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Sidney Nov 2014
Simply resting in your own skin.
Waiting for the day to turn into darkness.
The quality of the time spent with yourself is a jewel to bear.
And the gift is intended for your eyes only.

Lonesomeness may creep slowly into your bed while you sleep to be closer and warmer.
When you awake, the lonesomeness is still there--waiting for you to notice.

Only in your tiny heart do you have room for one person.
And that person needs the glory of your heart the most.
That person is you.

When you finally grasp your heart and in all its agony and joy; sorrow and sweetness, can you really come to terms with what your heart has been saying all along--
"Be with me".

And in your solitude, you give your heart what it wishes for.
You become yourself more and more until the moment your time spent alone
is shattered by someone else.
Sidney Nov 2014
the softness of love makes my heart feel all tingly.
i fall over myself to just feel that again and again
surrounded by hopes and dreams that are dressed in fluff,
i am tickled by the fluff
softness embraces my body, heart, and mind and i feel such a kindness from your presence.
there is no expectation, there is no need to control
only softness that gently rests upon my shoulders
i quietly fold myself into you and sigh myself to sleep.
Sidney Nov 2014
Creativity sparks and brings forth new life
Primal, instinctual urges
The independence from the womb feels raw and scary
Yet the same independence is our individuality
The frequency of One is where it all begins
Striving to know yourself and of your origins.
Whatever your origins may be, you must go there and reunite with what and who made you.
This is the story of One.  Vibrational frequency of the number One.
Sidney Nov 2014
There once was a little beagle who was stuck in a deep puddle of mud.
The puppy struggled and struggled, only to become more exasperated.
Crying and pouting, the beagle finally gave up and let himself slide neck-deep into the mud.

He laid like this all night, until the next morning, only his brown-speckled head was atop of the mud pile.

A small child walked by the puddle and to him, he saw a giant mass of mud with a head.

The young boy screamed in horror, but ran closer to get a better glimpse. To his surprise, the beagle woke up and yelped to be free from the mud.  The little boy felt an immediate affection for the puppy and jumped into the mud puddle and pulled the dog out.

The lesson?

I'm still trying to figure this one out, too.

I'll let you know when I figure out the lesson behind this one.
Sidney Nov 2014
When I am full, I am empty.
When I am empty, I can let the fullness of life's experiences touch me.
Deeply nestled in my soul is an awareness that all of what I seek I only think I need, but that I do not need any of it at all.

If I do not seek anything, I shall have nothing and I shall remain empty.
This emptiness is what my soul craves because then that is when I can feel the entirety of the slightest, little thing.

That little thing could be anything-- it could be a tiny smile; it could be a single raspberry.

To be empty is to be full.
Sidney Nov 2014
The love that binds us will never break.
Our lives, whether beautiful or ugly was never a mistake.
The truth that makes up the Universe will never lie.
The human desire for hope will never die.
Sidney Nov 2014
When you feel like ****;
and nothing seems to cure it;
do not be ashamed;
it's just bad brain chemicals;
If you breathe deeply;
the pain will go away soon;
to replace you with;
a temporary relief;
that can carry you;
and all of your family;
onto the next day;
With a hope that just maybe;
a doctor will see;
that all you really need is;
love, sun, quiet, peace.
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