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Carrey Adele Dec 2011
She's like a fly
The one that circles you endlessly
Until you swat it away
But then, right when you're sure it's gone
There she is again,
Watching you with those beady eyes.

I've said it thousands of times:
You make me miserable,
Because you are a miserable
Almost-human being.
A manipulative *****-
That's all you amount to.

While I scream this into your face,
A timid voice in the back of my head
Says: I am not much better.
And it's true. Deep down,
My harsh honesty makes me just like you.
A manipulative *****.

But at least I'm not afraid to admit it, right?
Carrey Adele Dec 2011
My phone vibrates- skids across the table
So I pick it up and I here you
Frantic about a mystery on the other end of the line.

I keep my voice steady- it gives away no emotion
Because if you hear that I'm worried about you
The mystery will remain so- you won't tell me anything.

But you notice my worry anyway- best friends can sense that.
No you aren't going to clue me in or confide in me
You just needed to hear my voice to make you feel better.

Goodbye talk to you later- I'm just fine.
But I don't believe you because I know you're lying
I notice your worry anyway- best friends can sense that.
Carrey Adele Nov 2011
I'm sorry
That I'm not as strong as a say I am.
I pretend like I'm invincible,
But then I can't look you in the eye
And tell you I love you.

I'm sorry
I was too scared to say I need you too.
That day two years ago still
Makes me cry with regret.
You're the only one, you know.

I'm sorry
That I'm not the perfect girl you deserve.
But maybe, despite everything,
You could take me as I am.
Please tell me that's not too much to ask.
Carrey Adele Nov 2011
Because Time won’t wait
I’m ready, or I have to be,
Unless I want to give everything up.
Because waiting is devouring me
I walk around only feeling like half of myself
And I’m constantly trying to make up my mind,
Because you aren’t waiting, either
Because Time won’t wait,
Are you ready?
Carrey Adele Oct 2011
Last night we felt reckless
So we drove down to Zuma Beach
At 3 in the morning—the dead of night.
Parked the car behind the lifeguard house
Lying on a blanket in the chilling sand,
We stared at the single star that hadn’t been
Drowned out by near-by LA city lights.

You folded your body around mine
And protected me from the “cold” of a
Mid-October night, the kind my so-cal bones
Are so sensitive to. Your chest, your arms, warmed me to the core.
There we fell asleep, under the guard of that single star.
Years later, I woke up to the sun rise,
With you stroking my arms like you always used to do.

All of a sudden I woke up in my own bed,
And you in yours 1,624 miles away.
I felt an ache in my bones, like the kind
From a Mid-October chilly night,
And I hoped you felt it too.
Carrey Adele Oct 2011
This is not a love letter,
No, it's a letter about your eyes.
Deep and blue like oceans,
Yet warm and smiling
Like the Santa Ana winds.

Never a love letter,
But a letter about your hands.
Big and clumsy,
They fit perfectly around mine, so
I don't need gloves.

I won't write a love letter.
I will write a letter about what you already know:
I'm forever yours, and you
The boy with the Santa Ana eyes,
Are forever mine.
Carrey Adele Oct 2011
Nothing about us feels finished.
A stupid thing to feel,
Seeing your new girlfriend's face
Pops up everywhere I look.
Your face pops up every time
I shut my eyes.

Maybe it's the way you ended it.
You quit me cold turkey,
Like some kind of
Horrible, addictive, life-ruining drug.
We went from instant secret spilling,
To complete silence, separation.

Maybe it's why you ended it.
I was falling in love with you,
After a short month? Of all the self-centered...
Possibly true, things to come up with.
But like the scared, lovesick teenage boy that you are,
You couldn't tell me.

No, Nothing about us is finished.  
Some say quitting cold turkey is difficult.
Was it?
Was the Daniela drug addictive?
I suppose it's wrong to hope
That it has an iron grip on you.
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