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When I was three
And my mother brushed my hair
She parted it carefully
And braided it equally.
Two fat plaits
Hung as even as my stare.

When I was nine
And the hairbrush was my foe
Wild curls entwined
Personality defined.
Hair tangling
Faster than it could grow.

When I was fifteen
And hair hit the salon floor
I just wanted to be seen
So dyed it pink, blue and green.
Hair chopped short
Little girl no more.

Now I'm twenty-three
No longer in the nest
My parting is messy
And my braids escapee.
A hairy reminder
That mother knows best.
I have so much to tell you, but I don't know where to start.
This is the beginning of giving you my heart.

I've been through a lot of sorrow, I've been forced to endure pain.
I have had some feelings that I never could explain.

My heart has been shattered, time and time again.
And I came close to believing that love was a sin.

Now all I have are pieces of a heart that once was whole.
And I'm trying to fix the damage from where it took it's tole.

I'll be completely honest, I'm overcome with fear.
I'm terrified of love because it only brings me tears.

I'm clinging to my heart, afraid of handing it to you,
because I'm afraid that, like the others, you'll just crush it too.

If my heart breaks anymore, all I'll have left is dust.
I'll be devoid of emotion, sanity, or trust.

So if I give you my heart, please handle it with care.
Don't throw it to the ground and leave me swimming in dispair.

It's just so hard to love again when my heart is so worn out.
I promise I'll try but please forgive me if I have doubts.
 Oct 2013 Victoria
Looking into your eyes;
Clear and glassy, a beautiful blue
Why did I have to meet you?
I would have preferred never meeting you
That way I’d have nothing to regret
Now that you’re only a memory I can’t forget
Why couldn’t I stay strong?
Why couldn’t I have kept fighting?
I’ll tell you why… I’m weak
And now I’m left here alone feeling ***** inside
I’m hiding behind a smile now
I’m no longer an innocent little girl
Why did you have to strip me of my innocence?
This guilt is like a worm, eating away at my insides
Even though I’m still a ******
You took away my purity
Disappear from my life please!
My innocence was like a blanket
And now you ripped it off of my body
I’m now standing here alone, naked and cold
No matter how hard I try to hide it…
I can’t find a way to cover the rawness you left me with
God help me find peace!
I need Your unfailing grace and love
Wash away my filth and make me new
I Beg You!
 Oct 2013 Victoria
A friend asked me how I always managed to stay so happy
                    And my immediate thought was 'they think I'm happy?'

So I start to think how I can be so depressed
               Yet appear so happy
While pondering this misconception
           My thoughts stumble and stutter to a stop
                                         I seem to have a road block in my mind
                                urging me to turn around and never look back
                      So obviously I surge forward and find
            A wall that I have built in my head that is clearly labeled
       This strikes my interest even more.

So I step forward....

As soon as I near the wall it starts to rumble and shake
I reach forward and lay a hand on the wall
                           The stones
                         And the sturdy wall

and the memories surge forward
A tidal wave of suppressed stress, and pain

Is this what it's like to drown?

How much of my life don't I remember?
How much of those forgotten things can I actually handle?

Is this what it's like to drown?

These memories range from minor to major
And I have no time to sort through them
As they continue to assault me
I can't breathe

Is this what it's like to drown?

I hear a voice say 'hey are you okay? You don't have to answer me.'

I look at my friend who asked such a simple question
      and received such a complex response
             and manage to gasp out

'This is what it's like to drown'
 Sep 2013 Victoria
Lydia Cooper
 Sep 2013 Victoria
Lydia Cooper
I hate the way you won’t leave my mind

All this time, and the nothing that you meant to me.

Maybe I loved you, maybe I never had the chance.

God, I hate the way you make me hate things

Anything I was once content with

How you made me see everything differently

How I'm more careful with living

How I guard my heart more

And how I watch what I say.

How I think everyone is a liar

How I can’t trust anyone

I hate the way you make me feel hate

And doubt.

And how you made me fear the future

And love.

I hate how I dream about you

And remember your name

And remember your smile

And your lips.

I remember every promise you made

And how you you broke all of them.

I hate how I always want to cry for you

And I never can.

I hate that I want to cry for you

And feel your skin

And hear voice.

I hate how broken I feel sometimes

And how I can never blame you.

I hate that you took my innocence

How it made me grow up

And see the world for what it truly is.

— The End —