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27 · Jul 2020
pottery, poetry

he molds clay
and she molds phrase

similar, but different

pottery can make your skin bleed when it goes wrong
poetry can make your heart bleed when it goes otherwise
26 · Jun 2020
realizing that making efforts don't always mean you'd get what you want
that trying hard enough isn't always good enough

trying to sleep but still kept awake anyway
studying till dawn but still failing anyway

trying to heal the pain you gave but still aches anyway
forgetting you but still remembering anyway

It is a really short and simple word, and yet people always mistaken on the meaning of it.

What is love?
Is it love when you're around him, your heart beats faster and get nervous straight away?
Is it love when he walks by, and suddenly you turn into a complete idiot and your brain stops working?
Is it love when he smiles at you, the world suddenly stops and you'll blush because you notice that his smile is so ******* charming?

If your answer to those questions are yes, then you've been wrong this whole time.

Love isn't suppose to make you nervous, to make you look like a complete fool.
Love, is suppose to make you comfortable.
It is suppose to feel like home, but the difference is, you don't find this 'home' at a place.

You find it on a person.
A person who knows you to the very deep of your soul, who knows every detail of you. And you don't find it on a person you just met.

So, do I believe in love at first sight?
Not at all, not even a tiny bit.

But, I do believe when you meet a person, there's this click.
You don't "love" him at the very moment you see him, but it is as if your feeling tells you that there's something about this person.
Something that makes you feel, that he is different.

And, people live for that click.

You don't actually know what that click will brings you to, and that's what makes feelings are so interesting, isn't it?

Because you can only let your feelings flow and it will show you where it goes.
26 · Jun 2020
a lesson or distraction
that's the thing about love
it's either a lesson or a distraction
26 · Jul 2020
'cause you're so drown in her,
like i am drown in you.
26 · Jun 2020
how stupid of i
how stupid of i
to fall for a glimpse of an eyesight

when the way he looks at you
he looks at her that way too
25 · Jul 2020
a paper, my heart
even a paper still left it's ashes after getting burned,
so does my heart, still left its pieces after being shattered
24 · Jun 2020
single drop of water
how funny it is
to think that words don't always mean what you think they are
how i love you(s) doesn't always mean i love you
it does hurt to know sometimes

but how can it be possible? some ask

as much as it hurts to know
it is like
knowing that you are my single drop of water, yet i am your single drop of water
that you're my single drop of water in the drought, yet i am your single drop of water in the rain
23 · Jul 2020
human being
she has been told
her entire life
to feel but not show
be smart but not out loud

to bend and not break
be like rubber band

but darling,
even a rubber band loses it at the end

and you're not an unliving thing
so lose it, feel it
speak, shout if needed

and if you do break, take the time
to grow or heal
then bounce back
and repeat it over and over again

'cause that's the beauty
in living
as a person, your own
and not any metaphor of pretty things
can compare to what you are

cause you are indeed, not a thing
but a beautiful human being
23 · Jul 2020
just like a wound,
feelings don't just vanish overnight.
23 · Jun 2020

Lost in your thoughts,
'til day dreaming becomes your daily habit.
Countless of sleepless nights,
strong enough to make you feel weak.

If he's the one,
or if he's not,
is he even worth it?

It is always a beautiful thing when a person starts falling for someone.
The way her eyes will sparks when she sees him, the way she can't hide her excitement when she talks about him.
The way she glances at him and trying to hold it back.

The way she's lost in her thoughts,
every day and night,
just maybe,
if there's even a slight chance for it?

Holding back the thoughts is one thing.
But the way a person craves for the chances, craves for the possibilities, is a completely different thing.

She can't hide how her eyes sparks.
She can't lie about her stupid little glances at him.
It tortures her, yes, but what can she do?

She'll be hoping his eyes will light up when he talks about her, like she talks about him.
Hoping when their eyes meet, he'll curve a little smile at her.

And secretly,
She'll be hoping,
between those little glances, he might look back for a little while.


Because there is never any certainty when it comes to feelings.

— The End —