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Ceida Uilyc Jan 2019
Molding conviction to stay strong
Win over the hurdles, part ways of hay
What you may be, I dare you to go faster than me
My fire is endless
My conviction is bottomless
I am ready to engage.
Ceida Uilyc Dec 2018
Time flies, then
                              soars fast,
                              high, away.
Like a distant yesterday
The cogwheels were oiled then
Now it's grease draining the mold.
It took no time for them to rust.

The shots that were bottomed
Were to **** time then with laughter,
Now it is to fill the laughter of time.
It took little time to jade.

Yogamats, Shiny Utensils
They were bought to fill space then
They are emptying my belly space now
It takes some time to perish.

The grass was cool
To spend time with meaningful convos then
Now, it is a hollow trip laced with arrogance
It takes a lot of time to quit abuse.
                       Time flies, then
                       soars fast,
                       high, away.
I have grown up!
Ceida Uilyc Dec 2018
Every time,

Everytime someone asks
a question
Any question; I freeze.

Mind fades
Neurons vanish
Oblivion brightens
Like the beginning of a DMT trip.

It needn’t be arithmetic
It needn’t be  my love life
It needn’t be about the speed of waves in Red Sea.

Sometimes a Split Second
Sometimes an Eternity.

If there’s a question
Marking the end of your sentence
You better not ask me.

O, So many questions left unanswered
When I go to heaven, God's bound to ask another!
Ceida Uilyc Dec 2018
For all b'days I did
not feel good, It's different
Now. I feel happy.
Ceida Uilyc Dec 2018
Am I alive because I need to do more
Or just because I am a villain who needs to create chaos much more?

Am I a blessing because I empathize
Or just a punishment to the world because I don’t know where I am?

Am I rich because I have pounds
Or just a beggar without a penny for humanity?
Death is cringing my thoughts.
Ceida Uilyc Dec 2018
We didn’t know each other too well,
I thought of her as the prettiest girl in the class,
Intelligent but shy.

It was just the 20 minutes every Sunday of the Catechism Class
Which I attended out of constraint
Only when my lies fell flat
And mom wasn’t convinced

We connected the most in the last two years
Gossiping about boys
Taboos of Catholicism
She only listened with gleaming eyes
And I was the loudspeaker that shimmered her tears
A few minutes, perhaps an hour every month.

Then, I heard she had cancer.
I tried visiting her,
But she wouldn’t come out of the house,
Her mom said she didn’t want the world to see her hairless head
The Chemo had taken a toll.

Then I saw her in the choir section from the balcony
On a cold Sunday morning mass,
I caught her out of blue when the mass ended
Her hair was back, up till the ***
But my smile dwindled when I saw she had but one hand
I couldn’t talk a lot
So I told her ‘God Bless’,
Walked away and cursed god for his twisted blessing.
Cure for a hand.

Then, I heard she died yesterday.
10 Years fighting bone, blood and breast cancer.
I couldn’t stop my sinus tearing.
They were hot from the guilt of not catching up,
They were gushing out of the sorrow she was better than me,

Then why not me, but her.
I am a sinner. I should’ve been taken.
I took my childhood diary
It was the same words I had written 10 years ago.

Why her? Take me instead.

I played the
Prayer for the Dead
The Holy Mass on Loop
And I realized
I was never gonna meet her again.
She will go to heaven.
And I will look up from Hell.

I don't have a photo
I don't remember her voice

A fading smile
A forced respect
God, will I remember her ten years from now?
In memory of Benitta Treesa Joseph.
The cancer ate her.
Rest In Peace, Love.

Say a prayer for her,
not a like for my poem.
Just want a prayer for her soul.
Ceida Uilyc Dec 2018
Caged in the chambers of testaments
at the death of dawn
Clutching me in its grasp
Hugging me out of breath

Gurgling chaos of uncertain words
Down into the crown
Grappling me on its tongue
Blotting me out of sight

Ever felt your worst fears

When you
Write it down?
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