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 Mar 2013 Cedric Cox
Vítor Sousa
"One of Gods own prototypes"
One of his weirdest broken toys.
A very strange character,
An even stranger boy.
Made to help, dream, love and smile. 
Made to love for eternity and dream for miles.
Made to live and suffer along..
Always looking strong.. always, with a smile.
Wish I was walking on the moon..
Perhaps, the lack of gravity would take away the weight of the pain.
A pain that has been carried for too long,
A pain that doesn't get weaker as life goes on,
A pain that destroys your heart and weakens your brain.
That takes all your feelings and hopes away,
Until you feel nothing.. nothing, but the same old pain.
Ohhh moon.. Hope I get there any time soon..
I want to go somewhere far
Somewhere calm,
Somewhere now.

I want to escape
from reality
from you
and from me

And just lay there,
eyes closed
quiet sound
and the wind
blowing against me.

Is it too hard?
just to escape
leave everything
so far away.

I suddenly find it,
peace and quiet.
Is this reality?
I am happy.

but then I see,
it was all a dream,
I am still here
In this house full of tears.

All that is left,
a memory held,
the tear stains
and the scars that remain.
This is my very first poem, and my first lenguage is not English, so be kind :)
 Feb 2013 Cedric Cox
 Feb 2013 Cedric Cox
I talked to an 77-year-old man who was washing the windows at Pizza Hut today.
He was young and so happy.
He was kind.
And wise.
He was rich.
He had no money.
He had nice eyes.
He was going blind.
He had a beautiful smile.
His teeth were rotten.
His name was Jerome.
And all he wanted to do was help people.
He taught me so much in 6 minutes.
 Jan 2013 Cedric Cox
LD Goodwin
I'm takin' the back road home,
to find some home made apple pie.
Where my dreams are still hangin' on an old rope swing,
and every day is like the fourth of July.
And I'm takin' the back road home.

Sometimes I need to go to the well,
and drink in those lost memories.
Stare into the faces of a faded photograph,
and once again be as young as I please.
And I'm takin' the back road.......

........Home is where it all began,
home is where I go,
when I feel that cold and lonely wind begin to blow.
There's a candle in the window,
a smile on every face.
I'm just in time for supper,
I bow my head for grace.

I'm takin' the back road home,
So I won't lose my way.
Though it's long and winding and it takes more time,
there are rivers to cross and mountains to climb,
and I've been so long away.
And I'm takin' the back road home.
Easter    Harrogate, TN  2008
 Jan 2013 Cedric Cox
LD Goodwin
Several million years have past,
since the cosmos dumped it's trash.
But the book said
that it didn't happen that way.

And as this minstrel looks around
at this "drunk on ancient dogma" town
wanting Heaven, all they do is pray.

Celtic faces black with coal,
patiently await the dole.
Smoke and cough and cough and smoke, to Wally World they do fly.

For there's a caustic cross upon their hill,
protected by a local still.
Or is it the other way around in the wettest county, that is dry.

Who is this vagabond I see,
he walks the streets in search of thee?
With the stench of cheap addiction in the air.

While rats guard a yellow stream,
Arthur's long forgotten dream.
He mumbles verses, but no one sees him there.

And down at Ruby's so many more
just can't seem to find the door.
They use to know the game, but have forgotten how to play.

Wild Bill you old crazy sot,
"The Seven" have, but you have not.
Maybe you can show us, show us all the way.

Dr. Stangename counts his jack,
prescribing hits of "hillbilly smack".
Let's pull a tooth and buy another day of cheap grace.

Watch high above the S.S.D.I.,
a once frozen war machine will fly.
While Arthur's dream crumbles into space.

I climbed The Pinnacle to find,
the fallen star had left behind
a bowl of cryptic confusion, guilty illusions in it's wake.

I told a lady with a PHD,
"Now woman in Afghanistan are free".
But she just sneered and said, "for heaven's sake!"

Listen you can hear the swords,
of the ancient feudal lords.
Clans of clans, left over ways of thinking.

Children, bearing children, beg.
While "The Seven" sit upon the keg.
Deeming them not wise enough for drinking.

It wasn't always this way.
Arthur almost had his hay day.
That's when the devil's broken promise beget a faithless town.

And in the years when King Volstead reigned,
some rode on the gravy train.
The ***** were in their court, and they sold his Crown.

I hope someday this rhyme is moot,
and we all get to share the loot.
And they let the ghost of "Ragtime Harney" play.

For it clearly isn't working here,
just like a party with no beer.
There's no reason for anyone to stay.

Up the road it's "a hundred wet",
and I'll see you there I bet.
You'll give them the prize, that you could have won.

And while you smoke and spit and chew,
power-ball and bingo too.
The lesser of the evils, like self righteous boll weevils,
fearing truth upheavals just like this one.

This is a hell of a way to get to Heaven,
livin' your life at the mercy of "The Seven".
Dying to get out. Dying, you stay in.

While "The Seven" get rich, by keeping you poor.
The keepers of the keys to the barrel house door.
And don't tell me that's no sin.
This is a hell of a way to get to Heaven,
a hell of a way to get in.
Harrogate, TN    2004
 Jan 2013 Cedric Cox
LD Goodwin
Near an old Kentucky town
I made my livin' underground.
And seldom would I see the light of day.

Where coal once was king,
I made may hammer ring.
That's a sound that will not soon fade away.

But now the coal train’s turned to rust,
and my lungs are full of dust.
And my time on this earth is through.

For forty years I dug their coal,
till the minin' took its toll.
Now all I ask is this favor of you.

When I die, when I'm gone,
o'er my body sing a song.
So the angels will come and take my soul.

Dig my grave neath the pines,
on a hill far from the mines.
Make my tombstone out of number nine coal,
make my tombstone out of number nine coal.

Near an old Kentucky town,
while the leaves were fallin' down,
a family lay their kin to rest.

While they sang "Amazing Grace",
with a tear on every face,
a miner got his last request.
Pineville, KY    2007  
Inspired by a mining documentary.  It wrote itself.

— The End —