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I promised myself I wouldn’t waste
another ******* minute
chasing things that wouldn’t satisfy:
chasing ***** with ***
and letting boys I didn’t care about
chase me, but they didn’t care about me either.
I didn’t (and maybe I still don’t) understand
why two people have to be in love.
What if we both want each other,
what if we both don’t want to love?
The thing is, the outcome of that
is always this:
broken phones, empty bottles,
and endless drives at four am
when we both aren’t talking
because we can’t talk without screaming.
I swore to God I’d leave,
two months ago,
but it’s been six months since
you moved six hours away.
I swore to God I’d leave,
but I haven’t been able to pack up my bags
that I unpacked in your heart.
7:34 AM and I still love you
Last June, I loved you
Five years later, I'll still love you
& that my dear, is my problem
like the sea.
In your eyes,
I see
mesmerizing pulchritude.
I gaze into them
& stray in a world
of unsaid words.
hidden behind a beauty
so dazzling.
only I can see.
I want to heal.
in the most beautiful eyes
I've ever seen.
He ripped her heart out
with pure cruelty.
He took her innocence away.
Left her with nothing but
and endless nights of grief.
Left her with nothing but
nightmares, that haunted
her reality
and vivid dreams.
Left her with no feelings,
no emotions,
no virtue,
no heart,
no mind.
Left her with nothing but,
this state of never ending numbness.
The world is ending,
The Mayans said.
People are praying,
Everyone's so afraid.
And I'm here waiting,
No I'm not scared.
My world has ended,
With you instead.
You left me fading,
And now my soul is dead.
are to be quietly
silently whispered
over fires made
out in the chilly cold

Shared, with shifty eyes,
trembling fingers,
trembling voice,
trembling lips,
shaking hands

Reverently whispered
so that the wind
catches the words,
tosses them away
so no one may ever
misuse them again

Poems are to be shared
hiding away
from the world
When Death comes by
Do you really see a man, a mere human?
Is it possible that an entity as ancient could be so?
It’s been there longer than any of us
Seen more than we could imagine
It would make the bravest demigods
Children again, crying for their mothers
It's an entity as old as Change and Time
- Something not many can claim
It's seen Change and stagnation
Seen triumph, as well as the bitter tears
Of one who has lost everything,
Including their own identity,
After having known ‘everything’.

I am Fire and I am Ice.
Get too close to me and you will be,
Changed, for better or worse.
You will be changed. Anything that
Comes near me does. I am inescapable.

Even galaxies explode, even stars fall
I am inescapable. I am indestructible
Come to me and you'll lose yourself
Look me in the eye and you shall see
A reflection. You will be changed.
The worst scars I give, remain unseen
You've looked me in the Eye, and now,
You pay the price, with nothing less
Than Mind, Heart and Soul. Bodies are
Now reparable. Scars can be hidden
The soul and your heart... That is where
Your true weakness lies and I leave the
Marks of my possession there. I am neither
Moral nor immoral. I am and I remain.
Some might romanticise my presence, but
I am neither good, nor bad. I simply Am.
I might bring pain or I may bring salvation
I am as I have been and as I shall remain
Humanity will come and go, the Milky Way
Will be extinguished. I will remain.
After all, I Am.
Part of the series containing Fear, The Friend (link: ).
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