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Aug 2010 · 1.5k
Fairy Tale Endings
Catrina Nashed Aug 2010
Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore aren’t you mine yet?
I promise I’ll love you to death and be your Juliet.

Not quite right? Then maybe you’re my Spiderman?
I can be Mary Jane and be your number one fan.

Perhaps you’re my Edward, I promise I won’t laugh.
As your Bella, you’ll be my obsession forever and a half.

You can be Prince Charming, really it’s all the same.
We’ll dance. Don’t worry, Princess is my middle name.

Not good at dancing? Maybe you’re my Mr. Darcy?
I’ll be your clever Elizabeth and we’ll have a cup of tea.

Don’t like tea? I don’t mind, really, it’s fine
I just want the Mr. Right that’s mine.

So long as my ever-after is happy, dear sir.
You can be you, and I’d love you for sure.
just a silly poem.
Aug 2010 · 721
Catrina Nashed Aug 2010
Stars shine in the sky forever and ever
They glitter and glow and never quiver
Always do they light up the dark
R**eturning the earth to light it moved from

Your love shines in my heart forever and ever
It glitters and glows and never quivers
Always do you light up the dark
Returning me to the light I moved from

You are my star.
Never fade away.
Aug 2010 · 753
Lost At Sea
Catrina Nashed Aug 2010
I was standing on the shore,
With my toes buried in the sand
Thinking that the tide will take me in
And my heart would drift on in.
     T  h  e  n    I    m  e  t    y  o  u  .

You came as a wave, tumbling, rushing towards me,
Hurtling and strengthening 'til you swallowed me whole.
You snatched me in, pulling me deeper and deeper,
Until I lost myself in the ecstatic sea.
    A  n  d    t  h  e  n    y  o  u    w  e  r  e    g  o  ­n  e  .

I was stranded, so deep, in the ocean, so still.
Your wave had engulfed me and now I was drowning,
Falling, sinking down into a sea of melancholy.
                                                     ­   breaking
My heart, oh, my soul.  Cracked, torn into pieces.
    I    w  a  s    l  o  s  t    a  t    s  e  a  .

— The End —