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men are beautiful;
they argue over the price
of abortions

a distorted mirror of a favorite classical haiku by Masaoka Shiki (19 c.):

men are disgusting--
they argue over the price
of orchids
Today my heart soars over the tiny town with its tiny shadows between well lit spaces.
This is where yesterday is just a mystery and tomorrow never comes.
Today never ends.
Forever is suspended sleepy over roofs and windows.
It drifts down like the tiny flakes that often come.
No sign of stopping, no sign of letting up.
Forever folds around like blankets in the cold.
The tiny town with its tiny hearts are in the moment that never passes.

I want to be in the town where tomorrow never comes, yesterday is gone and tonight is the rest of forever.
 Sep 2012 Cat Otherwise
I casually lie on my worn couch
wondering and wandering in my mind about
a girl, the girl
She moves in me from head to toe,
from rooftop to basement floor
I crawl into her and she accepts me
and takes me in and feeds me bowl
after bowl of every kind of warmth
you can imagine
We are inside each other and she bathes
me in kisses, touches and looks
I'm so close to her that I could feel her
rapid heartbeat and the sweat dripping
from her glorious curvy body is now
becoming my sweat
I tell her never leave me
She says never move from this position
for here and now is exactly what we need
Our beating hearts are bass drums
in a New Orleans high school marching band
that drums and drums throughout a six mile
uptown parade
Something's happening and I'm so in love with
your body
It's not foreign anymore because it's the best place
I've gone to
I sailed to you
It's like you have the best parts from all my favorite places
You-with the most delightful and mouthwatering views
Your ******* are like two sunflower-filled hills
and your stomach is the white snow in which
I lie in and make snow angels
Your thighs are waves from the Gulf
pouring over me
and I can't catch my breath
rough draft, made on the spot
The noon's greygolden meshes make
All night a veil,
The shorelamps in the sleeping lake
Laburnum tendrils trail.

The sly reeds whisper to the night
A name-- her name-
And all my soul is a delight,
A swoon of shame.
 Sep 2012 Cat Otherwise
We lay, you on your right side and I
on my stomach

  you can   hear  waves   crash
(steel girders twisting under stress)
An ocean of mercury, sloshing lightly- less than silently.
Ripples radiating as waves collide and
a drop is flung free,
into the perfect moment of    separation.
As the bauble is balanced,
I float momentarily flawless- circular with surface tension;
my wagging tongue wrenched free and swallowed whole
in the moment while I wait
for your answer.
I asked
are you in love with me.
The snow has nowhere to go in New York.
Stamped out by heavy shoes
Fended off by black umbrellas
it whirls confused
around the street lamps
like a million moths in summer
 Sep 2012 Cat Otherwise
I miss your laugh and your smile
I wont see those for a while
You send me rainbows, sunshine too
I know it's you who makes my skies blue
I miss the way you said my name
Without you here isn't the same
Your voice always rang a happy chime
I will join you up there in good time
It hurts me, for us to be apart
I miss your once warm heart
 Sep 2012 Cat Otherwise
Your cheeks are like plums,
fleshy and ruby-pink.
I’ve watched them blossom in the Sun,
although you’ve tried to hide your face behind a mahogany curtain.
I bet the moon is jealous of your luster,
even in darkness.
There is an opalescent quality to you.
Slivers of silver in your hair,
I bet your freckles are arranged like constellations.
Will you ever let someone be so lucky
as to connect the dots?

*June 2012
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