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Caroline K Sep 2013
I need a night time ride with you
along the sinking ebony tree trunks
outlined in the moons smile,
escorted by the dark ripples
caped with the milky moonshine kisses.

Comforted by those reassuring words
sent from your lips, and the warmth
from intertwined fingers.
We were transparent,  blank canvases
painted by fingertip stardust.

Tell me,
that my tear glossed eyes;
some how visible to you,
through the crystal display;
are to be wiped away, erased,
for they are not needed.
You will be my everything.

With my heart tucked behind my ear
through the whispers from the rustling leaves
it cries, you have seen this before.

You have seen me break.
Ooze down your neck and
trickle down each vertebrae from the
unkind hands of others.
Be gentle to me.

For I have fallen for you, could it be that?
Could I be your wishing star you laid eyes on
in an infinitely jewel embedded sky?
Caroline K Sep 2013
A small flicker in the dark.
Follow it,
it leads to my heart.

The ruins of these walls
that used to stand
so mighty and strong,
are now gray dust  clouds
at your ankles.

The gold chain of my spirit,
is for you to bear,
to accent your diamond smile.
For we look good together.

It spews
golden sun showers
that follow you around,
like the sweet remembrance
of summer memories.

Single handed you have shown me,
that with honest words and
a gentle soul
you are the one, whom
can completely view the
dark side of my
true hearts moon.
work in progress
Caroline K Sep 2013
One a.m the moonshine air is as warm and comforting,
as the shirt that holds your essence.
She wanders through the fingers of the anonymous city.
Arms wide open in her twilight embrace,
engulfed by her welcoming whispers to home.

The lights are so new the cities voices so loud,
your world is silent. I can't sleep alone,
for the haunting thought of your hands
being filled is always present.

Surrounded by a foreign sea with rocks
and shoals of question marks and pauses.
I can't float much longer. I plead for you
to pull me from these tides. But then
I would be hoping for the hopeless.

As I cross the railroad tracks, I hold my breath.
I don't want anymore bad days, that cause
these rusty wounds etched down my cheeks.

Helplessly gazing into the eyes of the the stars for clarity.
Content in silence, I should just float,
with no strings left for me to pull
as these city lights guide me home.
Caroline K Aug 2013
Blue mountains secure my skin.
Veins stretched with dismal flowers
sprouting, covering this internal land.
Anchored toes to the horizon waves,
which are now these sculpted silhouette peaks.
Blind in the darkness,
with nothing but your hand to guide mine
back home; to the ocean of your eyes.
Late night stars with us underneath, lay me to sleep.
Early morning warmth; from your body against mine.
My head nuzzled next to your kind skin,
arms wrapped around your back.
I fit perfectly on your left side,
you could be the missing piece,
as I listen to your soothing heartbeat.
Because of you,
Waking up with a smile is more addicting
then Starbucks coffee on my lips.
The sky is vacant with diamonds when I look up.
Shooting stars have fallen to the ground,
illuminating across the city skyline.
No longer underneath the same veil of moonlight.
Shivers infest my spine,
I want to surrender to your warmth and wake up with a smile.
Caroline K Aug 2013
Once your lips first dampen my skin,
You become the soaking rain, seeping in.
Your kisses pour over my face, drowning me in love.
Oh Rain, don't leave me.

You are the summer breeze through my shades,
tangled fiercely by the wind, warming me,
waking me, breathing me in.
Oh Summer Breeze, don't leave me.

You are the ocean melody in the dark of night,
with only stars to detract me from drowning
in the sea of your voice, my heart beat by your waves.
Oh Ocean Melody, don't leave me.

You are the last Marlboro Red
dragged into my lungs, no longer burning,
my blood clean once again.
Marlboro Red, I'm saying goodbye, it's time to quit.
Edited by Robert Shuman
Caroline K Aug 2013
Take your knife and cut it into me deeply,
watch me bleed,
hear me scream.
I'm hurting as much as you are,
I'm sorry I had to leave.
But I've moved on.
I like you too much.
Self taught years ago to expect nothing in return,
Best way to not hurt at the end of the day.
People don't really care,
especially boys,
Learned that from the man of my house.
Tell me you do.
Tell me how you want to go out,
then tell me how all these girls are really cute,
but trust me I don't care,
I don't get jealous.
I care about you the amount you care about me,
Which isn't much, take away my body and it's nothing.
I'm the mirror image.
I'm not sure how to send you the message,
words always are messy.
& I don't want to stab you anymore then I already have my eyes,
I have to be nice.
I shouldn't be the one,
But I could.
I want you to listen, to care about the words I have to share.
I sit here alone and I can't breath,
these walls are closing in on me.
You are going to ignore me now,
Which is expected and only proves how right my judgement is.
I want to feel the pain of my mind and heart,
across my arms,
or maybe on a long tortures run.
But then you text me and say you're coming over,
and I smile that half smile that you bring out.
*You've proven me wrong.
Caroline K Aug 2013
With contour lines of touch,
starting at your shoulder,
down your arm,
overlapping to your stomach.
Slide my fingers across your back,
down your straight shot spine,
you shiver,
kiss my neck,
pull me closer,
breath is heavy,
nails across my back,
mark my skin with your presence.
Lets measure each other depths
in foreign waters,
of these sheets.
I want to see the color of your soul,
everytime you smile.
Up your shoulder blade,
to the back of your head,
trace your defined jaw
ending on your lips.
Eyes meet,
they're cloudy you say?
I think the rain is lifting.
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