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657 · Jan 2013
Their Disapproving Stares
Their disapproving stares could not tame
Nor their prayers quench the fire in her veins

This tempestuous primal bloom with skin that smelled of lavender and tasted like the sea
Had a thorny sting as sharp as the arrogant wasp

"The loss! The loss!" they warned as they tugged and pulled on the hem of her skirt
But she kept walking, staying one step ahead of the fullness of their grasp and her own wind blown shadow

They responded,  "Go then! You are in God's hands now!"
Their words stopped her and she turned to face them, "Indeed and I go gladly. Perhaps you'd care to join me?"
655 · Jan 2013
An Unruly Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts
Tired of simply baking tarts

Decided "Inner Revolution"
Would be the phrase of the day

She summoned her court and her Knave and King
Stating "Your Queen has something not lovely but unruly to say"

You can imagine, I am sure, how the very notion of such a thing
Caused quite a stir and they all came running, dropping everything

"Please join me in my revolt against usual and everyday
Instead think farther than castle doors; and Advance! Adventure! Play!

Let us meet new folks in the world's other places
Let us dance to the rhythm of their language
The beauty of their faces

Let us do it with the eagerness
And the purpose we hold inside
Let us do it with reverence, curiosity and pride

Let us open our eyes and our hearts and explore
Let us stretch and expand and
Become so much more"
647 · Mar 2013
The Sky is Kneeling Down
Tell me...

Before you close your eyes
Tell me of today's miracles
Did you part the Red Sea
Still the sun and the moon
Bring back to life what was dead and gone

Tell me...

Where will you keep these miracles of yours
What will you do with them
Will you weave them together and sleep under them
Will you carve them in red stone and build a Tower

Little one, little one come to me
Little one come to me
The evening birds they sing their song
And the sky is kneeling down
And the sky is kneeling down

Will you build a Tower so tall
That it stands high for everyone to see
So that you never forget
And always remember
So that your legend becomes a page in humanities story

Little one, little one come to me
Little one come to me
The evening birds they sing their song
And the sky is kneeling down
And the sky is kneeling down

Tell me...

Before you close your eyes
Tell me of today's miracles
645 · Apr 2013
I Rowed Out To Him
I rowed out to him upon the Duvet Sea
Found him lying veiled in soft white waves

I lowered myself onto his body ... trusting
That he could carry the weight of my dark and light

I laid my ear to his throat and the music of his body sang out
Pulsating and reaching into my very soul

I breathed him in, his song and rhythms
~ heart beat, breath, hum of vibrating vocal chords~

*Singing and dancing in my blood and bones
There's a storm coming and the tide is rising, I hike up my dress and wade into the water
I want to disrobe you in this wet wilderness of pounding heart  and throbbing pulse
Did I tell you that to date I have discovered one thousand and nine ways to love you

And I am still counting

So make passable the impassable! Be brave and open up your Heaven to me!
Flood my soul for forty days and forty nights and let me feed you my wild honey and manna
And cradled within waves and winds, a new covenant with new stories will be born

*And lovers will still be counting
627 · Jan 2013
Princely Troubadours
Would Be suitors, you sing to me having migrated to your breeding pond
All the night long you court me with your lively mating song

As I lie in my bed eavesdropping on you troubadours of princely green
I marvel and delight at the thought, that I may have been chosen your beloved Queen

I imagine you...watchful, eager with handsome green bodies adorned with bronze and brown
Banjos with loose strings strapped to your bodies tightly, as you hop around

Yellow throats bursting open with hopeful songs of praise
For all eligible green ladies with lovely long green legs

Long may you live and may your homes be filled with throngs
Of charming little boys like you, who fill our lives with song
Dedicated to my wonderful peepers who sing me to sleep every beautiful spring night.
Few of us are what appears on the surface
That calm, cool, and collected facade

No, just five thousand kilometres beneath man's surface you will find

Eagerly parting lips
Curves that mold themselves to the touch
Whispers that may be tomorrow's haunting ghosts
Wild and hungry hearts, liquid and refusing to be anything other than what they are

Unbridled molten hotspots

Eager to be explored by those who are daring enough
Those who are brave enough and willing enough
To sink into those dark and rich places
To pursue and to capture
To burn and  to melt
With no guarantee that we'll not be altered or affected
Hell no!
Passion isn't and nor should it be, for the faint of heart

616 · Aug 2013
One Last Try
One last try?
And where might that be hidden?
What if all those last try's have been spent?

One last try?
You ask this so nonchalantly
Like you're simply asking for one more slice of bread

One last try...Well let me tell you
When last I reached for it
When last I tried to grasp...

*...Like sand ~ like water it slipped through my hopeful fingers
609 · Jan 2013
O Lovely Spring
At 5 am, I step out my door
To be greeted by the warm rains of spring
Fingers of  wind caress my skin
Thirsting body and soul, drink deeply

O Lovely Spring!
How we have longed for your glorious resurrection
The willows dance and whisper
The backyard ****** and I, eavesdrop on hushed secrets

"She's coming." the willows sway
Our eyes scan the skyline, alert for signs

O Lovely Spring!
How we have longed for your glorious return
The heady scent of you fills the air
The cadency of blood's flow quickens
We quiver in anticipation
For that warm touch that loosens winter's grasp

*O Lovely Spring!
How we have longed for your glorious resurrection
608 · Jan 2013
You Don't Have To Be Good
You don't have to be good
Living just to do the things they tell you, you should

You don't have to be right
Tiptoeing all around your heart, afraid to live your life

You don't have to repent
For being a woman who lives her life without their consent

Woman of the heart live from your soul
Dig in the Earth, where came the rib
Breathe from your soul
Let bare foot keep time with Magdalene's Choir
Let it bless your lips  and bless your hips
And set your blood on fire

**No, You Don't Have To Be Good
602 · Jan 2013
Favoured Sounds
There is a surge of emotion that rises instantly from deep within when I hear favoured sounds

A primal rhythmic piece of music

The contented sigh of a loved one

The crackle of a fire
A whispered secret


These waves of energy are magickal to me

They enter our bodies and move through us

Merge with our souls

Taking us from where we were just a short moment ago,

To another realm

A delightful, expansive, intimate place within.

600 · Jan 2013
Harvesting the past
Examining every chunk
Swallowing mudstone after mudstone
That compete to be the first
To weigh down a hungry belly
But they hold no threat
For a belly on fire
1300 degrees fahrenheit

I have closed my eyes
And gulped LIFE down whole
Heads, tails
And all the innards
So you are in my wilderness now
~ Juicy red cell upon cell ~
All containing history, geography, chemistry, language
And story

But we are all more than our stories
Aren't we
So much more
This is just the beginning

588 · Jan 2013
Open up your Never Land
Open your Never land to me
I want to map it all
The mysteries, hidden coves, and uncharted depths
Emancipations and self-liberations

Let me explore you
As you share your story
Tracing the geography of your body
Inch by Inch, Line by Line

I want to memorize the rise of chest
The fall of belly
The valley of  inner thigh
Freeing your story with reverent hands
Open your Never land to me
583 · Feb 2013
The Harbinger
She could not concisely have expressed how it happened
How the vibrant colours of the days
She found herself living within the walls of
Had  become strangely gaunt and watered down

But they had

And this man, a man she barely knew
Could not possibly know how the words he had just spoken from the pulpit
"Here we are, half way through the dark days of Winter."
Would reach inside her and stir up the winds of urgency

But they had

Amid strangers, she pulled a thorn from her self-inflicted  crown
And silently began mending a life she barely recognized
With vision both struggling and skewed, she fumbled along with thorny needle and thread
Upon that which for too long, had been coming apart at the seams
583 · Jan 2013
Goddess of Love
From the perspective of a goddess,
love can be found everywhere
in people, in animals, in nature, in objects, and in moments.

And the Goddess of Love continues to bring the willing to love's banquet table
and her disciples continue to feast with odd and hungry hearts.
582 · Apr 2013
April Writing assignment
“Advance!” I shouted
That **** monkey wouldn’t budge, not even to look me in the eye

“Insolent decrepit brat!Advance!”

Still that monkey did nothing

“Advance, I say! Do you hear me? Advance!”

“No.” said the monkey

“No?” I asked incredulously


“And why not?” I demanded

“Because” said the monkey “you did not say please.”
I was given 4 random words (decrepit, monkey, no, advance) and was instructed to write a poem as long or as short as I desired.  The above is what I came up with.
576 · Jan 2013
The Fortresses We've Built
It occurs to me that often our struggles are with Fortresses we've built

Every vow and promise we've spoken
Each, acted as a sturdy wooden beam

Blessed by our passion and determination, they fastened together

Shielding and protecting those that we most cherished
And thus created a safe haven for many tomorrows

**Is it any wonder then that attempts at deconstruction are often so difficult?
There's a stirring when old ways start to whisper
Almost without a hint of knowing

Despite very good intentions
Despite diligence

When the whispers start ...

... Do we listen?
Or do we explain it away?

"Probably just a creak in an old joint settling ... just one of those noises old vessels make in the midst of the darkest's nothing."  a voice will often offer up in the hope of silencing vigilant angels.

After all we're all big boys and girls. We can do this on our own.

571 · Jan 2013
Sisters of Marrow
We are Sisters of Marrow  

Nourished by connection that goes deeper than blood

Roots entwined in the mainstream of life's origin

That place, where blood and alliances are formed

Making the passage ...


558 · May 2013
Wriggle out of last years limitations!
Stretch beyond the confines of those outdated walls!

The safety of that cocoon no longer fits your glorious wings
Break free and fly
And as you soar to new heights

May ♥ curiosity, ♥ a desire for peace and ♥ lust for life
Fill your lungs with a fire that tempers and strengthens all you breathe upon.
556 · Jan 2013
Riotous Bellas
Riotous Bellas

Delight in the Dance

Stay out much to late

To wriggle and prance

Not for a moment

Do they hesitate

In their frenzied storming of Revelry's Gate

Riotous Bellas

Flushed and sublime

Drink deep of the music, laughter and wine
545 · Apr 2013
Honey Flows
As honey flows from the Tree
Its sticky trickle gathers up and carries the sacred
A promise of him to me
Me to him
A promise of days and nights
Feasting on manna shrouded in honey
Feasting on each others breathless words of love
544 · Jun 2013
Swallowed Whole
Pain swallowed
And swallowed hard

Taking all reason
Taking all compassion
Taking all soul

Till there was nothing left
Except the crumbling shell of what once was

Despite all the ghostly protesting to the contrary
Pain had won the prize
And sat contented with a full belly
537 · May 2013
The Wonder That is You
A wonder made of flesh and bone
How glorious it is to watch you move
The grace of hand as you skip the stone
Your narrowed gaze and confident attitude
Every step bold and surefooted as you roam
*How glorious it is to watch you move
531 · Jan 2013
As Dawn Steals a Kiss
As light begins to embrace darkness,
Dawn steals a kiss from the East

Woman, her skin parched and thirsty,
Calls out to her feet.
"Take us to the Apple Orchard.
There you can ~ dance upon the dew~

Perhaps, not as lofty a quest, as the ~ walk upon the water ~
But the ordinary is miraculous also, is it not?"

With great lust, amused and rowdy feet answer the call
And woman is caught up in a moment.

Her fevered lips press against delicate blossoms
And as she drinks the delicate perfumed elixir
Memories of worms once found ~ drown upon the dew~
529 · Jan 2013
Revelations of Love
Love can bring you pleasure
Love can bring you pain
A delicate balance of loss and gain
It can lift you up
It can knock you down
Make you feel so smart
Let you know you're a clown

Love, the sweet vexations of love
Love, the revelations of love

I thought he really loved me
I thought I was his world
Turns out I was just another girl
One of many
He had strung out on his line
Boys don't cha know
That was a kick in my behind

Love, the desecration of love
Love, the revelations of love

Just another girl
What a slap in my face
I'm on a mission now to erase
Every single trace
Of that man
Would you like to help me
Formulate a plan

*Love, oh the frustrations of love
Love, oh the complications of love
Love, the revelations of love
527 · Mar 2013
I Get Caught Up
When I walk down to the shore and it rises to greet me

I get caught up in those moments
Those moments when we both grow in size and grandeur
Just from the knowing of one another

The recognition
The reclaiming
The owning

And as I undress and expose hidden places
It crashes at my feet and reveals undercurrent treasures
526 · Jan 2013
Ode to the Blank Page
We sit poised with pen over you

So much to divulge ... explain ... confess

But the sight and smell of your brightness, your freshness causes us to hesitate

It's not your fault that you fill our hearts with hope and sadness

At the sight of you, we are filled with the longing

To know the opportunity of having once again, a clean page spread before us

A new path eager for our markings to meander over it

Ones that are not weighted down so heavily

As to smear and tear with a past that bogs down and trips up

But you know there is no such possibility

You know there is no future where the past does not make itself welcome

And still you lie there spread open before our disquiet

Silent in your trust and in your vulnerability

We marvel at your courage and wonder if we could ever be so noble
524 · Apr 2013
Consequential Residue
No matter if our heads
Are tipped left or right
Or whether you’re examined
During the day or the night
There sits you, our dusty debris
Remnants of decisions made much to hastily

Consequential Residue

There you are but what to do?
Do we approach from the front?
Or approach from the rear?
But what if we capture you?
What then should we do?

Do you have a sense of humour?
Can we laugh you away?
Or are you pious and proper
And require that we pray?
Or do you require more effort than even of that
Of the continual sweeping of your creepage back under our mats

Should we bag and tag?
Or toss off the bridge?
Should we mount your head?
Or stick you to the door of our fridge?
It is just so very much to decide

**Whether to display ... or whether to hide
I am alive when you touch me, for I touch you

As you know me, I know you

Watch me as I lean into or away from

One element, open to another; who in turn leans into

Or veers from my earthy scent and rough caress

We all are seeking

Yearning to explore, be explored

To understand, to be understood

To penetrate, root into and connect with life

Stretching limbs and roots into the unknown

To touch and to know we are alive

There is roughness

That is part of truth

A toughness that comes with survival

Traces are left behind when we expand into each other's worlds

We are affected by all who come to give, who come to take

Bent branches, faded foliage, scarred skin

Do these markings make us less or more
521 · Jan 2013
Immersed in Your Deep
Turbulent Waters

Swirling round my feet
Tugging me out further

Into your deep ... into your deep

A kiss is what I long for

But I choke on salty air
And those waters keep pulling
Do I turn or do I dare
The strands of our experiences
Like threads of raw silk
Weave themselves into intricate webs

They swirl in and out of our days
Sticky and ghost like
Some slip by but some cling

Bridging the past
To the present
The time and space that is us

Making it difficult to remember
We now prowl freely
517 · Jan 2013
I **** you
Crush you
Grind every last bone
To add to my tea ... yet
You resurrect

You **** me
Feast on me
**** the marrow from my bones
To feed your hunger ... yet
I resurrect

And the cycle continues
The story repeats
How many deaths must love endure before it's deemed worthy of peace
515 · Mar 2013
A Pocket Full of Lightening
This morning he leaned in
And stole a kiss from my sleepy lips
I looked up into warm brown eyes
And I saw God visiting there


So I kissed him
And discovered that he also
Had a pocket full of lightening
Oh my ...
510 · Sep 2013
The Story
Dig deep

Excavate your life and the lives of those who moved you
Sleep, eat and dance with the bones of your story

Its sinews and flesh

Know it by heart and then adorn its naked flesh as you wish
Be brave then, light a fire and share with all who will listen

Time to be with those who gather**

You are a part of the world's legend
Take your rightful place at the fire
508 · Jan 2013
Ode to a Face
A map and compass

When I take time to be with you, you show much

The winds and tides that Life's storms have hurled in paths tread

You bear the scars

But the storms ragings, were no match


For a lion's heart, still shines in those eyes

Radiating...spilling over

Making cheek bones glow

And lips part and grin to receive love and kisses

Eagerly and with more wisdom

**"Come Life!" you dare, "Come Dance with me.
Come let me embrace you, now knowing, what I know!"
506 · Feb 2013
Roll Away The Stone
I rolled away the stone
But you weren't there

So I waited

I waited and chiseled words of love
Knowing that they might never be read
Or their meaning understood

But still I waited

For there was need
A need to be set free

*And the night, it too waited
Keeping me company, as I  chiseled its darkness away
502 · Jan 2013
The Ultimate Canvas
Life is meant to be lived

It's the ultimate canvas

So dive into your life

Take what delights and engages you

And splash

Splatter, stain, smear, spray

Dab, plaster, slap on, smudge

And spread

Your "living" all over the spaces and places you find yourself in
496 · Jan 2013
The Wax and Wane
Is it possible for one to know the depth of another's emotions?
Know it so well, so deeply, so profoundly that we too feel it?
That we too are brought to our knees?

If they could tell us;
If they were to try and explain their wax and wane
Their torrent of tears, their raging fears

Would we listen?
Or would we insist
"You're being unreasonable and emotional. You must stop this."

Are our hearts big enough?
Is there room
For a frightened soul needing to be exhumed?
Can you feel the liveliness of words as they form in your head and slip off your tongue
Each syllable pulsating, merging and finding its rhythm

Alive ...

Taking root, nourishing the mind with the palatable, digestible and the succulent
Riding the winds to the four corners and back

Gathering and giving
Gathering and taking

Alive ...

Igniting notions and philosophies, fancies and yearnings
Drenching, pulling you under and steeping you in your own thoughts

Alive ...
492 · Jan 2013
Fix Your Stare
Love my Aphrodite
Play with my Nymph
Share what I desire
Warm yourself by my fire

Love my Aphrodite
Accept me
Wander with me
Listen to my prayers

Love my Aphrodite
Challenge me
Claim me
Leave your mark on my world ...

**... but Never Ever Ever let your gaze fall elsewhere ...
461 · Mar 2013
I have to say that I love life
I love walking outside and drinking in the seasons
Smelling the scents indigenous to our island
Even with my eyes closed I can know I'm home

Catching up with friendly faces
All of nature mixing and mingling
A cacophony of natural rhythms
That dance off  breath and pound from chests

The sound of  each snowy step taken reminds
That there is hope for tomorrow
That there is hope for today
That there is hope for yesterday

Purpose filled living that grows deeper and stronger
Grabbing life by the hips and drinking thirstily from her mouth
Striding wholly into the stratum of a living, feeling, breathing being
Thrusting into the wonder that is yesterday, today and tomorrow

I have to say that I love life
(Radix, meaning *root* is the latin word from which the word radical sprang and also the word radish. Radish because it is a root vegetable and radical because it means a "change at the root".)
There was a wilderness about her that was savage in its intensity
The woman's spit was fluid fire ~ liquid desire
I was given 3 random words (savage, desire and spit ) and was instructed to write a poem as long or as short as I desired.  The above is what I came up with.
460 · Jan 2013
Breathing Life into Clay
And though it be constant
Isn't it strange
This process of Living
Seems all about change

Opportunities arriving
Too early ... too late
Leaving us stranded
Just beyond Heaven's gate

Heavy souls weighted down
With the dust of habit's fate
Naked souls riding high
Caring not, what lies in wait

Every soul a living story
Breath of life into clay
Oh! All those smiles and tears
That can not melt one word away
456 · Jan 2013
If we Have to
If we have to be taken there
By pinched ear
Weren't we really caught somewhere
Other than "Here"?

If they have to take the action
Of tugging our heart's sleeve
Does the compass not point to distraction
When our minds choose to leave?

When our thoughts start to wander
Is the heart far behind?
It's possibly something to ponder
For it must be nagging the mind

We know we are so clever
So perhaps we ought to try
To figure out who's being foolish ... and whether
It's worth the knowing why?
453 · Feb 2013
Ten Little Lines
A chance encounter had

Hearts pounding
Pulses racing
Breath quickening

Minds wondering
What if?
Why not?

**So we did
453 · Mar 2013
When You're Not Here
I can close my eyes
And envision you
Spread out above me
Like the Heavens

I can reach out
Into the Milky Way
Discover and uncover
All your constellations

I can imagaine as I loosen
My limbs from weighty blankets
I'm free of gravity's hold
And rising up ... up ... up to meet you
Why did you bury Yesterday in such a shallow grave?
Why invest so much of your time in what no longer exists?

There you are, on your hands and knees
In the overturned dredgings of the past

Why must you insist upon exhuming the elapsed?
Constantly picking through and re-examining memories and moments

It would seem that you are looking for evidence ... of what?
*Are you hoping to find a pulse of life, among all that decay?
439 · Jan 2013
Oh Love, What you do to us
Oh Love ...

What you do to us!

How the sight, sound, smell and touch of you
Make the tide within our hearts rise and swell.

Ohhhhh and that rush of delicious heat!

That envelops a body from tip to tip
And makes knees go weak.

Oh Love ...

Our eyes overflow with your delights!

We are rendered both alert and powerless.
Submerged in a flood of feeling.

Swallowed by the current ...
423 · Jan 2013
The House of Blue
Visions flash through my head
As she rises from the dead
The girl I use to be
Sometimes she calls out to me
I grab my keys and I'm out the door
Heading to a place I've lived before
An old dirt road and a house of blue
Back to the girl that I once knew

Once upon a time her life was mine
Once upon a long ago time

Sitting on the side of that road
Seeing her with her bedlam load
Two little ones and a long journey
I reach out to pull them close to me
Lessons to learn, oh, she learned them well
Broke me free from a Sleeping Spell
Sacrificed all that she knew
To set me free from a house of blue

*Once upon a time her life was mine
I owe that girl for a long ago time
She carried the life that was mine
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