if you’re bored, then you’re boring
The agony and the irony; they’re killing me

I’m not sick, but I’m not well
And I’m so hot, cause I’m in Hell
I’m not sick, but I’m not well
And it was a sin, to live so well
One, two, three, four
629 · Nov 2014
Idiot Made Iliad
Static anxiety housed in a shipping container
Bound for the coast of Maine.
Pandora slipped out from the lead-lined box,
And drowned out of sight, in elapsing waves.

Hallowed shores in the presence of beached harlequins
Sipping sand as their bodies get dragged
Latched and cast off as bait
Used to pull Poseidon out from the depths

Holding fast as shipping lanes rust,
Bleeding off into the current bellow.
Path marked by Aphrodite’s bust.
Belittled at the point of metaphysical conceit.

The epic crashed and burned
Turned to dust through a negligent Milton
Burning down the library of Alexandria
Housing ashy books with inadequate binding.

Homer, now, repeats a Harvard grads humor
Doh filled remnants of a paralyzed form
Duff downed in the hours after the plants closing
The barred doors leave Joyce with nothing left to quote.
628 · Jun 2015
The Bruce Bailey Affair
Genuinely heartbroken
From a passing triviality
To be forgotten,
And passed over
Like prestige in frame
618 · Sep 2013
Gut und Böse
The cape hung over
A patriotic Dover
Red and white,
Blue lit might.
Quite the sight
When taking to flight

Confined to the prison
Of limitless vision
A witness to distant lands
Military stands
Saw outreached hands
And all their demands

Late one day
Came heavy dismay
A man found finality
Another, reality
Beyond speech
Things out of his reach

The feeding lines hung
From chorus’ sung
Distant hope transgressed
Faded dismay repressed
Luxury had seeped in
Through sun-spotted skin

Morality appeared
Though initially revered
Some cheered
Others sneered
Seemed to be feared
How horribly weird
Hit ceiling
Lost meaning
Left seething
Consider stealing
Ponder cheating
Still reeling
Voided feeling
Departed dreaming

Two word storms
Collegiate dorms
Social norms
Convoluted forms

Sporadic breathing
Quite revealing
Layers peeling
No concealing
Forgotten healing
Basic dealing
Still demeaning
Is my unpaid heating
612 · Sep 2015
It's A Movie
Knight drawn from patents of nobility
Forgery lines emblazon humility
Aided duties fit to pantomime
Birthed in the fake lands of Liechtenstein
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