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In My Fathers Eyes

In my fathers eyes
The boy I used to be
He helped me to grow strong
Into the man that he now sees

In my fathers eyes
I can do no wrong
He always stands beside me
And helps me through each storm

In my fathers eyes
I feel the love he has for me
Gives it freely every day
And want the world to see

In my fathers eyes
As I look into his soul
I see the man I want to be
The day that I grow old

In my fathers eyes

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts

I lay awake and worry
On things I cant control
How to change my future
Or put my past on hold

I try to think of something else
Close my eyes and clear my head
Erase my mind of worry
For the day I have ahead

Sleep will help me start out fresh
Awake with different views
If only I could finally rest
I could start my day renewed

So I lay there and I tell myself
That it's time for me to sleep
If only I could start to dream
I would get the rest I need

Carl Joseph Roberts
I hate insomnia and especially when there is no good reason. The body so tired and the brain going a mile a minute.  Insomnia *****
I Saw Perfect

Today I looked in
And I saw a perfect face
A smile that lit up the room
When others looked your way

There was this calm about you
As you looked around the room
Knowing just what you want
And who is right for you

You looked my way and smiled
And I wondered who you saw
Not realizing it was me
That you searched for all along

I felt this calming peace within
As your eyes peirced my soul
I saw the inner beauty
That I knew was there to hold

That perfect person in the room
Was there for all to see
For that perfect face that I saw
Was in a mirror in front of me

Carl Joseph Roberts
This poem is about finding yourself first. Seeing yourself differently and knowing that the way you see yourself, so will others. Believe that what you have to offer is what others want and others will want what you have to offer. (Wait I see a future poem in those last few
The sadness in your eyes

I see you on the corner
As traffic passes by
I watch as people never see
The sadness in your eyes

They all walk past pretending
That you do not exist
They will not see the sorrow
Or the life that you must live

I see you on the corner
As you hold your cardboard sign
Hoping that just one may read
And understand your life

You do not bother others
You sit there in your place
With a cup that reads spare a dime
And sadness on your face

I see you on the corner
As the traffic passes by
I watch as people never see
The sadness in your eyes

I see you on the corner

Carl Joseph Roberts**
January 2014
It Don't Matter

It don't matter what you want
It don't matter what you need
It don't matter what you feel
It don't matter what you think

It don't matter what you say
It don't matter what you do
It don't matter what you like
It don't matter what you choose

There is one thing that matters
What you did it matters
So you need to know what matters most
Is you no longer matter now to me

It don't matter where you work
It don't matter where you play
It don't matter where you go
It don't matter where you stay

It don't matter where you're at
It don't matter where you've been
It don't matter where you live
It don't matter where you sin

There is one thing that matters
What you did it matters
So you need to know what matters most
Is you no longer matter now to me

It don't matter who you call
It don't matter who you date
It don't matter who you like
It don't matter who you hate

There is one thing that matters
What you did it matters
So you need to know what matters most
Is you no longer matter now to me

You need to know what matters
It no longer matters
Who, what, when, where or why
Cause you no longer matter now to me

Song/Poem by:
Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
I Wonder If You Realize*

I wonder if you realize
What it truly means
For me to of finally met
The girl out of my dreams

I wonder if you realize   
Of this love I hold inside
Do you feel it from my heart
Can you see it in my eyes

I wonder if you realize
That you take my breath away
Does my smile show it on my face
Each and every day

I wonder if you realize
As you walk into the room
That you are deep within my soul
Each time I look at you

I wonder if you realize

Poem by: *
Carl Joseph Roberts  (Joe)
If you like please share and help trend. Thanks
Just A Simple Thank You

I want to thank each one of you
For reading all my rhymes
I have 10,000 readers
In only 6 months time

I appreciate all your words
And the kindness of your hearts
The sharing of this passion
That some would call an art

I remember not to long ago
I would throw these words away
Thinking that this passion
Was somehow just a faze

I want to give a special thanks
To those who friended me
You helped me tell my stories
And you share this love with me

Carl Joseph Roberts

I wanted to just take a moment to thank you all.
Your kindness has allowed me to share my heartache.
Your words of encouragement helped heal my heart.
Your poems inspired me to keep writing and posting.
Many of your poems touched my inner soul.
You helped me laugh, cry, and feel sorrow.
You encouraged me to push forward in my writtings
Your words and poems have inspired.
I know that we may never meet in person
There is however a bonding friendships that will last.
Thank you for reading my poems
I hope to have 10,000 more reads in the next 6 months.
If however I only touch but one then this is worth it.
A simple thank you my friends and fellow poets. ...Joe
Please Read over my work and honestly tell me what one touched you, made you think, laugh, cry or be happy.
A Cops Day Off

Today I take just for me
No worries for others or their families
Sometimes we need just one day off
From the stress of life, protecting all

Today I do not take your call
I cannot be late to what you saw
No tickets that you hate to see
For today, well today I take just for me

Today I will not council you
On what your allowed or not to do
I cannot help a marriage lost
For today is just my one day off

I'll see no parents walk away
Expecting me to save the day
I teach no lessons of what should be
For today I take just for me

No fights with drugs or alcohol
And today I see no jail at all
I know you think I shouldnt need
But today , today I'm taking just for me

Carl J. Roberts
I know not everyone will understand this one and some may say its not a good poem. Sometimes my poems are juest of a fleeting thought as I wake up and this is one of those thoughts. Its fine if you dont like or understand. If just one person gets it then I reached that one and its one more person that I made think.
Just One Would Be Enough...LoL

If someone tries to take from me
What they don't deserve
I slap the crap out of them
And call it lesson learned

When a person does a crazy thing
And I can't believe my eyes
I can run them over
Say they deserved to die

I see a group of strangers
All doing the same dumb thing
I get to shoot them with a gun
Say it was meant to be

Slow drivers in the fast lane
Who think they own the road
I wreck their car into a ditch
And have a clear path home

Teenagers who won't listen
Who think they know it all
They get strangled with my hand
With no regrets at all

Some days I wish that I could do
All the things above
But Knowing that I really can't
Just one would be enough...LOL

Carl Joseph Roberts
Just Smile, Smile, Smile

Listen to these words I say
I swear they are the truth
There's a love I feel deep inside
And its because of you

I wanted you to know my love
Each and every day
So each morning just as you wake up
It puts a smile there on your face

Just smile, smile, smile
Every single day
Smile, smile, smile
You make my world a better place
Smile, smile, smile
A love that is so true
Smile, smile, smile
I smile because of you

You make my life more beautiful
Just being who you are
Never let that go away
Keep a smile there in your heart

A love that fills your inner soul
Its what I give to you
I hope you truly understand
How you fill my heart too

Just smile, smile, smile
Every single day
Smile, smile, smile
You make my world a better place
Smile, smile, smile
A love that is so true
Smile, smile, smile

I smile because of you

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
It can be a wife, a true love, a child or a even a loved friend. Let them know that they make you smile.
Just Wait

Just wait and let life happen
And you'll see without a doubt
Time has a way of fixing things
It seems to just work out

Know that you have options
When you don't know what to do
Take some time and walk away
And do what's right for you

Don't rush and do the wrong thing
Step back and take it slow
Give yourself time to breath
And let the right plan grow

Don't make quick decisions
No need for judgement calls
Get all the facts that you need
And do what's best for all

Just wait and let life happen
And you'll see without a dought
Time has a way of fixing things
It seem to just work out

Carl Joseph Roberts
Keek Your Word

If you can't keep your word
And show up as you planned
Don't think that when you do show up
We should understand

Remember who the boss is
It's the one who pays the bill
So keep your word and show on time
Or we'll find someone who will

If you can't be there when you say
No show and drop the ball
Don't think that you can then complain
When someone else is called

It may not seem a big thing
With the loss of just one call
Until one day you realize
You have no work at all

If you can't keep your word
And show up as you planned
Don't think that when you do show up
We should understand

Keep Your Word

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Know This
(A Cop's Creed)

I cannot shoot to only wound
For that requires you do not move
I shoot to stop you from a crime
So that I or others will not die

Once pulled my gun shoots to ****
Then what happens is God's will
Dont test the training that I have
For if you loose it will end up bad

If called to serve and protect a life
I will do my duty to do what's right
I do not wish to take a life
But I cannot chance that I will survive

No fear or flight will you ever see
I will stand my ground while others flee
So if ever I must pull my gun
Know this,........Your day is done

Carl Joseph Roberts ( Joe )
When you read this you have to use your Clint Eastwood voice. Its much better that
To all my readers, my second poetry book has now been published called Life, Love and Lessons Learned. It is available on

Amazon, Kindle and Lulu
By typing in Carl Joseph Roberts Life Love And Lessons Learned.

My first book,
Through My Eyes, By Carl Joseph Roberts
was a success and because of many of you, even without a book signing it was profitable. And I hope many of you will support this my second book as well and additionally forward this to as many other readers in hope they will support also. Again, thank you all so very much for your support over these last sever years. From winning several contests to all your comments I have appreciated each kind word said. So please find and buy a book and support the cause if possible. Thank you all again.  Always writing... Carl Joseph Roberts  (Joe)
Please add to as many collections as you fell fit and forward as you wish to help support. Thanks. Joe
Life of a single man

Sometimes we *** in the shower
And we hardly ever make the bed
We clean ourselves with shampoo
Using the lather from our heads

At times we wear the same old socks
That we wore the day before
And dont even get us started
On how long jeans last on the floor

When the bed gets made we sleep on top
Then just straighten when we get up
And do we really need to wash the sheets
If our skin they do not touch

We drink milk from the carton
Eat fast food way to much
We have pizza pie for dinner
And eat leftovers when we get up

We want the house to look real clean
So there are rooms that we don't use
When we can write our name in dust
That's when we grab a broom

This is the life of a single man
We just do what we want to do
It is very hard for us to change
When we meet that someone new

So dont try to change us overnight
So far we have made it through
But if by chance we fall in love
We may just change for you

Carl Joseph Roberts
Listen To Your Feelings

Have you ever met somebody
That you know you just dont like
Right away you get a feeling
That somethings just not right

You think it's just a feeling
That soon will go away
But the feeling just gets stronger
No matter what they say

It's a feeling that you just cant shake
One thats deep within your soul
A feeling that makes you say
Something here is wrong

You must listen to your feelings
For they'll guide you to whats right
Those feelings that are in you
They may someday save your life

Carl Joseph Roberts
Lost Memory

Today I lost a memory
And that memory was of you
I will no longer search my soul
For that memory once so true

Your memory no longer takes my days
Nor fills my dreams each night
For those memories have been washed away
With this start of my new life

I no longer feel the hurt
My once troubled heart is calm
For all the pain that I once felt
Has been washed away with time

I know now memories can be lost
And replaced with something new
For today I lost a memory
And that memory was of you

Carl J. Roberts
About letting go of the past and beginning a future.
LOVE Letters

Four simple letters
That mean so very much
Letters that can heal
Letters that can touch

Four letters that together
Are known the world around
Letters that unite us
And never let us down

Four letters that when given
Can make a person smile
Allow us to feel special
And make our life worthwhile

Letters that when needed
Can brighten up a day
Love letters that when given
Make the world a better place

L. O. V. E.

Carl Joseph Roberts
Thank you all for all your notes and reads of my poems.
Love With All Your Heart

There are many different ways to love
That we can have within our hearts
A love that takes it's time to grow
Or one there from the start

Sometimes a love can fade away
A love never to return
While other love is meant to stay
Without worry or concern

It may take time to fall in love
Not all love starts out strong
We must open up our hearts to love
For thats where love belongs

There are times the love we feel inside
Stays hidden for to long
And that person we were meant to love
Not knowing is then gone

The way you choose to love someone
Can depend on who you are
But each person that you choose to love
Love with all your heart

Carl Joseph Roberts
Make New Things Happen

Make new things happen
Each and every day
Let them lead you in your life
And simply be amazed

Become a part of wonder
Stand back and watch it grow
Do great things for others
And never let them know

Make new things happen
And know you took your part
See the eyes of others
Help change their inner hearts

Don't think that it can't happen
It's all a point of view
Each day when new things happen
Make them because of you

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
Man Card

You must know that all men have one
That we use when we're in need
I would take mine out and show you
If I thought you would believe

I always have mine with me
But its hardly ever used
Unless I think I need it
When im shopping for new shoes

I will pull it out and wonder
If you will ever think its real
For you saw me walking fifi
My toy poodle with no tail

Now I know I'll have to show it
If ever I am found
Outside planting flowers
When college football comes around

My scooters not a harley
Every real man knows that sound
It wispers where's your man card
As I putter around this town

I have had it for so very long
But now my man card cant be found
I know I dont deserve it
With this pink shirt I wear now

I'm not worried I lost my man card
For there are plenty to be found
All married men have lost one
For not putting those tampons down

Carl J. Roberts
Inspired when I told another poet to tear up his man card.(Thanks Mike) Made me look at myself and laugh. lol.  I have a 300cc scooter and a 800cc Maurauder but at 85mpg I want to ride my scooter more each day. I should rip up my mancard
Maybe We Should*

Maybe we should stop and think
Of the things we do each day
Give ourselves room to grow
Learn to change our ways

Maybe we should hear ourselves
When we speak words of faith
Not be quick to judge someone
For the path that they must take

Maybe we should see some things
In a new and different light
First walk a mile in someones shoes
To know what it is like

Maybe we should just try more
To live a better life
Make the world a better place
And leave the hate behind

Maybe we should

Poem by: *
Carl Joseph Roberts
If liked, add to a few and help it trend.

Today I hit a milestone
Another year it now have passed
Looking forward to my future
Taking time to love and laugh

I remember as a child
I could not wait to grow
Not knowing all that I would see
What I would need to know

As a teen I never listened
To what others had to say
Believing that no matter what
My life would be okay

It seems like only yesterday
When I turned twenty one
That day they first presented me
My shield and my gun

I remember how I felt
The day my child was born
The special love inside my heart
For a soul that I adore

A marriage to someone I loved
That I vowed to always hold
Not knowing of the future pain
And how it would unfold

A life  with many ups and down
Some say rich as well as poor
Family, friends and those I've loved
Always welcomed at my door

Today I reached a milestone
Another year it now has passed
Looking forward to my future
Taking time to love and laugh

Carl Joseph Roberts**
February 6,
My Birthday
I run three miles, three times a week and workout on a regular basis to keep myself feeling young. I want to give thanks to all the great poets that have allowed me to read your works over this last year. I have been on Hello Poetry for one year as of February 20th. It is with amazement that each day I read amazing poems from so many amazing poets.. Each poem I read throughout the year I consider a present. Thank you all.
More Than Dreams

I wanted you to know today
Of this love I hold inside
So strong it never goes away
It cannot be denied

This love it formed so very fast
The day that I met you
I knew from that first moment
That this love inside was true

This love I feel makes me whole
Knowing I have found my one
Gives me peace inside my soul
And I know my search is done

I hope you know just how I feel
And of what it truly means
I give to you all my heart
You are more then I could dream

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
My Last Day

It's My last day at work today
A new journey to begin
Just two short weeks ago
I turned my notice in

Memories with fantastic times
As teardrops fill some eyes
We share the stories of our past
And I say my last goodbyes

I will finish off my final day
And do my very best
Give to them on my last day
As I did on all the rest

I take my one last journey
To meet with all my friends
Listen to them wish me well
Hug and shake some hands

I walk away my head held high
And say there's no regrets
Knowing that the job I did
It was my very best

It's my last day of work today
A new journey to begin
Just two short weeks ago  
I turned my notice in

It's my last day

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Share , help trend and let some people know.
My Love, Where Did You Go

My love, where did you go
Do you know how much I care
Can you reach down from up above
And wipe away my tears

My love, where did you go
I still feel that you are near
The love I've know within my heart
Will never disappear

My love, where did you go
Is your pain no longer there
Is there a smile upon your face
That one day we both will share

My love, where did you go
Can you take away my fear
Did you want me to begin again
And still hold your love so dear

My love, where did you go
Can you see me way down here
I don't know when my day will come
Please wait for me right there

My Love

Carl Joseph Roberts
What I think my grandfather and grandmother had. Love
My New Found Fashion Trend

You know I never really understood
Why they wear their pants that way
Pull them down to their knees
And walk around all day

But they say it is the fashion
It's a new trend I should try
That underwear is very cool
And catches people's eyes

So I decided I should try it
I pulled my pants down way to far
Then to show the world how hip I was
I walked through Central Park

All the Children were excited
I saw them point my way
They even told their teacher
But she made them look the other way

Well then two cops they came running
I assumed to see my style
I thought my trend was catching on
But those cops they didn't smile

Those cops would start a new trend
One I didn't like as much
They put my hands behind my back
And slapped on silver cuffs

Now this jail cell seems so small
With this big man next to me
He says he'll be my best friend
And he likes just what he sees

So glad to see this courtroom
Filled with people from the streets
They yell rethink your fashion trend
If you're wearing a G-String

Well the Judge he was not happy
But he would not give me time
He said wear a G-String where you want
No one can take that right

You see the Judge he wore a G-String
Underneath his long black robe
Since he did not find me guilty
A free man I could go

So I walked outside that courtroom
As a free man once again
And became so very famous
For my New Found Fashion Trend

Carl Joseph Roberts
One of my favorite poems, hope you enjoy.
My New Found Fashion Trend

You know I never really understood
How they wear their pants that way
Pull them down to their knees
And walk around all day

But they say it is the fashion
It's a new trend I should try
That underwear is very cool
And catches peoples eyes

So I decided I should try it
I pulled my pants down way too far
Then to show the world how hip I was
I walked through Central Park

All the children were excited
I saw them point my way
They even told their teacher
But she made them look the other way

Well then two cop's they came running
I assumed to see my style
I thought my trend was catching on
But the cop's they didn't smile

Those cops they'd start a new trend
One I didnt like as much
They put my hands behind my back
And slapped on silver cuffs

Now this jail cell seems so small
With this big man next to me
He says he'll be my best friend
And that he likes just what he sees

So glad to see the courtroom
Filled with people from the streets
But they say rethink your fashion trend
If you're wearing a G-String

Now the judge he was not happy
But he did not give me time
He said wear a G-String where you want
No one can take that right

You see the Judge he wore a G-String
Underneath his long black robe
He did not find me guilty
So a free man I could go

So I walked outside of the courtroom
As a free man once again
And became so very famous
For my new found Fashion Trend

Carl Joseph Roberts
A part of life still untold

This life I have has gone by fast
I now reminisce as I look back
So many memories both good and bad
Yet I would not change this life I've had

In life I've seen a thing or two
I've had some laughs and cried some too
I have felt the love from my son
And had heartbreak from the one I loved

I've been rich and poor and in between
Owned houses, cars and many things
Learned lessons from the things I've done
And I've tried to do more right then wrong

My family, friends and God above
Have all shown me how to feel true love
I can choose which path to guide my way
And I decide to give more then I take

As  this life of mine starts calming down
There is an inner peace I've found
A different chapter now unfolds
My next part of life is still untold
We grow older and realize that there is more years behind us then in front of us. Still there is the calm of knowing that the life lived has been a good one and a peace of mind of knowing the rest of my life are to be my best years.
My One Lost Love

Please know that you're my one lost love
That I remember from my past
The one who seemed to get away
But I wish I could have back

The timing wasn't perfect
For the love we shared back then
Two broken hearts not ready
So now we call each other friends

Every now and then we speak
I hear the story of your life
You tell me that you fell in love
I feel an emptyness inside

I'm happy for you in my heart
And I wish for you the best
Knowing what you need the most
To move forward from the past

Our futures took two different paths
Then where we thought we'd go
I cannot change how you now feel
So I let our friendship grow

Still no matter what our futures holds
Please know these words are true
I hope one day you find again
My one lost love for you

Carl Joseph Roberts**

This is just a thank you poem
She knows who she is
I am very happy for her and will always hold a special place in my heart for the time we shared but also know and understand we have both moved on.  She came into my life and helped me when I needed it most. Touched my soul with her kindness and showed me that there are simply good, very good people out there who can love and be loved. Now I will be glad to call her my friend.
My One True Love

If I give to you my heart
And a trust from deep inside
Would you use it to help heal
And start a brand new life

If I give to you my soul
Would your spirit then fly free
Reaching for the highest stars
Knowing it was meant to be

If I give to you my courage
Would you stay strong and true
Show others that they can survive
That they can be like you

If I give to you my love
With no conditions that need met
Would you feel free to trust again
And be able to forget

If I give to you all the things
That I mentioned up above
Would you give to me just one thing
Would you be my one true love

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
I'm just a hopeless romantic so hopefully one day I will say this.

If you like, please share to a few collections.
My Prayer For You Was Heard

I've been so lucky in my life
Much more then I deserve
So I find it hard to understand
How my prayer for you was heard

Most men will see your beauty
But not the sweetness of your soul
Won't see the kindness in your heart
Or the love inside you hold

They will never know your passions
See the fears you hold inside
Feel the love you have for others
Or see the sadness in your eyes

They won't know you miss your children
See the tears you cry each night
Understand your broken heart
Without them by your side

This friendship and the love we share
Is something I hold true
So no matter what our futures hold
Please know I'm here for you

I've been so lucky in my life
Much more then I deserve
So I find it hard to understand
Why my prayer for you was heard

Carl Joseph Roberts
Well crap, game is over and they beat us.
I write these words with sadness as Michigan State wins the game fair and square, no tricks, no bad calls just man on man beat us.
My Team, My Dream, My Buckeyes

The Ohio State Buckeyes
Each year their games I view
My team still undefeated
And ranked at number two

We now must play a team up north
But not the maize and blue
We beat that rival of our school
Now we'll beat the green ones too

With the game this week that we must play
We know one team must fall
With Buckeye Pride and heads held high
We will sing our victory song

The champion who will win this game
Will wear the Big Ten crown
They will give to them a trophy
And a parade for all in town

Then one more game that we must play
To be the number one of all
As college football champions
We will raise that Chrystal Ball

Go Bucks.... O. H. _
. __.
THE Ohio State University

Carl Joseph Roberts
December 2013
Yes I know this poem is very regional and it more then likely will not get a bunch of hits. Still this one is for me.  I am obviously from Ohio and Obviously a fan of The Ohio State Buckeyes. The victory over Michigan was fantastic and hopefully we can defeat a strong Michigan State team as well. If we win this weeks game we will play for the national championship and the crystal ball trophy. Such a great year for Buckeye Football. Go Bucks.
My Waiting Time Is Done

I was waiting for you to find me
And I waited much to long
Ready to share my love again
But knowing you are gone

Waiting to have that feeling
Of a love that is so true
Knowing love is out there
I was waiting just for you

Waiting to hear your voice again
Trying to understand
Wanting to see your smile
Needing to hold your hand

I know now that you never cared
And I waited way to long
With a broken heart I say these words
My waiting time is done

Carl Joseph Roberts
This is the answer to one of my earliest poems called The Waiting Time.
Never Far Away

I wonder what he would say
If he were sitting here today
Would he tell me all the things he's seen
Would he say it was okay

Would we talk about the past we shared
Or of what the future holds
Will he give a glimpse of what's in store
And say he's met the Lord

Will he know how much I miss him
And miss the friendship that he gave
Tell me that although he's gone
He's now in a better place

Will we sit and talk for hours
Maybe write a poem or two
Will he play guitar and sing his songs
And say this one's for you

Will he tell me that he cant stay long
But his journey did not end
That he looks down from up above
To guide me as a friend

Will he say he knows I look for him
He hears the prayers that I say
That he will always be my friend
And he is never far away

In loving honor
Edward M. Dixon
This poem written in tears for an old friend of mine who I owe so much. Edward M Dixon, we were friends at a young age and he is so missed. He has written several poems and songs and had an incredible musical talent and voice. I look forward to one day seeing him again and just sitting and listening to him sing. I miss you my friend.
New Life Lessons

Never let them see you sweat
That's a phrase you'll sometimes hear
But it's only with hard work and sweat
That you can persevere

Don't look back is what they say
You must leave the past behind
But the lessons learned from the past
Are what guide you through your life

Take your time and don't go fast
They say to take things slow
But to get to all you want in life
You must choose the pace you go

Give and take is what they say
Your battles you must choose
But never should you just give in
You must do whats best for you

Remenber all lifes lessons
Then make new ones all your own
Don't be afraid to live your dreams
Let life lessons help you grow

**Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like please add to a few collections ...thanks
Mary R Short, a new poet and friend of mine has posted a few poems now. When you get a chance, please read her as well and give her a welcome.

Thanks... Joe
NFL Cleveland Rams*

They started out in Cleveland
Just some news for you
The Cleveland Rams the were called
Before they even moved

L.A. is where they grew up
Then Saint Louis they called home
But Cleveland was the very first
Just wanted you to know

The sports shows say they're going home
But we know that its not true
We sure do wish they'd come back
So we can win a game or two

Yes the original L.A. Rams were actually the Cleveland Rams.

Poem by: *
Carl Joseph Roberts  (Joe)
No Mortgage Will Be Due
(A happy poem)

Today I fulfilled a lifelong dream
That I wanted to share with you
I wrote a check and bought a house
No mortgage will be due

I had to work for what I want
Had hard times along the way
But knowing that each step I took
Would get me to this day

I did not spend all I have
On this house I will call home
I put some back for a rainy days
To help others who I know

I will share this home with my son
And one day will pass it on
So that he can give the gift of love
Like he gave me when he was born

So today I fulfilled a lifelong dream
That I wanted to share with you
I wrote a check and bought a house

No mortgage will be due

Carl Joseph Roberts
Just a happy poem from me to get the feeling out. These poems we write sometimes are not all lessons learned or touch your heart and make you cry poems. Some are just simply made to invite you to share a life journey. This is one of those.  I am inviting you to share with me this step in my life. Thank you for reading.
One Good Day

Can you think of one good day
That you remember from your past
A day when everything went right
One you wish you could have back

That day you tell to others
When you talk about good times
The one that brings a smile
Makes you feel good deep inside

Can you think of one good day
That you wish you had again
One that was so perfect
That you hoped would never end

Take that day and share it
With someone you don't know
Give to them just one good day
And let the feeling grow

One good day can be enough
To change somebody's view
When you give someone one good day
It's one good day for you

Carl Joseph Roberts
One of those days I call life

One of those days not a thing goes right
You start your day with rain outside
One of those days no alarm went off
You must call your work and tell your boss

One of those days when there's no towel
The shower is cold and the furnace is out
One of those days when you burn the toast
The coffee is cold and you tear your hose

One of those days you're running late
You loose your keys have an empty tank
One of those days you cant find your coat
You turn the key and the car wont start

One of those days when you need a jump
Cables are locked in your husband's trunk
One of those days your kids school calls
It seems they skipped their study hall

One of those days you get home late
The dog is gone there's an open gate
One of those days not a thing goes right
Just one of those days that I call life

Carl Joseph Roberts
Written after I asked a lady how are you today. She went on to explain how bad a day she was having as I politely listened. All the while I was thinking , this sounds like life to me.
Only In a Dream

I see an empty place beside me
As I close my eyes to dream
Knowing when I drift away
You will still be here with me

I'll see your smile and hear your voice
Feel a love that we once shared
And all the pain of missing you
Will seem to somehow disappear

I'll realize only when I wake
That it was just a dream
Then try to close my eyes again
And pray you're still with me

Each new morning as I rise
I see that you're not here
  I must wait until the evening comes
To show you how I care

A new evening comes, I drift to sleep
And I feel you next to me
Holding hands as we share our lives
But it's only in a dream

Carl Joseph Roberts
Just opinions and we all have them
It is not my intention to offend
My poems they come from my soul
Formed by passion and sometimes bold
Though you may not like what I say
I have a right to feel this way
These poems I write are mine alone
If you don't like then just move on
No need to message and threaten me
I will not change to meet your needs
I have been a cop way to long
Do not think your words can harm
If you dont like what I say
Just message me and it's okay
Choose your words and we can debate
I will delete words of hate
Just opinions and we all have them
It is not my intention to offend
My poems come from my soul
Formed by passion and sometimes bold

Carl Joesph Roberts
Written in response to several who have messaged me concerning my last poem, Profiling. I realize it is a tough subject with incidents that have occurred recently but this is just one view, my view. I love a debate and I will discuss my views with anyone. I however will not listen to, post or allow to stay, words of hate.  Those who know me , know that I would never tolerated prejudice and I will erase words of hate immediately. Again if you have a problem them simply say so in words that do not promote hate or violence. Thanks for reading my poems and if you read them you.will see that prejudice thoughts are the furthest thing from my mind.  Thanks again for reading... Joe
Perfect Not Vain

How lucky can one man be
To be as good looking as I am
Handsome and with muscles
I must be the perfect man

I cant believe how great I am
Fantastic in every way
I know you must be jealous
Dont blame me for being great

It's hard to be who I am
With this brain as sharp as mine
When you think about what I have
You'll wish you could have my life

Dont hate yourself for not being me
It's a curse to look this good
Each morning just when I wake up
I must admire my own good looks

I see myself in the mirror
And think what a gorgeous man
How can I be so **** cute
And stay as humble as I am

Now I wont sign this poem
For that would be just vain
Plus it could be that I'm dreaming
And I really need to wake

Carl Joseph Roberts
Carl Joesph Roberts
Carl Joseph Roberts
Carl Joseph Roberts
Its my dream, I can see myself however I want. I choose to see the perfect man that I
Pour Me One More Round*

Each night I go from bar to bar
Instead of going home
To drink away the pain I have
Now living life alone

Inside I feel this emptyness
Thats deep down within
I try to drink away the pain
Still knowing it won't end

All these bars they look alike
And I drink more every day
Wanting just to the fill the void
Make the memories go away

The lights go down and the bars they close
So I walk around this town
The memory of you fills my heart
An empty lonesome sound

These drinks I know will never end
This pain I feel inside
It only helps me to forget
But only for the night

So please one more
Pour me one more round
Help me push these memories down
Just pour me one more round

*Carl Joseph Roberts
Okay, guys its a poem about how I thought my father handled life. He drank himself to death many years ago. This is not a poem advocating drinking. I drink very little and can count on one hand the times I've been drunk in my life and they were all in my 20s. So If you like this poem, please add it to a collection.
( A Cops View)

Profiling, it can save a life
Now Im not saying its always right
But we see something thats out of place
And we're supposed to look the other way

Dont judge a person by there looks
What they drive or who there with
No matter what the time of day
We cannot question what they say

Your mind tells you there's something wrong
That this person does not belong
Still im not allowed to question them
About where they're going or where they've been

But commit a crime or someone dies
Then the whole community they question why
For the Officers should have known
That guy, that car, they don't belong

We cant profile all by itself
The law requires we have something else
It is a tool that we can choose
But not the only tool to use

Profiling, it can save a life
Now I'm not saying it's always right
No one tool should be abused
But if it saves a life,..... ill profile you

Carl Joseph Roberts
Apparently I have ticked some people off with this poem. Let me say this again, Profiling alone without just cause and additional actions is wrong. Profilimg because of color of skin is always wrong. Profiling is not however just a color thing. Profiling can be used with other tools to determine if you should take an additional step.  Never used alone and never because of color of skin of weather the person has money or not.
What a specjal day I remember . I remember that small cry from a new born baby at exactly 10:10pm. I remember watching over him when he was one day old as his mother went back into the hospital for ten days to have surgery. I remember how unsure I was that week and scared to death. I remember his gentle smiles when I walked into the room and his eyes when he saw something new. I remember our walks in the park along the trails to see the deer and his excitement to get a .99 cent disney video from the Blockbuster. Back then thats all I could afford. I remember the game rooms and movie theaters and the holding hands and little kisses and hugs. I still remember every word of our special prayer and the father and son song I made up and yes made him   Watching as he ran with his friends down the street and seeing him look back to make sure I was still there and that smile, oh that smile.  I remember rockets in the park, the boat rides,  sitting him on the gas tank of my motorcycle and giving him a ride around the parking lot time and time again. I remember him sitting on his great grandfathers lap and giggling and hoping I would get the chance to see my great grandchild. I remember every Tuesday and Thursdays phone calls at 7 pm just to hear his voice after he was moved to Florida.   Sometimes I would get him on the phone and sometimes I would leave a message but those calls meant the world to me and allowed my week to be just a little better. I remember all of our long and short talks for advice and how he actually listened. Teaching him to drive a stick shift and how he picked it up so fast.  His first girlfriend when she came over and said hi and after she left I said who was that, he said I dont know but im going to find out, and I just laughed. I remember every year taking vacations to Florida just to see him and then four times a year his trips to Ohio to see me. I remember all the tears from both him and me as he boarded a plain to fly back to Florida. I remember the extended family and how much everyone helped out when he was so young. Dont know how I could have survived without that help back then.  Christmas parties, and gatherings and how as a young man he helped me propose to my now ex wife.  His graduation from high school, his friends and  all the places he has worked. I remember how happy I was he decided to live in Ohio and go to Ohio State and how I was more excited on his first day of college then he was.  I remember how sweet he was when he knew my heart was broken and how the son tried to comfort his father when I got a divorce. There are so many thing that I cant even begin to list but most of all I remember and still feel the unconditional love he has for me and I for him. Today is my sons birthday and although he is now a man we spend time together almost every day. He is always my son first but has also grown into a friend and a great young man. I Love you son, always and forever.   Dad
( Domestic Violence)

Only when we stop and think
Do we then realize
That the pain we cause to others
Can be seen within their eyes

We think that what we say and do
Wont hurt the ones we love
We must realize our actions
Are seen from up above

We say things out of anger
And expect them to forgive
Not knowing the true danger
Or the fear that they must live

When we strike out in anger
And our actions hurt someone
We create a brand new danger
That is seen by more then one

Know, others see your actions
And your words are heard by all
You may try to hide the pain you cause
But soon the walls will fall

For it's only when we stop and think
That we then realize
That the pain we cause to others
Can be seen within their eyes

Carl Joseph Roberts ( Joe)
We see domestic violence so often and sometimes say nothing. Neighbors hide behind the walls and we hear but do not see what is going on inside. Sometimes we think that it will all work out if we do nothing at all. But if you look into that persons eyes you will see the fear and pain that they have. Take the time and simply make a call. Let the police know for without you we cannot see it all.
Scary Clowns*

There is one thing you should know
I swear it is the truth
Watch for clowns this time of year
As they smile and lie to you

One day you'll see these words I say
They cannot be denied
For Halloween is on us now
The scariest of all nights

Ghost will float through the air
Let you think the night is fun
The walking dead will rule the streets
Some may have real guns

A witch may put a spell on you
Many Gobblins will be found
Thinking you have seen it all
You relax and let guard down

Then a final knock on your door
With no one else around
A politician standing there
The scariest of all clowns*

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like please share and help trend.
Sealed With A Kiss

Each kiss you place upon my lips
A cherished moment in my mind
A reminder of a love that's shared
Between your heart and mine

As our lips are pressed together
And I slowly close my eyes
A passion builds within my soul
Each and every time

The emotion of a morning kiss
Or an afternoon delight
An evening made of true romance
Or just before we say goodnight

No matter what the time of day
Or the place where we may be
A kiss from you upon my lips
Is all I'll ever need

Our lips they tell a story
Of a love that's held so true
Two hearts that beat now as one
Each time that I kiss you

Carl Joseph Roberts
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