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Feb 2013 · 3.9k
Bulldozer Beef
Carrie Ross Feb 2013
big ***** Judy
had some
i guess you could say
you could call them
there was some
i dunno
in utero
and she
some how
head butted
her twin brother in the womb
but not in the way you're all
so quick to think of
but actually
too much
about it
because it is
in fact
too much
back to Judy
she didn't much like
her patootie
nor did her mother
and nor did
many of the mothers
of others
i don't want to be
too quick
to say
that Judy had "problems"
but sure as ****
quick to fit
oh yeah
Judy had
she couldn't handle
most of what we call
the work
the stress
the this
the that
set to a soundtrack
of shouts and clamors  
from ******* classmates
fatty fatty
2 by 4
can't fit through
the kitchen door
pardon me
what kind of narrow
in what kind of kitchen
are we talking about?
a stones throw away from that *** ed period
oh ****
let’s talk about her period
Curse of Eve?
**** my ****!
Her in house aggression seemed to say to herself
and naturally
to no one else
returning to that **** but not so much
educational period
it was a nightmare
judy can't help but remember when "it"
one nasty *** personal pronoun
that only meant "***"
so sadly
on the way to girl scout camp
when judy turned around
to tell the motormouthed ******* in the back seat
to watch their language
because it'll become a crutch
and they'll start
"doing it in school"
all of a sudden
is some sort of deviant
only because of
what is
and was it
about being a little bit overweight
that made the boys and girls
treat the little bit
like it was
I dunno
a lot
wrong question
what is it about
being shy
seemingly vulnerable
and weak
that made the boys and girls
latch on
with unceasing enthusiasm
most people
young ones
are troubled by the same things
that taunted Judy
but most of those others
an “outlet”?
**** that
human beings
are *******
who always called you fat and such
is probably shooting ******
into his insignificant toes
or maybe his genitals
hope for the worse
hope it’s his genitals
back in middle school
when everyone thought they were more important
than they actually are
were just as terrified
but ****
they had that ******* “outlet”
unlike  judy
but the new judy
with a lesser but mostly the same patootie
won't worry
and won't dwell on it
one day
she's going to satirize the **** out of you numbskulls
enjoy yourself
while you can
because Judy
has already dissolved
into laughter
hardy har har
and mimbos
how do you feel now?
Dec 2011 · 827
Not -So-Modern Priscilla
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
my only friend in the world and no one from occident to orient can (will) do
anything to lengthen her  (battery) life
Dec 2011 · 734
Man's Best Friend
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
**** dogs
and cats
Hooray beer
Dec 2011 · 1.0k
Sugar Free Kerfuffle
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
the enfeebling mistake
veiled as a no-no
the little miss brazen **** bears the brunt
of what now must be a joke
incoherently fishing about for the juice
indecent glycemic index
meter says 30
profile says 10
or 15
milligrams of the judy blue pastille
no gobs to say about she
but when her jeans genuflect
no tiff
no tease
be a lamb or another even-toed ungulate
and give the poor girl what she needs
Dec 2011 · 764
Jovian Floozy
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
he brought me the moon
when all I wanted
were saturn’s rings
wrapped around my fingers
Dec 2011 · 1.3k
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
In the middle of my nap
I sank into my mattress
This quiet is much better
Than the noise I left on top
Dec 2011 · 838
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
walter paired the president with a *******
the patriotic biddy shed a few layers
roaming the streets with hack hand
fleeting flirtations with a smile
the surface aside
she hasn’t spoken with her mother in years
America powered her center
radiating from head to groin
love never caught a glimpse
before her allure wore thin
and her junk went south
the whites and red of her eyes
above her puffy blue lips
that go-getting ****
kept the stars and stripes
as they should be
Dec 2011 · 2.8k
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
doesn't really matter.
Dec 2011 · 657
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
Don’t get mad!
Get glad,
then go crazy
Dec 2011 · 614
Hum Drum
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
In between the hours
of each day
I open and close my mouth
to see
what it is
I’d really like to say
Dec 2011 · 488
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
people think and feel one way
but breathe and do a difference
june july together
nineteen eighty never
no such
Dec 2011 · 541
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
My mother used to advise
get around
to get culture
even the worst place to be has an emergency exit
I'll go where I go
I'll never be where she's been.
Dec 2011 · 547
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
I used to be used to being used.
Best be used to it
Dec 2011 · 613
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
Married to the mob
not in Vegas
not in Rome
don't tell Detroit I'm coming
I have my mind set
on  pseudonyms in San  Francisco
Dec 2011 · 1.1k
Running With Mr. Universe
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
Yes but I really don’t approve of your obvious use of anabolic steroids. It’s an amoral and cowardly shortcut. And don’t even get me started on the innumerable adverse effects. Don’t even get me started.
[Can you keep up ?]
Of course but can we talk? Can we talk? The size and shape of your head is comical who do you think you’re kidding? You have, by far, the roundest head I’ve ever seen. I can’t help but imagine you as an obtuse High School English professor who doesn’t understand the source of his students’ laughter but really, it’s because you gave me a C on an essay because you say I had a “circular” argument. Or as an equally clueless physics professor generating chuckles left and right in response to your lecture on “spherical” whatsits in a vacuum.
[Are you tired?]
No, we’re not done yet—Am I right? Am I right? Look at you. If God ever were to create guns or pumps or pecs of that size, it would only be by way of some syntax error.
[How about now?]
No, let me finish—Who are you trying to impress? Masculinity most certainly isn’t the word to use. I’d say monstrosity. Who do you think is or would be attracted to a walking, talking industrial sized freezer. If a woman needs protection, she’ll find a guard dog of necessary ferocity. Or maybe, she’ll cultivate some kind of relationship with you and find comfort in the fact that if she ever upsets you, you could break the ***** in half without the slightest hitch.
I don’t even want to know the state of the pinpricks you at one point called your testicles
I wouldn’t even say it’s proper to call you “Mr. Universe”. You’re big, but you’re not that big. I’m more inclined to call you “Mr. Pampered and Pumped up New England”. I cannot comfortably call you Mr. Universe because I’m not comfortable having you represent my universe. The “Mr.” signals the “Master”. That’s just appalling. And what is with the spray tan? What is the true pasty picture of Mr. Universe throughout the winter months?  If someone ever has a question for the Master of the universe, I’ll be sure to tell them to direct their questions to the beefed up and bloated tangerine to my left.
Are we done?
How far have we gone?
[You have gone too far, but we haven’t even walked out the door. Once you’re finished running your mouth, we can work on getting your fat, saggy *** into shape.]
Dec 2011 · 1.1k
Parenthetical Interruptions
Dec 2011 · 1.7k
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
Safe and sound
Sounds good to me
Dec 2011 · 483
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
Opportunity knocks
and is at the door.
not at all interested
Dec 2011 · 1.3k
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
the waspy waspy
for  Tori Amos
Go, go, go, go now
The car is here
But I forgot to leave the light on
But I too have never seen Barbados
I only want to keep your red head dancing
as you've kept my blonde head
a happy phantom
from China to New York City
a dancing girl
for so many years
Dec 2011 · 952
Break Neck Speed
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
I'm not kidding
(you sure as hell weren't )
Dec 2011 · 510
Grinning Man
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
and around
the corner of my big green eye
he’s not what I thought
but I’m happy to see him
happy to see me
wipe that smile off your face
before it falls off
in twos
and threes
Dec 2011 · 816
Pot Head Pixies
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
silly things thought the tiny little thingummies
one thought it strange to place the couch so close to the door
with no agreement in sight
and yet, with one puff
everything is as, how and where it should be
Dec 2011 · 6.0k
Mumsy Onesie
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
single mother
pale, Chekhovian
her social status an anachronism
the length of her skirt another
dollar bills bring sustenance
while the ends that are ever so failing to meet
remind her of an inability to cope
in every single way
every single day
Dec 2011 · 462
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
How much is one?
One what?
One of these?
One too many
One short
One day at one time
each one time specific to each one day
From one person
to another one
one thing
always leads to other ones
Dec 2011 · 671
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
Bad *** MC
decided to play piano
when he saw the economy wasn't anything interesting
Dec 2011 · 622
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
sleep easy
but stay ******
and queasy
Dec 2011 · 414
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
I see you on the street
I should look away
but I won’t.
It’s okay
it’s just a phase
it’ll pass
and so will you.
Dec 2011 · 1.3k
Poor Unfortunates
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
Do you remember what’s her name?
From the Little Mermaid?
She was 50% octopus
30% Janet Reno
And 20% Elton John
Well, she used to be my choir teacher
Only I never really learned how to sing
Because I would spend each class period
Trying to avoid her tentacles
You sound like you’re underwater!”
Oh, I thought you already knew?
I hope you don’t think
I was trying to insult Elton
By comparing him to a monster
For a witch
For a monster
She did have a great set of pipes
Dec 2011 · 799
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
I was given
Death’s stone stare
And I couldn’t help
As I resumed
The sin of life
Dec 2011 · 837
Sequel to Girl Interrupted
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
Girl, wait. Don't you interrupt me.
Dec 2011 · 970
Premeditated Carelessness
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
Keep your comments to yourself
I’ll keep my bullets to the side
Through the center of President Ford’s head
Gerald Fordhead
Gerald Forehead
President Gerald Ford’s forehead
You want grey matter?
You get a miscalculation
In flashy red and blue
You heard a squeak
You know it’s me
Charlie never taught me how to surf
Charlie doesn’t even know how to surf
But then again, who does?
If I belong in the ocean
Then why do I have these hips?
Sorry, too much information
Please look the other way
And you’ll hear me
As I squeak
Squeak away
Dec 2011 · 2.4k
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
Real men don't tie their shoes
or wash their hands before eating
but should revert back to the Stone Age
at least three days a week
Dec 2011 · 552
Nuclear Friends & Family
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
Get em while they're hot
and bothered
bit of an eyesore
quite an inconvenience
never a good idea
We're big
but we sure as hell ain't happy
Dec 2011 · 817
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
There was an automobile accident
that painted the town red
with a splash of gray.
No need to linger,
move along
there’s nothing to see here
that you haven’t seen before
Dec 2011 · 401
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
If there is
a way out
well then
there must always
be a way in
Dec 2011 · 6.0k
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
I prefer the chapstick
to the lip stick.
I have nothing to hide
while the red stained ladies and gents have little to show
Dec 2011 · 665
African Queen
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
I dreamt one night that I was swimming in the Nile.
And then,
I was.
this poem is oddly enough about wetting the bed
Nov 2011 · 809
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
Mid morning
On the subway
Out of the corner of my eye
I catch a glimpse of my soul mate
You have no idea how displeased
I am with her choice of outfit
Nov 2011 · 1.6k
Heavy Traffic
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
the last white ******* earth
to be picked up from soccer practice
quickly tightens her burka
and eventually goes to hell in three different religions
before your blue and yellow macaw shuts the **** up and dies
Nov 2011 · 5.1k
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
MATCHing rings
A MATCH made in heaven
KNOCKing on the front door
that’s WHO
JOHNNY the LAW abiding citizen
ATTACHing his left eye to a telescope
ATTACHed to the image of your RIGHT ******
RIGHT through your open window
NEAR to your husband’s damp face
NEARing the ground below
Nov 2011 · 924
Fashionable Dolt
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
I ironed my fingers
To my blouse this morning
They make a fine accessory
Nov 2011 · 1.9k
Daddy Cool
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
Have I told you about my wife?
Middle aged
Muslim woman
She uh
She uh
She a
Not quite
Not on Fridays
Only eat fish
On Fridays
Unless you forget
Unless you're next to lake Michigan
Have I told you about my African History professor?
Osumaka Likaka
Cotton in Colonial Zaire
Not for the weak of heart
If he sees your ankles
He might mistake it as a personal attack
Or invitation
Too much rumble
Tummy tumble
Eat some shellfish
Eat some pork
God didn’t forget
But we did
If God saw you break your fast
when you were *******
What does that say about God?
And if God saw you being intimate with Osumaka
What would upset him more?
The fact that you broke your fast again with the *******?
Or the fact that you weren’t wearing your burka?
You just wore the hood?
Thank God for swine
Thank God for shellfish
And most of all, thank God for burkas
Because you are one ugly *****.
Nov 2011 · 768
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
not quite a girl
not quite a woman
not really a witch
for lack of a better word
she's quite the witch
her feet
and the sound of her voice
rise and fall
with my patience and libido
for lack of a better way of explaining it
she knows I love her but she doesn't care
for lack of a better method of shutting me up
our lips will meet, greet, say “ta-ta”
off she goes
other side of the room
other side of the globe
her behavior seems to say
“for lack of anything better to do
I misrepresent myself
and choose YOU”
I'm not her plan A,B or C
but lonely punctuation
behind those she'd rather see
our time together haunts me
and took ownership of a part of my brain
I call it love while my physician gives it a different name
for lack of a better way to keep me sane
he feeds me poison and tells me it's okay
I hear her voice
I see her eyes and she sees mine
she smiles, nods and turns away
for lack of a better way to say goodbye
she tells me she'll always be a part of me
anger hurt, searing pain
would be nice to see her again
she was never mine but I was always hers
for lack of any desire to be polite
get em by the throat and never let em go
it is too soon but I was too late
for lack of a better way to give advice
what else is there to say?
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
worker ant caught visiting a brothel doesn't understand why the giant bread crumbs bump into each other in such a way.
Nov 2011 · 602
Spelling Bee
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
I was so buzzed
I subdued the queen
and forgot when and why
would ever take a backseat
Nov 2011 · 2.2k
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
Eat honeydew on your honeymoon but don't elope with a cantaloupe for obvious reasons
Nov 2011 · 905
Real Shame
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
I used to enjoy the sound that the hooves of horses made
When traveling across cobble stone streets,
so it's a shame,
that the majority of the time it doesn't come from a horse at all
but from some idiot
hitting the two halves
of a hollowed out coconut together.
Some idiot who has the pleasure of walking around on two legs and doesn't have
to stand when sleeping
and doesn't have to worry about “strangles”
because “strangles” doesn't mean anything to this idiot
but then again “strangles” probably wouldn't mean much to a horse
If you were to talk to a horse about “strangles”.
Clip clop, clip clop, clip clop
you're not fooling me.
Nov 2011 · 1.4k
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
A frat boy's superficial nightmare
selfishly appropriates the dance floor with her all too big of a ***
with two legs like a grand piana
thank God mommy didn't name her “Hannah”
she ain't too nifty
but tries with the hope of one day weighing less than 250
with her love handles only do so with extreme caution
don't you dare mention how you sit next to her in a class of 60  
though her desk is situated at the other end of the room
tell her she's pretty
but move into ultrasound when completing the phrase with a direct reference to plump or ugliness laugh if you find this funny
and don't if you don't
but don't don't don't tell me to leave subversion
to people who actually know how it works
because I do
but I do not think it's appropriate to call this satire
because it's so close to what I've heard and what so many young women hear on a daily basis
so please
remember your acne
your pygmy genitalia
and the embarrassing fact that you
and the last carbon-based life form you had as a ****** partner
share a set of grandparents
be a gentleman
keep your chauvinistic squeals to a minimum as you compare such women out of your league
to pigs because your tail couldn't be more of a spiral at this point
get out of the way to make room for us sea cows
****** frustration aside
whether you like it or not
this is where we ******* swim
Nov 2011 · 1.2k
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
it takes one to know one
but it takes two or three to make it interesting
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