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It's an image of us i have
That haunted me.
It's gone i no longer need it.
You're real.
And I'm alive
Gonna spoil before ya know
I'm slowly rotten
No use For my soul
Cooling off under ground
Bound by the timing
And constraints of a woman
I wait
Until I can no longer see
They all do it

Lust is a woman's invention
so far beneath me
I forgot you
ignored into
a spec never noticed

you take abuse
Like you deserve it
with a pride well hidden
as an abusive step parent
you sneak off for more
what you've given
you'll never receive

your sacrifice
the preservation
a lineage of wonder

adoration and loyalty
respect from kindness

we your sons look to you mother
for your wisdom

comfort us in desperation
take away the pain of confusion
nurture us to be men

when all we want is to be
mommas boy
forever ....
mothers day 2014
love to my mother, and wife..
and all the rest who make sons men
enraged out of control
run now
run faster

I'm danger
enraged cornered
I'll connect you
burn you mercilessly

i have died trying
and lived for less than you can fathom

I'm hungry and looking
to fill my dark needs

you got time
go now
before you find the love
within me
the kingdom come
no one survived
we lost and now
pay an eternal grudge
for free will
an apple
rotting fruit
for Now on

we follow over the falls
the edge always the next step
soft sheets
womanly warmth
and sweet remembrance

we still lost and can't come back
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