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I won't use my umbrella
To shelter myself from the rain;
Instead I'll turn it upside-down
To capture as much as I can
While I dance in the downpour
To rhythms all my own,
Vulnerable to Lady Weather's whims,
Feeling completely at home.

Come join me in celebration!
Rejoice with me, my friend;
Seize the chance to splash and spin
Before the shower ends.
See how the water gathers
As we join in laughter here;
With the beads of Heaven's bounty,
Drops of cheer will appear.
 May 2010 Catie Lien
Ben Hirsch
I awake next to the fair haired maiden.
The princess already rescued,
Having beaten off all the big bads.
Now I have come to see
Why the story always ends
With the storybook rescue
And not the ever-after.
I knew you as an image,
A heavenly body beyond reach.
Now I have you.
I dreamed of us running
Towards each other
Open armed
I loved you.
Too bad I will **** you.
Not with sharpened blade,
But with pointed tongue.
Worming my doubts into your head.
Forcing you to hate yourself,
But to always love me.
Till the day you’ll break,
And run from this world.
Convinced you are not worthy;
Knowing you’ll never find someone better.
Constant nagging with your voice,
But always my words.
When I reached the goal,
I no longer wanted the prize.
A trophy wife,
But not first place.
For now, I lie here next to you.
I brush your hair from your ear,
And lean in.
“I love you”
I whisper.
And what’s worse, I mean it.
© Ben Hirsch 2010

— The End —