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 Jul 2013 Cassidy Chambers
I want someone who is
More than just a cure for my loneliness
Someone who can seal my madness with a kiss

More than a pretty face
An electric soul
a fiery grace
More than static
Over and out of control

Til death do we tear each other apart
Reworking our guts into the bigger picture
You can't spell heart without "art"

To the one who can supernova my senses with
a stare
     a touch
          a telepathic tug

*Just be here now
You are the most beautiful
When silence rushes in and comes to be
Inspiration borrowed from those colors in our skies
No sweeter ways claim the valleys
Passing through my soul
Than life leaves upon my senses
When silence strays
Into the want and need
I see in your eyes
Copyright *Neva Flores @2011
When the party is said and done
I’m alone
Watching rain drops fall outside my window
Pondering all the ways things went wrong
Can you tell me where my mind has gone?
I can’t seem to put my finger on
Just exactly where I left it
It might be a goner along with my heart
And my liver
Or maybe it’s just hiding from the madness that infects it
Either way I’m alone regardless
Watching the rain fall, hopeless, heartless
Patiently awaiting the next party
To distract me
Only until it’s over
It started with a whisper
And ended with a bang
A cliché ending
With a waterfall running down my face
And a rock where his heart should have been

Well I tried to fix the broken things
That ate away at your soul
And in return you looked at me
Like you couldn’t believe that I was real

But I guess you can’t give everything
Because if you do they’ll **** you dry
And it’s just such a sad story
When enough is not enough
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