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Celine Leduc Jan 2014
JE ME SOUVIENS  (I REMEMBER) by Céline Leduc 12/2013

I REMEMBER is the motto of Quebec
I remember the English colonized me.
I forget I colonized First Nations.
I remember multiculturalism is bad.
I forget it allowed me to keep my culture.
I remember the Church is my downfall
I forget it was Louis XIV and Napoleon politics
I remember my language matters
I forget I imposed language on First Nations.
I remember my culture
I want others to forget their culture
Quebec’s  new motto should be
This poem is written and was inspired by the proposed Quebec Charter of Value that the current government wants to make a law, that forbids any religious symbols.
Apr 2013 · 3.6k
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
Pollution of the mind is real.
Our minds are cluttered with uselessness.
Stories on the street repeated mindlessly.
Words describe men and women as animals.
We insult the person and demean the animal.
We are no longer part of nature, unnatural we are.

People are dumb as a donkey, wise as an owl.
If a woman disagrees she is a *****, fights, a cat, she is.
To be a good mother you have to be a hen.
A man is built like a horse he is part of a stable.
In times of slavery Black people were animal, soulless.
Confusion between humans and animals caused by disconnection.

Religions and Politics in ****** use rats to justify: hatred.
Jews are told they are pigs, and drink blood.
Blood and Pigs are forbidden in Judaism.
Culturally socially we repeat mindlessly: slander.
Our connection to the earth and animal is lost so is our humanity.

Pollution of the earth causes pollution of the mind.
The earth cleanses itself by fire and ice.
The mind can also:  freeze out these concepts these fallacies.
Burn the words that are defamation and abomination.
Do; yes do this to avoid the fires of hell.
Soon, hell will freeze over and become heaven.
This poem is part of a reflection on religion and heaven...  soon available in a book.
Apr 2013 · 716
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
The Bible is the word of God
Or man who was inspired by God.

God’s words come to mind.
Man interprets God’s mind.

God created man and women in his image
Man wants to make them in his image.

God seeds the earth.
Man spreads his seed.

Earth is our mother she leaves us free.
Man wants to control mother earth.

Nature grows wild  abundance on earth.
Man runs wild there is dearth on earth.

A volcano erupts life is fossilized
A bomb is dropped life petrified.

An act of god is part of nature.
An act of man is counter nature.
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
Typing was not my strength, it was my shame.
Typing is a skill to make words legible, not for me.
Letters were rarely in the right order, what a shame.
Things change, typed word can create order.

Secretarial work was not my thing.
Typing purchasing orders all day was not for me.
One typo, the order goes in File 13, to erase my error.
At the end of the day my wastebasket was piled high.

I typed a purchasing order and things changed.
It was for 50 tapes, my fingers flew to my shame.
My boss called me in his office, asked to read
I ordered 50 rapes, you read it right rapes.

He laughed, showed me a pencil and asked.
Do you see what is at the end?  Yes, an eraser.
Learn to use it, use it to erase and correct your mistake
Do not throw away your experience.

He added:  in 5 years your mistake is forgotten
In 10 years few will remember your mistake or name.
In 100 years from now no one will know who you are.
I wish to be remembered as a woman activist poet.

I no longer use File 13 to delete a shame.
You see, I write and type about the shame of ****.
The shame every woman who is violated feels.
It a shame but not her shame, file and record his shame.
This is a true story, my boss was a wonderful man,  with a sense of humor.  Mornings he would make his own coffee  and he would also make one for me.   He believed in women and their rights, we had interesting conversations about women and how they were leaders and could make a difference.   He made sure I got promoted to junior purchasing agent,  he saw potential in me, but not as a typist.  This poem is dedicated to him, Mr Creswell.  Most of the poems I shared on this site will be part of a book about women all women and some good men.
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
Revolution – evolution
The drums are calling
Hear the beat.  
Listen to the drum.
Listen to the beat
Groove to the beat
Start a revolution
Hear your heart beat
Move to the beat
Cause an inner  revolution.
Be a leader in evolution.
Dance to the beat
Be one with the beat.
Be one with the earth.
It is called evolution.
Apr 2013 · 542
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
You look so fine strutting down the street.
You swing your hips to your inner-beat.
You move to the sounds of your IPod
You groove to the inner-beat you know.
You are one with the music.
You are one with your universe.
Go on moving to the new beat.
Apr 2013 · 1.6k
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
Living in the city, exposes us to inner-city life
Life and death dance with each other.
Maples Road, Elm Street or Pine Avenue
No such trees shade your way.
A tress falls a child falls, R.I.P.
The forest is now a wooden coffin.
Trees planted are young and sickly.  
Buildings and not trees offer shade.

The streets are like a cloudy rainy day.
Cement and asphalt stifles the grass.
Cops walk the beat, whistles blow
Sirens, honking horns, gunshots,
Tires screeching scream for attention.
Gangs are rebels with a cause, to be free
Try to listen for the heartbeat.
Life in the city can be life and not death.

Listen, can you hear!  A child is calling.
Look can you see!  A baby is crawling
A blade of grass grows in the cracks.
The inner-city is alive with a new beat.
Life can grow, life can thrive
Let's gang-up for a cause to free
Let’s tap to the beat we call life.
Apr 2013 · 489
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
I made a promise many years ago.
I promised my friend, to  pen true words.
I promised not use my pen as a sword
Knowing the pen is mightier than the sword.
Words wounds the spirit, the pain is real.
Words in actions do **** the human being.
I hear others speak ill of you, I know the words.
I hear the clichés, I say no to the lingo.
I made a promise, a promise I keep.
Apr 2013 · 682
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
Women around the world wake up.
They are from different religions.
They are from different ethnicity.
They are of different skin tone.  
They wake to their own beauty.

They gather for a wake.
They denounce the lies of men.
They dig deep in the earth.
The old husband tales, they bury.
The womb of the earth cleanses.

The wind blows and dust rises
Spirits soars, there is joy,
A child is born carved out of her bones.  
A child is shaped out of her dust.
A child is alive, one with the wind.  

A child is made of soil, of dust, of sand of earth.
Each child molded and shaped in love.
Each child is a child of Mother Earth.
Women awake to their sibling’s beauty.
Women are the children on Mother Earth.

Women wake to truth.  Women speak truth.
Mother knows best, Mother Earth sure does.
Mother Earth does not segregate
Mother Earth does not classify
Mother loves all her children, so do I!
Apr 2013 · 1.7k
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
A gift I need to profess my love.
Pop culture tells me
A diamond is a girl’s best friend!
A diamond is about commitment!
A diamond is A promise of STRONG love!
A diamond expresses EVERlasting love!
A diamond is forever!
No money in my pocket just lint and a seed.

Yes, a seed I will give to my true love!
In a small box I place my seed
A note I write to my love!
Do accept this seed.  Let us plant it!
As it sprouts it will soon be a seedling.
The seedling will grow into a tree,
Our tree will protect us and warm us.
Our tree reminds us of our love.

As seedling fall and sprout more trees grow.
We can chop some to build our home.
We build a fireplace to burn dead wood.
In those long winter months we sit and carve.
Springtime comes we marvel at budding new growth.
A nest, we can see, birds sing a song   of thanks.
In summer we sit in the shade, protected and safe.
In the fall a thunderstorm, lighting strikes our tree falls.

Our tree is not dead, do not mourn.  
Our love is not dead, do not mourn.
Our love is transformed.  
Like the seed it metamorphoses
To the earth the tree returns.
Our tree transforms into coal.
Under pressure it becomes a diamond.
Yes, my love,  diamonds are forever.
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
Yonder they burn.  I ponder! I wonder!
Women meet a fiery end.
Women are burnt alive.
Yonder they burn!  I ponder! I wonder!
A burning desire lights my heart.
Answers I seek, solutions we need.

Yonder they burn.  I ponder! I wonder!
They burn women who want freedom.
Women who want to stop an invasion.
Some are defeated others not.
They fought with men and against men.
We know the names of those shamed.

Yonder they burn!  I ponder! I wonder!
Men answer my burning question
As they chant.  As they dance around fire.
They yell and scream burn, for your salvation.
You are spared the fires hell.
Burning flesh smells and burns like hell.

Yonder they burn!  I ponder! I wonder!
The clergy burns witches at the stake, for land!
A military genius Joan of Arc saved France yet was burnt.
In Algeria, La Kahina wins yet is burns in her tent.
A judge found Marie Joseph Angelique guilty, a slave, burns.
Women Jewish, Roma and traitors are burnt in **** ovens.

Yonder they burn!  I ponder! I wonder!
A burning question is seared in my heart.
A fire burns in my breast.  Fire lights my way.  
Fire makes me see what hell is for a woman.
Women by fire are branded: sinners, slaves, witches,
I wonder and ponder on hell and some men.
In memory of all women those who perished  as a result of misunderstood  laws.
Apr 2013 · 501
WOMEN Stop! Listen! Hear!
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
Women: Stop and think!
Seek not equality.
In his world equal you are not.
You become:  responsible for his sin.

Listen to his reality.
All is fair in love and war.
He wants children, males.  
In his world you bear: the SIN.

You bear his male Children.
Your children become dead soldiers.
Their death is a mortal SIN.
The original SIN!  

Seek quality of life.
Listen to your reality:  life.
As a mother, you know:
Children are not soldiers.

Hear the message.  
You are a mother.
You bear life. Life is sacred
Life is your responsibility.
Apr 2013 · 741
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
He Sees her!
He Seizes her!
He Ceases her!
Oh! Caesar  WHY?
You "decease" her?
Apr 2013 · 549
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
There is an unspoken truth
In silence!
A deafening sound
In silence!
An unspoken pain
In Silence!
Knowledge shared by eyes
In Silence!
A well-kept secret
Silence often times speaks.
Silence speaks louder than words.

Apr 2013 · 3.5k
Celine Leduc Apr 2013
Widowhood is not a curse, ladies
Widowhood is ordained by God
Bible and Qur’an teaches about widows

Tamar in the Bible married twice.
Tamar was widowed twice.
God had a plan for Tamar.    

Khadija was a widow married twice.
Her second husband was young Mohammed
Allah had a plan for Khadija.  

Zainab and Zubaida two sisters
Two sisters bound by widowhood.
God had a plan for Zainab and Zubaida.

Leah Rabin and Jehane el-Sadat widows
Their husband sought peace, they were killed.
Jehane and Leah had no fear, God had a plan.

Widowhood is not a curse.
Widowhood is ordained by God
God has a plan for all widows, have faith.
Written for the Mama Zimbi Foundation of Ghana   It is part of a new book that will be out soon

— The End —