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Carmala Mar 2014
Love me entirely, agree or disagree, I’m real… Be real to me; be honest. You looking for something? God said in his word ask and you shall receive, but he didn’t say when nor will he in the way you want him to. There are alot of things I don’t understand. I’m not perfect… I’m sensitive but strong. I hold my tongue most if the time but at times I don’t. I’m just a person who has issues and problems just like other people. I’m a serious type of girl.. If you tell me I’m your friend and if I want to be your friend back best believe I’ll be in your corner. May not be able to give you everything you need but I can be there when you need me. Need to talk? Text me, call me it doesn’t matter when or what time it is… I know how to be a friend even though no one has physically been mine, or been there for me. No one wanted to be. I’m nice but not passive so don’t think you can run over me.

— The End —