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 Dec 2012 Cat Otherwise
Crying out to Jesus
To be strength to the weak
Comfort to those who mourn
Accomplish some good
Shedding a ray of sunshine
To those in sadness
Needing encouragement
From friends

© Hilda December 24, 2012
Merry                Christmas              to                    you!
Christmas          cheer                bringing         happiness
To                      bringing            goodness          incarnate
You!                  Happiness         incarnate         being!

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Wishing you and all your loved ones a Merry Christmas, filled with happiness, love, peace and many beautiful times ahead!
sometimes I forget how to write because
the only thing I can think of is your
touch and the way your fingers
would often find themselves
in my hair.

on the ride home my throat burned with all
the promises I left beside you, it also
ached with words that I cannot
say anymore because you
stole them from me.

I held your hand and showed you magic,
I explained how infinity would wrap
us up in its arms and take us far
away from here, making us
into stars instead of
lonely people.

I remember telling you about the night
I tried to find myself, instead I found
the tide pulling me away from
you and your bones.

“I am sad”, you say to me and it is the
most profound thing I have ever
heard, your words bury
themselves inside of
my heart and I tell
you I need to

we don’t speak anymore but
your words are still buried
beneath my bruised and
battered ribcage.

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
I see the Superior Gitche Gumee.
The clouds slowly descend after a lazy drizzle fills the air with grey.
From atop this hill I look down,
Upon the steely blue-grey waters
Churning with eagerness to throw themselves upon the rocks of the shore.
As my eyes trace the horizon covered by a soft cloud curtain,
A soft smile sneaks up on me as I realize
I can't tell where the skies meet those waters
As they drop off the edge of the earth
Into nothingness.

The determined flowers stretching up from the bushes press upon me
A scent unfamiliar,
And as I walk away, I look back to see one lone rock
Staring back at me from among the waves.
Across the highway, where the drivers speed past
(As they presumably do every day),
I view the mist-covered forests pouring over the hillside
Like some great verdant blanket.

A pair of older men stand along the rocky shoreline below,
Swapping stories and secrets
As they skip stones.
I was way up north, and I saw this scene as I stopped to look at the fog rising up from the lake, and I felt this surge of ideas coming into me, and warming me from the outside in, into my core. I had no choice but to write.
what is this thing
that resides in our silences
threatening to reveal all
in that brief fearful moment
before the curtain falls?
a monstrous beast be it
like the one that the Grimms described
gentle in its grotesquness
it leaves its trace behind.
this paradoxical distance
becomes longer with each word spoken
like a mobius strip
twisted within itself
it leaves me craving for closure
Schrödinger’s cat I am
neither built nor broken

- Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
What I heard - and then saw through the mind's eye.

Aditya Bhaskara - Thank you for the spark :)
Forever ago,
I had done this before,
                            but growing up had pushed it aside,
      disregarded it as child’s play.

           Yet somehow as I listened
           to the rain
                        pounding against the auditorium roof,
the child in me
                     and now I stand
with my pant legs soaked, as
          he looks at me
                     and laughs
                              and takes my hand to walk me
                              to the dry and warm.
But before we step onto the sidewalk,
              as we linger there in the parking lot
in the swirling space between young and old,
       I can see us years ago
as 8 year olds dashing through nightfall
          to splash ourselves
               as we did tonight.  
   And for all the maturity I pretend to have,
             my soul sheds a  
                 raindrop tear
for the simple happiness

                                                            I have lost.
Lately everything has been speaking to me
it started with the vines along my fence intertwining
I thought of all the paths it took to grow
up to the power line
and all the pieces reaching nothing
and left hanging
a reflection of the decisions and paths we take
some sending us higher
some leading us astray
never finding our way

The ocean spoke to me next
waving at me so inviting
telling me theres so much more to a surface
another world unexplored worth trying
dangerous and enticing
yet gentle and leaving me weightless
like a new infatuation or the love I'm currently riding

Then I saw the bee
working constantly
carrying the flowers seed
designed to fufill the flowers need
and make sweet honey
perfect for my tea
I realized everything has a purpose
including you and me

Then I saw an old man
at the end of his days
He was a brilliant writer
and would be remembered beyond
his grave
I realized that we are never finished
legends live on and never diminish

Finally I saw the stars
burning bright
millions of them held in the sky
and past them is an infinite space
and I am part of such a small
miraculous place and the world
is my oyster and I am one
of many pearls from the many walks of life
of all these beautiful boys and girls
and the feeling that engulfed me was eternity

I found the bashful shy side of myself
In the rear of the room looking lame
Misunderstood, laughed at, put to shame

I stood alone, my voice turned to stone

Still I could see the beauty of myself
For this reason I did not cry aloud
I allowed my mind to fly upon a cloud

I stood alone, my voice turned to stone

None dare to care, they did not ask
Just like all the writing on the wall
I heard my name echo in the hall

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