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I caught luck in my left hand,
And held a fire in my heart.

It's a starless night,
And I'm a window away,
This glass has never felt so thick.

Your stare traverses galaxies,
But it can't touch vernacular,
Only ensure mysteries.

Strangely endearing,
I let luck free.
Wished on another star,
Fire flied free.
 Sep 2013 Cesselle A
My love for you is lurking
In the inner depths of my soul,
A feeling that is yearning,
For everything to unfold.

My soul cries a thousand rivers,
Yet my eyes try not to shed a tear,
For every time you say, “you can’t”,
death whispers in my ear.

My heart continues beating
And stops when I’m with you,
Enough to make me feel the cold
Of a life without loving you.

And so I keep on threading
On this uncharted path,
Running after the one I love
Even if she can’t love me back.

Because the pleasures of the heart
Can never truly be known,
I’m starting to think it’s purpose
Is to remain unknown.
 Sep 2013 Cesselle A
You and Me.
Nothing lies in between,
but a pinch of fear,
and an ounce of hate.
Just a vague silhouette of two,
soft music in the background,
the two of us screaming,
and my neighbour complaining about the noise.

What led us towards one another?
Those are thoughts I will not fathom.
Engulfed in the nothingness of our emotions,
we lead one another into the darkness,
darkness inside our souls instead of the night.

We dance together,
but only when you'd like,
and not because we like to dance,
but because we have nobody else to dance with.

Then you leave,
and return as you'd like.
I welcome you with warm arms,
but a cold heart.
You may leave with a fond memory,
but you left me with nothing,
but the strand of hair in my bed.

— The End —