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Caroline K Nov 2013
I don't want to be alone.
I search in the eyes of others
for the spark that yours hold.
Only through liquor
do I sometimes see a faint flicker of you.
I don't want to be alone.
I crave the one that takes all my broken pieces
and creates them to be whole.
The one, who from just a silent sight
can create a smile to grow.
But like a cloudy night
vacant of stars,
I am alone.
And it's okay.
Caroline K Nov 2013
It could have been him.
Same tie dyed shirt
mixed with the smoke of
I loved him.
Isn't that why my heart fluttered
at the sight?
He was everything
I didn't want to be.
The dark side of my moon.
But during twilight
the bright side is only visible.
Caroline K Oct 2013
Summer mind falls inside
the body of the winter bed
Shiver from fall sneezes
creates charcoal spines to cringe.

Coffee doesn't linger the same
to far from the sea lips love
and the lost feeling of home
ocean life gone.

Hands caught searching
the vast golden home sky.

For no platinum fingers create
lasting impressions
upon your scarlet moon lips.
Embracing the wrong warmth.
Blame the lonely, ice cherry center.

Eyes tell long maybes,
the heart bleeds swords
skin remembers craving
burning fingers.

Tailwind hands
follow paper white
soul sheets,
darkness pulls
star trusted breath from
locked lungs.

You're bold eyes left words
your quite hands couldn't say.
Caroline K Oct 2013
I should have said it louder
so you would have understood
and your I'm sorry's mean nothing.
I should have pushed you further
But my bones were weak and hollow,
my veins were submersed in wine,
and the wall was so close.
Stolen in the twilight,
a few stars from my eyes.
They should have been closed,
locked away from your greedy palms.
Awoke with regret,
and a sinking chest.
Disgusted by the body I lay against.
So from under the bed
I grabbed my brown boots.
Without saying more then two words,
walked away from you.
Dressed in the outfit from the night before,
the walk back to my room never felt so long.
Walked up the stairs,
undressed from the sweaty mess.
Turned the *** and watched as
water poured out along with sliver steam.
Head first, so quiet and safe.
Like the one who is miles away.
I pulled my heart string
I heard yours beating in reply.
I remembered that
I was all yours,
and only yours.

I'm so lucky
to have you.
Caroline K Oct 2013
She threw caution
into the wind.
Plucking from dirt center.
Hoping that,
the golden pedals
in the breeze
would lead her to
he loves me
rather than
he loves me not.
Caroline K Oct 2013
If I could extract the
evergreen envy from
the eyes of friends.
I would paint it between the lines
of the Sugar Maple tree limbs.

Tainted red orange leaves
of such trees is the end
of the sweet summer pollen.

For the apricot forests
and chilled mornings,
dipped into pumpkin spice lattes-
Leaves me knowing that
the everlasting sunsets
that we once held
is slipping through the cracks,
of our now frozen fingertips
and chapped lips.

From tank tops to
sweaters with holes
that my thumbs peek through,
as I grasp my tea where
the warmth of
your hands should be.

Traded midnight blues eyes I fell into
and engulfed in the beautiful galaxy
that was hidden behind Ray-Bans.
To blank stares that I've learned to trust
but they don't glisten like us.

Can I please,
fish through my purse once more,
aimlessly wander the street corner,
dig between cushions
and hear the click of the hours reloading
as I fill it with orphan coins
and rewind?
Caroline K Sep 2013
& Some how,
you have surprised me yet again.

I believe the meek words-
paper thin from your lying lips.
Those I should set aflame
with my burning tears.

You have taught me to only
trust myself.
I should know this by now.

Your daggers and swords
the ones that slowly **** me.
Are utilized to add scars-
next to the ones from years before.

One Bullet is all I need,
but I'm not wasting it on myself.
For the demons should die before angels.

My last name,
forever following me.
Until I find a man who will be,
so much more then
what you could ever be.
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