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Carabella Dec 2018
Here we ago again, still the same old thing;
Try and fool myself but there is only pain;
It's hard to trust you anymore with my heart;
Thinking surely you must feel the same.
But how is it? That you can go, so hot and cold, so many obstacles, you need to search your soul and find what's missing... but please listen, I am not the one, that's going to sit around and be whittled down; think it's about that time... we need some distance.

I will always love you honestly;
So please stand right back and let me breathe;
I'm not trying to dip; I don't want to leave;
But I know I got to be free....

Please don't play games; or place the blame;
We all want the same.... we want the same thing.
But this wedding ring has suffocated me; I just want to chill, I just want some peace.
So you do you, and let me be;
Just slow your role and let me see...
Are we meant to be or just meant to be?
I just know I got to be free.
Carabella Dec 2018
The water glides upon the shore, a natural rhythm of which I adore;
The sound of leaves, as they fall from the trees and settle upon your front door;
Step back from the naked branches and say, "You are still just as lovely, with your clothes gone away!"
But with the season coming to a halt;
I can do nothing more but to try and find fault.
Although Spring will be here; counted down to the hours.
It's the grief that I fear; for last year's leaves and flowers.
Carabella Dec 2018
What love lay here beneath me: pressing softly upon the concave of two bodies.
Heart to heart; hairs tickling soft *****.

If ever there was a want to believe in a divine, omnipotent force - it would be now, though entirely unnecessary.
For we have seen a many hardship, no excuses or apologies suffice.

No rococo or garish design - this is you and I, in the midst of the chaotic rhythms that naturally brought forth existence.

Insufferable at times; a compulsion, a weakness completely devouring us. Leaving ourselves open, vulnerable, to the intentions and propositions of the other.

We hesitate. For at times there is no better purpose, never a greater need, never a solemn moment, never a permanence. Yet, we welcome in the reality of these understandings. Changing and growing with the respect of time.

We must be compassionate with each other, yes, we must also be hard, but never forget the power and privilege we have inherited with such union.  

For there has never been a more trialling, damning, passionate..... beautiful, pleasing, patience.....

What love lay here beneath me.
What life lay here before me.
Carabella Dec 2018
Does it really have to be so bad? After all, rejection can only hold weight if the ego is temperamental. Sensitive to another’s words or motives. She told him that she’d like to carry on as friends. Friendship is the ultimate affection-the encompassing freedom which attracts two people together not through responsibility or duty, codependency, or loneliness...but for merely experience. For lessons one might teach the other; for kindness and guidance-so that one does not have to sit in ones own head for to long-so that one can lift the vibration of the other. One should be thankful for such a pass!
Carabella Dec 2018
Come to me my love... within a gentle touch. There is so much that we can be; just the two of us; alone placed high upon a mountain - drinking from life's youthful fountain.

Come to me my friend... for I alone cannot defend, a heart that without you can mend; a stint of sorrow and struggling cries: a blank page to fill such lullabies...

Come to me my warm embrace.... shelter me with your symmetric grace. Take from me what you will; if you forget to ask-be obliged to steal.

In this world of entropy there are no rules: no boundaries to cross;
no bitter fools, no deceitful words, no coins we should need to toss.
Abound in shadow the light refracts, to give such a blessed glow:
A glimmer of pure perfection that is held and placed high upon your brow.

Your laughter rings with ripened cheer, the softest waves that echo through my ear; there is much joy portrayed in your eyes;
the bluest of blue; the colour of skies....

You see... I sit alone... Stand alone... Lie alone....

Right now, you are nothing more than a brief fantasy; in some distant allured synchronicity.
Carabella Dec 2018
In a crowded room; or at a small cafe;
I could sit and witness, your beauty in every way;
At a football game, or sipping dry champagne;
I could look within your eyes, and see that truth remain.

Amongst the rolling hills, or greenish wooden fields;
I could dare to dream such things, over quiet candlelit meals;
Over the course of time, amidst the world divine;
We could talk in silence; and share one glass of wine.

You could teach me how to build, a tree house or a bike;
I could teach you how to spell, and one day how to write...
We could go on vacation, to Italy or France;
You could teach me how to live, and I'll teach you to dance.

With all of these dreams, I'd like to see, one day is brought to life;
You and me, sitting in a tree, under the wrath of night.
Until then, I'll go to sleep; head filled with things to do.

I shall start all over in the morning: I could see myself with you.
Carabella Dec 2018
The canopy of the tree surrounds;
in awe of natures wonderful sounds.
Sun kissed third eye and wind caressed cheek;
A holy time in which we must meet.
In early morning, dew showers the day;
enveloped in green and overcast grey.
Sending gratitude out to the mother still;
Her loving embrace and calmness I feel.
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