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Oct 2017 · 232
Cass Oct 2017
i want to want my life to be calm, and quiet
Aug 2017 · 274
vantage point
Cass Aug 2017
From where I stand I wonder if there is a better option at all
Sitting here wishing we were 17
When we could blame our age or our experience or the drugs, man when now we can't even look at each other
You didn't peel back your skin and show me how your blood flows because I didn't ask you to
You never told me you would never leave me because I didn't want to know
You never promised forever because we agreed
That forever is a concept humans created
To comfort themselves from the inevitability of death, and decay
Silently i promised you forever
Because for me forever is a moment that you can't get back,
Forever is knowing that what you have now is all you'll ever have,
As far as we are concerned
Forever is inside me,
Forever is not a promise, it's a warning
Aug 2017 · 341
Cass Aug 2017
Two months ago my grandma's spirit
Started leaving her body
She hadn't passed yet but
She had no use for this realm anymore
I wondered where spirits go
And who would tell me I'm wonderful
And beautiful and perfect
Once she was gone

Two months ago my mother and I
Planted morning glories
On our old rusted lightpost
"They never grow for me," she said
"Every year I try and they just never latch on, never grow how they're supposed to"
She glanced at me as if she wasn't talking about flowers anymore
"If they bloom I will kiss you with joy"

Nearly always, I do not feel wonderful
Or beautiful or perfect
But as time passed and I questioned
Why we all try
Just to suffer and die
In your home, in your hell
After twenty, thirty, or eighty years
I realized that the vines had taken over the post, had overgrown the broken lightbulb
The twisted vines full of buds
Had reached over 7 feet

My grandma's hands could grow any flower on this planet
But she was not a flower
She was not delicate
She did not need to be coddled
She is the weeds that you yank out every weekend just to grow back
She is a mighty cactus in Arizona

She is the morning glories in my front lawn,
Living by the earth instead of it's seasons
She could have been a redwood
Or a rare plant, remotely in Tahiti
Protected, strong, beautiful
She is the morning glories on my front lawn to remind me
"So can you"
May 2017 · 328
What's in a star?
Cass May 2017
Besides being vaporized,
We can only imagine intense light
Intense heat
As unfathomable as nothingness
Should the ability to blind be praised?
Should something matter just because it refuses to be ignored?
May 2017 · 298
Cass May 2017
I reach down to the earth and know
That everything that has
Ever mattered to me has rested on it
I reach for any star
As close as I can get to touching it
Knowing that everything
I've ever thought was impossible
Is just beyond my fingertips

Why do I find you there
Under and beyond my fingertips?
Are you the earth I grow on?
Are you those stars I long to live in?
Dec 2016 · 353
Cass Dec 2016
i am sitting in the office
listening to the old women i work with
they rarely work, usually gossip
sometimes talk about work or the lack therof which they do
one woman is talking about
how her ultimate downfall
when she had started this job
was that she didn't
clean the **** off of the bottom of the sinks

before i tuned into that conversation,
stephen hawking had just informed me
that the ultimate goal of every human
is to have an absolute theory for why we're here
how we got here
and what that means
as i tuned in to their exhange
i wonder if this is hyperbole
(as was their conversation)
since these women didn't appear to care
why they're here
perhaps the theory of relativity
works with minds as well
the farther away you get from an idea
the more it repels you
May 2016 · 385
we're all phoenixes
Cass May 2016
burning and destructing
until only our souls are recognizable
seeing the world through new eyes
each time we venture
into the life we had lived before
we must beg the question:
does this belong with me
with what i have become
must i build my new life
from pieces of the old,
if they are not reborn as i have been
or am i meant to start anew
and dig deeper to wonder:
should they become unrecognizable,
as i have,
will we ever rekindle?
are we supposed to?
Apr 2016 · 284
no written apology
Cass Apr 2016
never apologize for words thrown carelessly
or words not spoken at all
let the heat smolder beneath the surface
until you are full of hot magma


explosion will be rebirth
but your relationship
will be ashes
Sep 2015 · 303
haven't we learned
Cass Sep 2015
dying only makes it harder
for those who are still living
but I am so sick
of living for other people
Aug 2015 · 325
Cass Aug 2015
Mid July nights
You roll over
And we're in a new city
I taste the adrenaline on your fingertips
As we taste each other in a new city

It is home just for one night
I wish I could call your eyes home again
But lately you're in another galaxy
Somewhere far away from here
If I ever found you,
Would you let me stay?
Aug 2015 · 225
Cass Aug 2015
simple ******
Apr 2015 · 339
I am
Cass Apr 2015
Long, rolling thunder
In the dead of night

A crack of lightning,
Iridescent and bright

A slow drizzle
Stuck in the morning light

See me once,
Then I'm out of sight
Apr 2015 · 338
Take it for what it is
Cass Apr 2015
Love me with all you've got
Before you ask yourself
What we should be
Apr 2015 · 315
Cass Apr 2015
You can't get sad
Over what it was
Rather ask yourself
What is it now?
Apr 2015 · 324
Cass Apr 2015
At least now
I have the scar
To prove
That everyone hurts me
(Don't take my word for it, just look)
Apr 2015 · 313
Cass Apr 2015
People who glorify sadness
Aren't drowning
They just tie bricks to their feet
Apr 2015 · 232
Cass Apr 2015
Sometimes I have nightmares
Where everyone I've ever cared about
Leaves me
When I wake up,
I realize
Nightmares can be real
Mar 2015 · 267
Every single second
Cass Mar 2015
Every second
Of wild
Mar 2015 · 326
Cass Mar 2015
As the edges of the world
Turn orange and red
It's comforting
And ominous
To mark the end of another day,
Never truly knowing
If you'll ever have another
The sunset always tries it's best
And so should you
Mar 2015 · 389
All the wrong places
Cass Mar 2015
Stop looking for God
In the bottom of a bottle
Or somewhere in a dime bag
Do you see angels
When you pop pill after pill?
Do they sing
As you fill your lungs?
When you sleep at night
Do they send you celestial messages?
No, they don't
And now you're more than alone
Because you've lost yourself, too
Mar 2015 · 229
Cass Mar 2015
I lost the moon
When I was looking for stars
That's okay
Because you did too

Now we both need to start
Looking for the sun instead
Sadly, we won't look at each other
Cass Mar 2015
My feelings never faded over time
They only got stronger
But things got hard
You got scared
Now we're both alone
Battling a tsunami
With only a small life raft
And hope that one day
We'll get washed to the same shore
Mar 2015 · 329
Cass Mar 2015
You stopped wanting me
Because I didn't do drugs
So I just didn't understand
Now I do drugs
And you still don't want me
But at least I'm too high to care
Mar 2015 · 242
The way I felt about you
Cass Mar 2015
Was a hurricane every single day
In every breath and every moment
**** it,
It still is
Mar 2015 · 193
Cass Mar 2015
This isn't who I am
& that's the point
Mar 2015 · 252
8 word story
Cass Mar 2015
I'm losing myself
And I'm happy about it
Feb 2015 · 347
Cass Feb 2015
I'll try it your way
I saw the stars of
A new galaxy last week
I drank myself into a crisis
And flew over the ruins
Of the life we never got to live
They say
If you can't beat em, join em
But you are still unreachable
Feb 2015 · 238
February 23, 2015
Cass Feb 2015
Of all the things you said to me
I never thought I love you
Would hurt the most
Feb 2015 · 239
i thought you did
Cass Feb 2015
I've always been ******* drowning
And you held my head above water
But you didn't bring me to land
Feb 2015 · 280
Cass Feb 2015
We've come full circle
From intertwining hearts
Connected mind body and soul
To being strangers
Who can't think of one thing to talk about
I feel myself changing again
And I think if you'd let me show you
We'd have more in common
Than different
Feb 2015 · 413
Cass Feb 2015
55 in a 35,
Window open on a sub zero day
I realize I am simply
A rendition of what my parents
Hate most of themselves
I am the things they feared of becoming
I jump voids for fun
And laugh until my head goes numb
I know my heart and I know it's broken
But I am comforted knowing
That I can rewrite myself
As many times as I need
Act on my impulses every day
Until I am unrecognizable
I'm not afraid to be
The crazy one anymore
I guess that's just what happens
When something irreparable snaps
Deep inside you
I smile in relief,
And speed up to 70
Feb 2015 · 291
February 20, 2015
Cass Feb 2015
Music blaring in my car
As I sip bitter coffee
If you could see me now,
You'd tell me,
"You never liked this song.
You never liked black coffee &
You told me you weren't addicted
To anything, let alone cigarettes"
Of course I'd tell you that
Since I didn't want to tell you
That your touch on my skin
Instantly invades my bloodstream
Makes it hard to think
Takes the pain away
I didn't want you to know
That the only thing I've allowed myself
To get addicted to
Is you
Feb 2015 · 268
Dreaming Nightmares
Cass Feb 2015
I wrote my first suicide note today
Not saying I'm going to do it but
In my dream I give it to you
I have a plane ticket
In one hand
And a loaded gun in the other
You stare at me
Close to breaking
The last line reads
"I don't know which I'm using yet
But either way I'm leaving
And either way
You can join me"
Feb 2015 · 334
Cass Feb 2015
We're all playing the same game
On different levels
We're all fighting like hell
Just with different devils
Feb 2015 · 275
February 12, 2015
Cass Feb 2015
You whispered sweet nothings
In my ear
For two years
I didn't know they were nothings
Until you left
Because for so long,
They were everything
Feb 2015 · 326
Dull Blue
Cass Feb 2015
You go looking for trouble
Because wind and rain
And snow and clouds
Make life exciting
And who wants dull,
Clear blue skies every day
But after awhile
You get a few too many clouds,
A little too much rain
And you start to forget
Those clear blue days
That you were so bored of
that's when I lost you
Feb 2015 · 286
Cass Feb 2015
Going 75 in a 30 at midnight,
Screaming my favorite song
I am comforted
Knowing that I can move
As fast as my thoughts
Feb 2015 · 228
February 9, 2015
Cass Feb 2015
I wanted so badly to be with you
That I dropped down to your level
& the view is beautiful
From underneath the waves
Feb 2015 · 233
Still less than you
Cass Feb 2015
I always thought you were beautiful
So I tried to mimic the lines
Of your body
On my body
Now I'm only bleeding
Feb 2015 · 290
February 7, 2015
Cass Feb 2015
Haven't felt hungry
Since we last spoke
All I crave is your touch
My body says differently
My hip bones jut out
Legs barely touching
I trace the lines
Of where my body used to end
With brilliant red
Open skin
Trying to resemble
The open fire I felt
When you touched me
It didn't work
You still aren't here to care
Where the hell did you go?
Feb 2015 · 257
first time
Cass Feb 2015
My first time
Wasn't as important
As the first time
I laid in your arms
And thought I might
Be able to keep you
Feb 2015 · 466
Don't Fucking Look at Me
Cass Feb 2015
I guess if you're done
******* me over
You can go **** yourself
Feb 2015 · 353
Cass Feb 2015
Stumbling through
My formerly put-together life
Fallen around me
This is the first time
My memories are
More dangerous
Than reality
Feb 2015 · 341
Why did you hurt yourself?
Cass Feb 2015
Because you weren't there
To give a **** about me
Feb 2015 · 313
Cass Feb 2015
Sometimes you meet people
Who make you feel
Like you're taking a breath of air
For the first time after nearly drowning
Sometimes they will stay
And teach you to swim
Sometimes they will leave
Leave you in the undertow
Feb 2015 · 364
Cass Feb 2015
It's not about high and low points
It's all an ocean
Whether you're deep in the trenches
Or floundering away on top
The water never goes away
The ocean is alive in its vigor
And it won't stop for you
Even if you're drowning,
Like me

Sometimes you meet people
Who are like the first gulp of air
When you've been under water
For awhile
And you're still drowing
Because you don't know how to swim
But you know now
That every wave must pass
Feb 2015 · 284
you turned away
Cass Feb 2015
Curious as to why I'm hell bent
On making bad decisions?
Easy answer
I want to know why you turned to drugs
Instead of to me
Jan 2015 · 219
no peace
Cass Jan 2015
You knew it was ****** up
To show up here,
The only place I can go to forget
It's like you don't want me to
And if you don't want me to forget,
Then you never wanted it to end
And if that's true
Then why are we
On separate sides of the table
Both lonely?
Jan 2015 · 3.4k
Insult to your memory
Cass Jan 2015
And I love you,
So much more than I love myself

That to say I lost myself
When you left
Is an insult 

To you
Jan 2015 · 226
Cass Jan 2015
But now every song is yours
And instead of being tied to you
There's a rope around my neck
Dragging me through our memories
Making it impossible to breathe
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