I awoke with the taste
Of tin on the roof,
of my mouth.
From dreams of rotten flesh,
Between my teeth.
Morning's light ,
Cloudy from the haze,
Emptiness brings.
The air thick,
With dead skunk,
Spiders dancing in their webs,
Dangling icicles,
Of deceit,
To foolish bees.
Among Yesterdays catch,
Of the fly.
I focused on the slow,
Crawl of black blood.
Washing the wall red,
In it's March.
And dreamed of you.
The scent of your hair,
Dangling Icicles,
I kissed you.
Laid before me,
Slight lips parted.
Looking through me,
With blue/ brown eyes.
I awoke with the dream
Of you.
And focused,
On the slow crawl,
Of black blood.
Washing the lens,
Of blue /brown,