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I hope your light lasts forever,
Through your every endeavour  
Let it sink enemy ships,
Fuel the fire coming from your lips
Take you to infinity and beyond
My love, you're more than strong
298 · Mar 2015
Little Lies
I liked how you would breath,
little lies into the atmosphere
hoping for them to land,
in an innocent ear
when an innocent ear,
hears of pain,
it turns her vains, inside out
she starts to suffer,
from a drought of blood
but I still liked how you would breath,
little lies into the atmosphere
made me feel, real
as they reached my innocent ear,
and my veins turned inside out
I started to doubt, you
but I still liked how you would breath,
little lies into the atmosphere
288 · Jul 2015
We are Everything
You don't have to fear death
We are everything that was
And everything that will be
That's the way it's always been
And the way it always will be
276 · May 2015
Long grass in the wind, you move like it
flow like I've never seen, encapsulating
each movement in tune with the next
like waves, they just know what to do
a swift motion ******* life from my knees
lips slightly parted, eyes wide
the way a body moves when it's wanting

when fingers move slowly
focused on the feeling beneath
forced to focus on each piece
mind allowed to wander
it's never how you pictured it
the incredibly vivid way,
a body moves when it's wanting
267 · May 2015
You Don't Understand
Grasping for a life I don't know I can have
Screaming towards deaf ears
Crying under heavy sheets
Hating everything this place stands for
The incessant beat of hating hearts
Permanent closing of loving eyes
Wasting away
I want to run
Never look back
Break at the seams
And never stop running
257 · Mar 2015
Only Place I Want To Be
ground turned soft by sprinkling showers
trees grown tall creating shady spaces
keep the grass tall and let the weeds run wild
where we don't pick the flowers
we just enjoy what is
236 · Feb 2015
When I'm Lost
pick up the pieces
put them in your pocket
pack up your possessions
proceed on your path
dig a little deeper
dive into the depths
don't forget to remove all doubt
soon enough you'll be strong
stay confident in your true self
live life
216 · Mar 2015
I always forget the words
crafted to make you feel something
written to make an impression
pressing emotions until they turn to diamonds
sparkling gems you feel throughout your body
beautiful pieces connecting worlds
Does that make them unimportant?
216 · Mar 2015
there are no voids in me
only furnished rooms awaiting company
room in my foot, so we can dance amongst the stars
my knee, so we can crawl along beaches of gold
my thigh, so we can glide over silk sheets
my belly, so we can digest the world
my chest, so we can breath adventure
my neck, so we can sing melodies of love
my ears, to hear your every sound
my eyes, to see every beautiful movement
my nose, to smell the intoxicating scent called you
my mouth, to taste your lips
and my head, to be filled with memories, of you
210 · Feb 2015
Stop telling me vulnerable and weak are the same thing.

— The End —