Widowhood is not a curse, ladies
Widowhood is ordained by God
Bible and Qur’an teaches about widows
Tamar in the Bible married twice.
Tamar was widowed twice.
God had a plan for Tamar.
Khadija was a widow married twice.
Her second husband was young Mohammed
Allah had a plan for Khadija.
Zainab and Zubaida two sisters
Two sisters bound by widowhood.
God had a plan for Zainab and Zubaida.
Leah Rabin and Jehane el-Sadat widows
Their husband sought peace, they were killed.
Jehane and Leah had no fear, God had a plan.
Widowhood is not a curse.
Widowhood is ordained by God
God has a plan for all widows, have faith.
Written for the Mama Zimbi Foundation of Ghana It is part of a new book that will be out soon