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Dec 2012 · 632
Cera Wood Dec 2012
I came so dark
carrying misery on my back
My heart shattered
My soul black

I looked for meaning
and had no response
The life i was leading
for me was to long

Then one day
came a bright light
Telling me there was no need
for me to fight

I came to you
and you to I
You make me feel
No need to die

I've had a grudge, for many years
and i cried so many unworthy tears

You make me feel, the purpose of life
and ended my grief, as well as my strife.
Dec 2012 · 750
Cera Wood Dec 2012
I'm taking
You're giving
You're my solitude
For living

You are my peace
When i'm at war
You're my love
The one I adore

You're the color
In my face
You're the blood
That runs through my veins

I never thought
I'd be blessed
But only the good
Get the best.

— The End —