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 Mar 2013 Levi
 Mar 2013 Levi
I hate you
I don’t like you, no not even a little bit
I don’t like the way you smile
I don’t like your sarcastic comments
I HATE the way your eyes lock with mine and our souls might as well be intertwined.
You’re impossible.
You’re ridiculous.
I don’t like the way you look at me when you think my head is turned
I don’t like it when you listen, and speak to me the way you do
It makes me feel like I will never be as good as you.
You’re dogmatic
You’re erratic
I don’t like you when you overrun my dreams
I don’t like you when your emotions are so in-between
I hate that you’re so full of charm
And most of all I hate you for being my alarm
in this fairytale world of love I myself created
Because I always use to say reality is overrated.
 Mar 2013 Levi
 Mar 2013 Levi
Misconception. Misconstrued. Misdirected. Misinformed.
I may be mistaken, but I won’t miss you.
I. Don’t. Understand.
I’m not playing your little game of cat and mouse.
Go find a rat to infect with your false charm and winsome character.
My IQ may not be 130 but I know a thing or two.
And I’m not likening the likes of you.
You are in hiding; don’t deny it … I know you are.
I can see it behind your eyes.
There are doors and bolts and locks galore.
You often change them when you don’t want to feel anymore.
Maybe it hurts you to feel. Anything?
I’m not sure, not sure of anything now that I know that every lie you make could be as easy  as the breathes you take.
Your lips may say happy but your eyes reveal who you really are: dead, weak and false.
You know far too much to tell, yet your lips stay sealed, as if magically sustained of repeating information, well about you anyway.
You never want to talk about yourself.
Egotistic ?
You ?
Yet you speak non of it.
I can feel it radiating of your skin
Your pride.
It’s quite maddening.
I'm riding on ideas that won't quiet down;
Ideas of someone that continues to leave.
They shine for a while, a light between trees,
Then fade like an old song with notes overplayed,
And feelings like comfort soon make me afraid.
Maybe when we are older
It won't be quite as hard
To get our acts together,
Pay for our bills and cars.

Maybe I'll treat you better
And you can give me more,
And we can be together
And not just be adored.

Maybe when school is over
And we don't live so far,
Then we can try again
And I won't have to wonder where you are.

But until then, I'm finished;
I need consistency.
I'm worth the time you'd wait,
But Maybe's all you've ever given me.
He's not even going to see this.

— The End —