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  Jul 2014 Carole Hurley
Joe Cole
Me and Carole,  Carole and me

Do I love her? Yes
Does she love me ? Yes
Can we be together one day?
I remember our holiday in Malta
She looked so radiant
But oh how ill, cancer
A woman who had dealt with cancer patients all her life
She is a Catholic and so I took her to a special church on Gozo
The church of miracles
She had a special blessing there
And I think for her that was the highlight of the holiday
And then into hospital
Both ******* removed and a bit more
The times she tried to give up, she just wanted to die
I gave her abuse no normal human would have ever accepted
But deep down I like to think I kept her alive
One major problem,  she has a partner,  I have a wife
But I love Carole
I will let you my peers judge me
Carole Hurley May 2014
I love the spring
Watching Robins nesting and rearing young in my garden Shed
Also I watch the crows nesting in the trees outside my bedroom windows
Baby rabbits basking in the warm sunshine with watchful mothers grazing nearby in the field next to the house
Blossom on the trees and green new leaves looking so pretty against the sky
Daffodils, Tulips, and Bluebells making a beautiful carpet in the gardens and surrounding woodlands
Time to plant tomatoes, Beans and potatoes and all awhile the chattering of the Magpies waiting and watching to see what they can steal
They are so naughty digging up and taking the seed
Busy pecking at the fresh young shoots for more than they need
Crisp dry days and. some rainy ones all helping things to grow new life
I'm greedy to see all these things
Yes I love the spring
Carole Hurley Apr 2014
I remember a love of long ago
Walking in the lush green park  content to be side by side
Looking out over the azure sea sparkling in the sun
The birds singing and my love whispering words of love in my ears
Holding hands and sitting down to kiss in the shade of the trees
I remember all these things that were so special to me
My love swore he loved and sealed it with a gift of a little amber heart
He had made it himself and from it I will never part
It seems a life time ago that our love was so beautiful and all aglow
But now alas it's just like a dying ember but memories never die
So that's why I remember

— The End —