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Our old adventures were like fables,
Enjoying our time for who we were,
Not having each other wear a label,
We had patches of lost friendship,
Over the long years, having clubs,
Only us two with valid memberships,
I remember our drunken midnight kiss,
I laughed and you kissed my teeth,
But again you didn't miss,
We learned lessons through each other,
Now a brother, I hope you get
To climb a ladder to the stars,
Comforting moss on the rungs,
And have happiness gather at the top.
My exhistance is like an ocean; a basic supply
To the human planet.
My emotions are like a river; deep and flowing one minute, strong and deadly another.
My drop from reality is like a waterfall; suspeneded in the air for seconds before crashing hard.
My patience is like a creek; quietly moving on, and rarely making a sound.
My reflection is like a pond; still and there, but covered in lillies and algae.
My knowledge is like a mist; clouding things from myself, hoping I can at least know they are there.
My anger is like steam; fast and leaving the kettle, and can never be put back.
My tears are like dew; falling down, rolling down to the underside, where nobody can see.
A single candle flame alights inside me,
Illuminating shadows on the wall,
Where alone I wish to be,
Away from anybody's calls.

I see the shadows, and they see me, and that I
Wish I couldn't ever feel,
Because the shadows eyes are upon me; I
Hear things, they whisper to me, and assure I never heal.

One shadow pounces on me, the other grabs ahold,
They all know what I've done to myself,
To people, there are things I've never told,
They are pages, in the fire, starting to melt.

My eyes have begun to water, filling up a pond,
And the lone candle flame has begun to flicker,
The friends and family I've known are gone,
Until the shadows bring me to a bed of wicker.

They carry flames crawling the sky,
"Fire!" They scream, "ashes and ember!"
A preconceived thought is I'm going to die,
But I'm already gone forever.

Memories turn into lead anchors in my soul,
And the wicker has begun to crackle,
Suddenly, claws are tearing a hole,
And the shadows have begun to wail and hackle.

The fire touched my skin, like so did the razor,
Cutting, tearing, burning away my life,
The painful hole welled up into a crater,
Seeing how tiny and shiny was the knife.

My fathers only anger was directed towards me,
He had slept with someone else,
He didn't notice if I would internally bleed,
At the force of his drunken yells.

So I sat myself in the cold tub,
Everybody said go up the river,
That's when me and the bottle teamed up,
When my skin tore deeply, I knew I was ****** forever.

I didn't take long to bleed out,
But then I heard, "call 9-1-1!",
Couldn't hear words, only muffled shouts,
I can't imagine the shadows if it was a gun.

I left my heaven far behind,
I am just another sinner,
My sold isn't worth much, he can have it for free,
But it will be made out of Cinder.
All alone, mind lost,
No friends, just demons,
High sacrifice for low cost.

Sleepless nights, terror filled thoughts,
Unsteady heartbeat,
Unpure soul rots.

Crawling skin, fake bites,
Torn between two people,
Blind fought fights.

Gone to hell and back,
Medicating on *****
And low cost crack.

Her good person is herself,
With no memory of how she became,
She see's her, and grabs the lighter from the shelf.

Her evil person is Addict,
And is now in control,
And has just about had it.

One last dance, for old time's sake,
Absolutely no chance to live,
But a chance they take.

Dead heartbeat but shallow pulse,
Asleep like comatose,
The Darkness, can be anything.
You can be scared, and see it as
A Monster,
Who can hear your heartbeat,
Who can mimick your eyes' expectations,
Who can amplify every tick of the clock,
Who can make pipes scream and boards wail,
Who can make a breeze into a breathe.

Or you can be calm, and see it
As a friend, who will cover you
In it, like a blanket or a sweater.
A rippling pool of black, slightly
Moving you like a wave
Isolation, from everything you
Can't handle, you give it to the darkness,
And it becomes a foundation.

Or you could be like me and turn on
The lights.

— The End —