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Casper DM Aug 2012
Slow suffocation,
As I inhale the fumes of
Decomposing deep blue vinyl.
The bottom of the bottle growing ever closer
With dread.
My jaw and teeth ache with
A Mind racing into hope.
I dream of you.
In my owns reflection,
I see your eyes radiate.
With every thin beat from the dashboard,
I seek your sigh
Laughter from each Am radio squall.
In the small glare upon the glass,
I wonder of the golden sun upon your skin.
With Cold Fingertips
I reach to feel the warmth of your breath
In cool winter air.
Watch dust float
Upon the air,
A thousand blossoms
In the wind,
As you walk
Through a forest of cherry trees in spring.
A dream in which to escape.
And Now,
So many years later
I seek to escape
The dream of you
Casper DM Aug 2012
I awoke with the taste
Of tin on the roof,
of my mouth.
From dreams of rotten flesh,
Between my teeth.
Morning's light ,
Cloudy from the haze,
Emptiness brings.
The air thick,
With dead skunk,
Spiders dancing in their webs,
Dangling icicles,
Of deceit,
To foolish bees.
Among Yesterdays catch,
Of the fly.
I focused on the slow,
Crawl of black blood.
Washing the wall red,
In it's March.
And dreamed of you.
The scent of your hair,
Dangling Icicles,
I kissed you.
Laid before me,
Slight lips parted.
Looking through me,
With blue/ brown eyes.
I awoke with the dream
Of you.
And focused,
On the slow crawl,
Of black blood.
Washing the lens,
Of blue /brown,
Casper DM Aug 2012
I imagine
You lying,
Head upon the chest
Of another.
Hating every
Up and down,
Of his breath.
Each exhale
In waves
Against your cheek
Hating every breath,
Each exhale
Against your cheek
I have missed since
Your head lay
Upon the chest
Of another.
Casper DM Aug 2012
I keep my mouth shut,
When I want to speak.
Glance half hearted,
As you walk out.
Turn my cheek,
To beg for your fist.
Tell you I am unbreakable,
While my mind,
Shatters in your absence.
Lie when I press my lips to yours,
Cold and second thought.
Shout that I am bulletproof,
Callous and bitter,
As your sideways glance,
Leaves me bleeding inside.
Long nights alone,
With my demons,
As I am unbearable.
Casper DM Aug 2012
In the dead
Black night.
The thick ink
Cloud of the dark
In The swirling syrup, left in
The squid's retreat.
They came for me.
Slender silver ghosts,
Small streams of smoke.
Into my ears.
And throat.
Snakes of remains
And worms,
Of the past.
They swim my life,
Taking what they wish,
Stealing chrome cast memories,
From the back of my eyes.
Screaming they pass,
The thin of my ear's drum.
To bury and nest,
Among the rich hate
Of a mind.
Of an easy mark,
A broken gate.
Twisting to and forth,
In the sheer of their path.
Lining up to feed,
Among familiar souls.
The tired and true,
The odd collection.
Into the next set of sleep.
Casper DM Aug 2012
A thousand failed sonnets
To profess mine Passion

A world of Gemstones
To show thy worth

A Moon of spun silk ribbon
To caress Thy Skin

An Army of Archers
To Protect Thy heart

Humble me with reason
To think these enough

These words that whisper
To Reveal Mine soul

I Love You
Casper DM Aug 2012
Everyone walked by,
And I,
Indifferent to the thunder,
Of The Gunshot.
Laughing, smiling, abandon.
Stepping over me,
My body like the carcass,
Of a dead deer.
Black eyed swollen.
Except you.
Who held me.
Your arms wrapped,
Around my ribs,
Struggling to stop,
The blood Pouring,
Through the hole in my chest.
My drawn on smile,
Smearing in the stream,
Of tears Escaping,
Upon my cheeks.
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