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100,000 Thank You's"*

One hundred thousand visits
Of my poems you have viewed
So today I take a moment
To give my thanks to you

I never knew the joy I'd find
In sharing my short rhymes
The peace I'd feel inside my heart
With each poem that I write

Sometimes I've made my readers cry
And at times I've made them laugh
I hope there's been some lessons learn
And you feel I've given back

Please know I read your poems
And each comment that you write
For me it is a special gift
When other poets say they like

One hundred thousand visits
Of my poems you have viewed
So today a take a moment
To give my thanks to you*

Carl Joseph Roberts

Thank you all so very much for reading my many poems over these past 18 months.  Reaching 100,000 views was a goal of mine as a poet. I have been requested to place my work in book form and now that my first goal of 100,000 has been reached I think I am going to reach for my second goal and publish my work. It will be nice to have something to pass on to my son and hopefully grandchildren one day.
In February of this year (2013), I posted my first poem on Hello Poetry. I now post for the 100th time in 10 months with almost 40,000 reads.

I know that there are so many great poets out there and I thank each of you for reading my poems. I also want to thank those who follow me on a regular basis and give me feedback both good and bad.   I try to respond to each message left as I feel even if only to say a simple thank you I should respond back.  If you the reader can take the time to write something then I should at least take a moment and respond with a thank you.  So below are stanzas from the most popular readers choices of my poems and several stanzas from the poems that I feel have special meaning to me. If I leave out a stanza from your favorite poem, please forgive me as with 100 poems posted this would be way to long to post one stanza from each poem.  Again thank you all for reading and if you see a stanza below that you forgot or catches your eye, please feel free to go to my collection and read again, or in some cases read for the first time. I have enjoyed reading so many of the great poems from so many talented poets and I am so glad to have made so many new poetry friends.

Thank you all so much.       Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)

Carl Joseph Roberts Poems

*Perfect Not Vain

Don't hate yourself for not being me
It's a curse to look this good
Each morning when I wake up
I must admire my own good looks*

*Fashion­ Trend (LOL)

Now the judge he was not happy
But he did not give me time
He said wear a G-String where you want
No one can take that right*

*Decisio­ns Made

Live or die with what you do
Your choice decides which one for you
The outcome to decide your fate
A short life lived or dieing late*

*yes, Yes, YES!  (LOL)

The head you give it wont last long
I'll feel your wetness on my tongue
Then close my eyes and take you in
A guilty pleasure till I'm done*

*The Waiting Time

So please let me go on pretending
For that is the only way I can bare
Without you the silence surrounds me
And turns my waiting time to tears*

*The Golden Rule

Just give them what they need the most
And don't take what is not yours
Do whats right like your mother said
And you'll get that big reward*

*Thank The Peppered Pickle Clown

He started out his short life
Looking through a stained glass jar
Watching his sweet pickled brother
Become a kosher star*

Only In A Dream

A new evening comes, I drift to sleep
And I feel you next to me
We are holding hands as we share our lives
But it's only in a dream



So the next time that you're feeling fear
Know it could be something good
Fear can be the best part of life
Once its understood... Fear


That One Lost Love

Have you ever had that one lost love
That you remember from your past
The one who seemed to get away
But you wish you could have back


I'll Never Stop Loving You

It was a promise to God to forever be
But now I walk this path alone
I fill the void and loneliness
With others who come and go


*I'm Home

I can look out each new window
Or look in and see the view
And never see a memory
Of the time I spent with you*

*Best Friend

He eats and drinks when he wants
Takes naps in the afternoons
Jumps off the couch when I walk in
because he knows I don't approve*

*Life's Ride

A few more hills and one last turn
Then that slow unwanted stop
You're happy that you took life's ride
But life's ride not long enough*

*See The Future

The past can call you back in time
Just when you least expect
It tries to tell you what to feel
And how you should react*

*I'll Be Missing You

As you look back on the memory
Of our love that was once true
Please know that while you're far away
I'll be missing you*

His Voice Or Mine

Can his hands caress your body
The ways that mine once did
Will his touch give you pleasure
Like only i could give


The Dotted Line

Now this is the last I'll see you
The final ending of our time
For today we signed two different names
Just above the dotted line


Have You Ever Lost A Smile

Have you ever lost a smile
That you gave to someone else
Did they take the smile and keep it
Or did they pass the smile around


*Compared To Many Others

So today i will just stop and think
Of this good life that I have
Compared to many others
It's really not that bad
For my 100th post, I thank you all so very much.
Carl Joseph Roberts
We Are The First Responders

We are the first responders
The many in the blue
We protect you from the fires
And from those who would harm you

We heal with a helping hand
And respond to all who call
We are the first responders
The ones who see it all

You ask us to protect you
And you call when you're in need
You get mad if we're a minute late
To a crime we cant forsee

You run quickly from the fire
We run toward the burning flames
You take the drugs to harm yourself
Still we treat you just the same

We see a fear that's in your eyes
Yet we stand straight and true
We are the first responders
And we do this all for you

Carl Joseph Roberts
A tribute to the brave heros who lost lives on 9/11 and those who work and have worked as our country's first responders.  This is a repost of one of my earlier poems and one I hope touches people and makes them think about those who serve us everyday and those who have given all to help others.
A 5000 View Thank You

I got 5000 views today
In just two months time
I never thought you would like
So many of my rhymes

I almost never listed them
For all the world to see
I held them close to my heart
Thinking they were just for me

Each poem a different part of me
A memory lost in time
Or a current thought of something new
That somehow caught my eye

Many are of my past love
And all the hurt that it had caused
The emotions that ran so very deep
And a healing journey of it all

Some I hope are funny
And make you hold your side
While others I hope have meaning
That make you wonder why

I have new friends that share this love
That have viewed 5000 times
I am so grateful that you liked
So many of my rhymes

Carl J. Roberts

Please take a moment and tell me what poem touched you or had a meaning to you. You can message me publically or privately and I will respond.

Thank you so much to all who have read my poems. You have no idea how good it has felt to hear your kind words.  The sharing of your poems with me has made me a better person.  I hope that I have been able to bring you into my life and made you both laugh & cry.
Thank You All.
A Bottle Full Of Whiskey

He used a bottle full of whiskey
To dull the memories of his past
Knowing that the pain he felt
Would not fit into a glass

As he set there on his barstool
In his eyes I saw regret
He talked about the life he lived
How he wished he had it back

Would drink straight from the bottle
Just to make the numbness last
The story of his lonely life
He would tell to all who ask

He talked about lifes lessons
The mistakes that he had made
Said he lived with regrets
For things he cannot change

Thought the view from the bottle
Would help to make his life more clear
But the bottle got the best of him
And wasted all his years

He used a bottle full of whiskey
To dull the memories of his past
Knowing that the pain he felt
Would not fit into a glass

Carl Joseph Roberts
Acting Out Of Habit

Acting out of habit
I go about my day
Pretending that the love I feel
Will somehow go away

There is a feeling in my heart
That I hide deep within
A secret love that I feel
Whenever they walk in

I tell myself they're taken
I can never be with them
Knowing that with just a chance
I would let a love begin

I cannot change who I am
Or the way I feel inside
Hopeing they will somehow see
And want me in their life

Acting out of habit
I go about my day
Pretending that the love I feel
Will somehow go away

Acting out of Habit

Carl Joseph Roberts

Sometimes we listen to what others may say
And still we never change our ways
We think our actions wont hurt someone
But are actions cause harm in more ways then one

They say that they love us and ask us to change
We say that we hear them and then walk away
We think that our actions are ours all alone
Not knowing our actions can cut to the bone

Remember your actions may harm those you love
And push them away and make them give up
Love is not certian to have and to hold
True love will die if we let it go cold

Actions hurt feelings and cause deep scars within
Scars that stay with us although faded from skin
Some scars will heal and let us forgive
While others are lessons that we must re-live

Some actions define you and stay with you for life
Some actions forgiven and forgotten in time
Listen to others when they give advice
For changing your actions may change a life

Carl Joseph Roberts
I call him son

I think about him every day
His blond hair and green eyes
The way he walks into a room
And brightens up my life

He understands my feelings
Like no one else has done
In all the years I've know him
I've always called him son

He has this way about him
That makes me want to laugh
When we spend time together
It goes bye way to fast

I remember as a child
How much he needed me
Now he's grown into a man
And is needing to fly free

I am so very proud of him
And In all the things he's done
But the thing that im most proud of
Is that I can call him son

Carl J. Roberts
For my son Kylor
I love you son
You can never understand unconditional love until you feel the love of and for a child.  I know that im like many other fathers, but for me, I feel like im the luckiest man in the world to be able to call him son.
A Forever Love That Grows

The day you first came in  my life
I became that someone new
You showed an inner beauty
And a love that was so true

Now  a part of me forever
Inside my inner soul
You touched my heart with kindness
And made my life more whole

From that time when first our eyes did meet
And I know forevermore
I will feel the same inside my heart
As that day when you were born

You came into the world so pure
And changed me, this I know
You gave to me a forever love
A forever love that grows
Parents will understand this. The love for a child never stops growing no matter the age and It truly is a forever love.
A Friendship Lost Too Soon

I give loving comfort to my son
For he lost a friend too soon
Knowing that for this pain
There is nothing I can do

I see the tears that are in his eyes
And want to hold him in my arms
Take from him this hurt he feels
And help heal his broken heart

I tell him what he feels inside
Over time will slowly fade
That the sorrow thats within his heart
Will be less but still remain

I let him talk about the past
And of the memories that were shared
In a hope that it will ease the pain
For a friend that he held dear

I tell him to hold cherished
The special moments from the past
And to tell the story of his friend
To all others when they ask

Although they were not family
The bond they shared was true
And that hurt he feels inside his soul
Is for a friendship lost too soon

In support and
In Loving Memory
Jonathan Gardner
A freak accident took the life of a young man, Jonathan Gardner.  While walking to the sink, a bullet was shot through the neighbors wall who was cleaning his gun. The bullet struck this young man and took his life. A good friend to my son and a life taken too soon. Although as a parent I wish to ease the pain of my son, I know the pain felf by this young mans family is so much more. I asked that if you believe, you place his family in your prayers.  May he walk in peace with the prince of peace, Christ Jesus.
Age Is Just A Number

Age is just a number
So refuse to act your age
Reach that point in your life
You don't care what others say

Do what makes you happy
What keeps you young inside
As long as it hurts no one else
Just go and live your life

Date those that are younger
Or older if you choose
Pick the path that you take
The one that best for you

Don't look back and then wonder
On things you should have done
Do all the things that you want
And begin to have some fun

Age is just a number
So refuse to act your age
Reach that point in your life
You don't care what others say

Age is just a number

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Please add to a few collections and help it trend if you like. Thanks.
A Good Man Died

A good man died and we say goodbye
On earth he touched so many lives
A guardian sent to protect and serve
Now with Angels wings, much deserved

A good man died and so we cry
Friends and family salute his life
A man of courage who protected all
He stood his ground when duty called

A good man died we ask not why
For we know he serves on the other side
With a heavy heart we bow our heads
We pay respect for the life he lived

A good man died and we say goodbye
On earth he touched so many lives
A guardian sent to protect and serve
Now with Angels wings, much deserved

A good man died

In Honor and Respect
Detective, Ron Price
Columbus Ohio Division of Police
Always And Forever

Each morning just as you wake up
It brightens up the day
The smile you have on her face
Makes the world a better place

There’s calming peace about you
A kindness in your soul
Your gentle spirt lifts others up
And helps each day unfold

You have this love within you
That you give away for free
Never worry for yourself
When you sees someone in need

You are my wife, the one I love
I have vowed my life to you
You owns my heart and all my soul
And to you I will be true

Always and Forever

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts**

Feel free to use because I am not married or even seeing any ladies right now. Maybe one day this will be me.
A Nations Loss

All they have now are the memories
Of their child lost in war
Knowing that a love once held
Will not be walking through the door

He had fought and died with honor
In a war so far away
Now on a bended knee a soldier
Presents them with a flag

The cracking echoes of the rifles
The bugles sounding that he served
A reminder that their child was brave
And this medal he deserved

Each day they read his letters
With new tears now in their eyes
Praying for just one more day
Knowing he did not survive

All they have now are the memories
Of their child lost in war
Knowing that a love once held
Will not be walking through the door

Carl Joseph Roberts
Although we honor our fallen as best we can it never can be enough. The echo of a 21 gun salute, the sound of the bugals, the presentation on bended knee of the flag and a letter from the president or commander will  never relieve the true loss felt in the hearts of parents and loved ones. I give so much thanks to those who fight and the families of those who have lost.
A Picture Perfect Time Of Year

The warmth of spring as winter fades
Brings excitement to the air
As lovers walk hand in hand
A picture perfect time of year

We watch as flowers blossom
See new colors on the trees
We hear the birds now singing
And it brings an inner peace

Cold and snow just a memory
Of the season that has passed
Looking forward to the days to come
Taking time to love and laugh

The true beauty of this season
Is the new love we feel within
Each day a fresh reminder
Of a time when life begins

The warmth of spring as winter fades
Brings excitement to the air
As lovers walk hand in hand
A picture perfect time of year

Carl Joseph Roberts
A Riot At My Door*

Have you ever really wondered
The things that you would do
If the riots reached where you lived
All that you would loose

Would you stay and fight for your house
Say this ground is mine
Defend the things that you have
Or leave them all behind

Would you let them take all you've gained
That you've worked for all your life
Say that nothing that you own
Is worth somebody's life

Would you try to truly understand
Say you see their side
Pretend you care what they feel
Then hide and close your eyes

For me I know what I will choose
I can say without a doubt
If you threaten that which I hold dear
My guns they will come out

I can tell you how I know I'll be
If the riots reach my door
I'll protect the lives that I love most
And send you to the lord

Poem By: *
Carl Joseph Roberts
If You like please add to a few collections.
A Salt Shaker Glass

*Just a folded piece of paper
In a salt shaker glass
Placed deep inside the cupboard
Hiding memories of the past

I would watch her as she'd take it out
To read the words it said
Then place it back deep inside
And slowly bow her head

She kept it in a shaker
Hoped salt would heal the wound
But each time she read the words inside
The pain would seem so new

That folded piece of paper
In a salt shaker glass
Was delivered from the courthouse
To set her free at last

A divorce from my father
Who had walked away from us
She folded and refused to sign
Till that day that I grew up

As I read that piece of paper
From the salt shaker glass
I thought of all she gave to me
And felt the love inside she had

Just a folded piece of paper
In a salt shaker glass
Placed deep inside the cupboard
Hiding memories of the past

A folded piece of paper
In a salk shaker glass *

Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like share to a collection and help it trend.
They say this is a new war
But it's happened many times
The killings and the murders
The destruction left behind

We take sides, stand our ground
With no soldiers at our doors
Not knowing of the pain they feel
What they must endure

Occupied or Terrorist
Both sides refuse to lose
So they fight and **** each other
Each side with different views

We judge them for their actions
Not knowing their true pain
Innocents on both sides
With their lives they now must pay

One will win, one will lose
But the death it will not end
For their religion they must follow
A War without an end

Poem by Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
I have my own specific view but this poem takes no sides except the side of peace.
Be A Shining Light

Each morning just as you wake up
You have a choice to make
You can choose that you'll be happy
Or sad throughout your day

You can choose to see the good things
And not to see the bad
Look forward to your future
Let go of all the past

You can choose to think of others
Learn from your mistakes
Listen to different points of view
And give more then you take

If you choose each day to smile
You will make the world bright
Each morning just when you wake up
You become a shining light

Be A shining light

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Best Friend

He has the basement all to himself
While I'm at work all day
Watches T.V. and lays around
Without a worry in his head

He eats and drinks when he wants
Takes naps in the afternoons
Jumps off the couch when I walk in
Because he knows I won't approve

He is so happy when I come home
And that's when he wants to play
Jumps for joy and kisses me
And won't let me walk away

He follows me like he's a child
Thinks I'm the best thing in the world
Will listen to every word I say
Then pretend it's never heard

This is my dog and he does not judge
And his love is not pretend
He is a true companion
And he's known as man's best friend

Carl Joseph Roberts**
(Repost for National K9 Recognition Day)
Best Friend

He has the basement all to himself
While im at work all day
He watches T.V. and lays around
Without a worry in his head

He eats and drinks when he wants
Takes naps in the afternoons
Jumps off the couch when I walk in
Because he knows I don't approve

He seems so happy when I come home
And thats when he wants to play
He jumps for joy and kisses me
And wont let me walk away

He follows me like he's a child
Thinks I'm the best thing in the world
He listens to every word I say
Then pretends its never heard

This is my dog, he does not judge
And his love is not pretend
He is my true companion
And he's known as mans best friend

Carl J. Roberts
Best Friends And Birthdays

Your friendship means the world to me
I hold this dear and hope you see
Although I do not call each day
My friendship never goes away

With each new year our birthdays come
A reminder of a friends true love
Always there in a time of need
Me for you and you for me

There are memories of special times
Cherished moments in our minds
A past that we both hold so dear
For another friend no longer here

True friendships stand the test of time
Through thick and thin , day and night
Although many weeks they may pass
Our friendship will forever last

Please know this friendship I hold dear
It has stayed so strong through many years
True best friends are hard to find
I am proud to say that you are mine

Best Friends

Carl Joseph Roberts
For a best friend who turns 50 today. You are a good, father to your kids, husband to your wife and friend to many.
Be The Shining Light

You can sit and wonder where life has gone
And watch each year go past
Or have the life that others want
And take some time to laugh

Each morning as you start your day
You must open up your mind
See the world a different way
And leave the past behind

You can choose the side that others see
And help them follow you
Lead them to a better place
And show them something new

It matters not who you are
Or where you are in life
Guide the way for all to see
Be the shining light

Carl Joseph Roberts
Update: Update, Update,

Attention Non Believers,

I simply refer everyone to the poem from last week called THE Ohio State Buckeyes. I will now take your apologies in the comment section DON'T ALL LINE UP AT ONCE.

THE Ohio State Buckeyes

THE Ohio State Buckeyes
We will roll the tide
We will sing our victory song to you
It will happen New Years night

THE Ohio State Buckeyes
Our team at number four
We now take on number one
Then we'll show them to the door

THE Ohio State Buckeyes
Champions of the north
The Big Ten best above the rest
There's no discussion anymore

THE Ohio State Buckeyes
We will wear the crown once more
The Bama team should be afraid
The Urban Legand'so at the door

We Are
THE Ohio State Buckeyes

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts

Please share to a few and let it trend.

New Poem for the Oregon Ducks is to come.
Casino Love

Friends tell you you're not ready
Dont jump in with both feet
They dont know really how you feel
Or what you truly need

They think they have the answers
They try to give advice
Say one day you'll love again
But just give it some time

You listen to their every word
And you know there being nice
You think you know what's truly best
So you decide to roll the dice

The first time that you start to play
You feel a love that grows within
A remembered joy of something new
That you think will never end

You want the love that you feel
To not come crashing down
You'll give all you have to play the game
So true love can be found

Then you realize they were somehow right
And that they knew just what to say
They had seen the future in the cards
But still you're glad you played

So now you go to just have fun
And Play the hand that you're delt
No worry for if you may lose
For true love will win out

Carl J.  Roberts
Change The Inner You

When you look back at your life
If you don't like the view
Then you must look within yourself
And change the inner you

Change the way you see yourself
With all the things you do
Give yourself a different look
A different point of view

Show a side that's seldom seen
And allow for something new
Create your own reflection
And do it just for you

It is only when you're honest
With what you see inside
That you create the image
Of what's seen within your eyes

When you look back at your life
If you don't like the view
Then you must look within yourself
And change the inner you

Carl Joseph Roberts
Chapter Two

Well today, today I finally did it
I packed my bags and moved
Left the place where I grew up
And started chapter two

You see I never want to look back
On all that could have been
Or ever think to myself
I wish I did back then

 Now I don't know what my future holds
But I guess, well I guess I'm gonna see
I must take this chance and live my life
And do this just for me

There are some things that I will miss
Like my times with each of you
For the friendships that I've made in life
Inside I hold them true

Still when I look back on my past
I want to say there's no regrets
That I took the chances that I had
And I  did my very best

So today, today I finally did it
I packed my bags and moved
Left the place where I grew up
And started chapter two

Today I finally did it
Chapter Two, Page One

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
I have officially moved to Florida, bought a house and will probably take a month maybe two off before I decide what I want the next 20/25/30 years to be. I know, at the very least, I will flip houses down there as I have up here for these past 10 years. I still have a few properties to sell up here and I'm keeping the family home so I will have two houses, one in Ohio and one in Florida. Still im thinking the majority of the time I will be in Florida. As needed I will occasionally be back in Ohio to prepare and sell these properties and I hope a few of my friends will join me for lunch or dinner just to catch up when im here. To all my friends both long lifetime friends and newer good friends, thank you for always being there for me when needed. Some of you have been invited to stay with me if you ever make it down to Florida and as it was up in Ohio, my door is always open to you. Love you all... Joe
Cherished Time With You

I never knew what it would take
For me to raise a child
Or all the love I'd feel inside
That would make it all worthwhile

There were times that were so tough
Thought I'd never make it through
But now those time I cherish
Because it's time I spent with you

I know one day you'll understand
How your love it fills my heart
And nothing could replace you
Or ever tear that love apart

As now you start your family
You have a child of your own
You will get to feel a love inside
That will forever grow

You may not know what it will take
For you to raise a child
Or of all the love you'll feel inside
That will make it all worthwhile

There'll be times that will be tough
But you will make it through
Times that you will cherish
Because it'a time he spends with you

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like, please share and help trend.
Christian Cops

Yes I believe in Jesus
Are the words that I say
When someone I've arrested
Cries, pleads and prays

Yes I believe in Jesus
Are words they need to hear
When sentenced to prison
And given twenty years

Yes I believe in Jesus
I have already found my way
My believing hurts no others
And help me through my day

Yes I believe in Jesus
And still I do my job
Protecting from the dangers
With a guiding light from above

Yes I believe in Jesus
And inside I feel your pain
For Jesus can forgive you
But Justice requires you pay

Yes I believe in Jesus

Carl Joseph Roberts
So many times every day in the back of a cruiser, cops are asked if they believe in a hope that their belief will allow freedom from a crime.  Freedom and forgiveness is something you must seek from up above.  I never preached to anyone I arrested for my beliefs is my own.  I believe that there are many different paths to be taken. Some people are guided to preach , some guided as teachers,some nurses, firefighters and many other professions. We all have a different path and for many cops that path is to protect.
Christmas Has A Meaning

Christmas has a meaning
That we must not forget to see
For a gift of love called Jesus
Was born for you and me

On a night so filled with darkness
A star did shine so bright
To guide the way for all to see
The savior born that night

The King of Kings they would proclaim
Kneeling faithful by his side
In the manger lay the son of God
The Messiah had arrived

The glory of this childs birth
We celebrate in many lands
He unites the world with love and hope
Peace on earth good will to man

Christmas has a meaning
We must not forget to see
For a gift of love called Jesus
Was born for you and me

Carl Joseph Roberts
December 2013
Christmas Has A Meaning

Christmas Has A Meaning
We must not forget to see
For a gift of love called Jesus
Was born for you and me

On a night so filled with darkness
A star did shine so bright
To guide the way for all to see
The Savior born that night

King of Kings they would proclaim
Kneeling faithful by his side
In the manger lay the Son Of God
The Messiah had arrived

The glory of this childs birth
We celebrate in many lands
He brings the world love and hope
Peace on earth good will to man

Christmas Has A Meaning
We must not forget to see
For a gift of love called Jesus
Was born for you and me

Christmas Has A Meaning

Poem by; Carl Joseph Roberts  ( Joe)

I feel a difference inside my soul
A calming peace within
Knowing I can now let go
And begin my life again

No longer will I waist my days
And try to change your heart
I will not long for your touch
I now make a brand new start

I give myself to me alone
And start my life out new
Begin to love a different way
And release my heart from you

The love we shared is in the past
A memory filled with tears
A new journey on a different path
I begin without you here

I feel a difference inside my soul
A calming peace within
Knowing I can now let go
And begin my life again

Carl Joseph Roberts
Written as I watch those going into and out of Domestic Relations court. Seeing at times a reliefe on a face after being divorced. A love once there no longer but a new day can begin. Please know that new love, new friends and a new life can happen if you look at life differently after divorce.
Colors In Between

To change the way a person thinks
We must show them something new
Let them see a different side
A different point of view

The feelings that they have inside
Become different over time
If we allow for new beginnings
And leave the past behind

One by one we can change a view
And help to change a life
Show the world is built on love
And not just black and white

We cannot judge a person
By the color of their skin
We must see the colors in between
And just help our fellow man
Compared To Many Others

Do we ever really stop and think
Of how good a life we have
Compared to many others
It's really not that bad

We go to work and say things
Like how much we hate our jobs
Complain about the hours we work
Or the time we must get up

There are many others out there
Who begin a search each day
To try to find a job like ours
That comes with decent pay

Insurance is a big thing
We take for granted till there's a need
While those without a job at all
A doctor they wont see

We eat our dinners every night
Pay our bills and go to sleep
No worries for the ones outside
Who are living in the streets

So today I will just stop and think
Of this good life that I have
Compared to many others
Its really not that bad

Carl Joseph Roberts
This was written on a challenge I gave to Mike,  on how we see a typical day.  I have already made my concession call as Mike has already posted his master poem to stop any future challenges that other poets may have...LOL. Yep I may not have won this battle but I have just inlisted all other poets to challenge you   I will win the war and wear you down my friend and one day I will take the crown..This is my master plan.. crap.....I have given my master plan away. crap.
Concealed Carry can sometimes cause
More problems then its worth
If every time that you need
You always use it first

You're not supposed to stop and think
Of the fear that you may have
The pain that's caused by others
Is simply not allowed to last

Concealed Carry is hard to hide
When it always stays with you
It becomes the thing that you use most
When you dont know what to do

Concealed Carry might just be
The worst thing you can use
You should always try to talk things out
And do whats best for you

When you Conceal Carry feelings
And do not set them free
They become the worst of weapons
And can drop you to your knees

Concealed Carry can sometimes cause
More problems then its worth
If every time that you need
You always use it first

**Carl Joseph Roberts
Im a cop so no gun fanatics about our rights to carry. I carry and I believe you have the same right as long as we all abide by the same laws there should be no problem. Its the crazy ones who carry that worry me but i hope that I or a fellow conceal carry will be there if that were to happen. Ok, my rant is over and my poem was not about any of that I just didnt want to get the hate mail from the far right. Im right in the middle on most issues.
Cupids Days Are Done

Well it's the day after Valentines
And Cupid did not come
Now I'm waiting at my bedroom door
Putting bullets in my gun

I waited until midnight
Then today rolled around
Now if Cupid ever shows his head
Cupid gets knocked out

At first I planned to scare him
For all he's put me through
But ****** seems a better choice
Since I've had a drink or two

Now I could be drinking way to much
Because I think I'm seeing things
Or Cupid may have slipped me drugs
Just to get away from me

Did I just see a Santa
I'm hearing reindeer on my roof
My drinking could be trouble
Giggling Goblins are afoot

I think I saw a Bunny
Is that a beer orna green elf
Cupid he won't raise his head
Afraid to show himself

Did I just hear a Turkey chuckle
I'm seeing pink arrows everywhere
Maybe I should take a nap
Or I could just have another beer

Well it's the day after Valentines
And Cupid did not come
He gets maybe one more year
The Cupids Days Are Done

Poem by; Carl Joseph Roberts  (Joe)
Daily Courthouse

The people quickly come and go
All with problems in there lives
They all have different stories
Yet there lives are all alike

They are here to see a Judge
Who may decide to give them time
Or allow them to feel mercy
And give them one more try

Some are here to sue a neighbor
With whom they were great friends
But now they feel an anger
And that friendship soon will end

Two lovers get a license
So that soon they may wed
Two others sign the papers
And say there love was just pretend

Two children are adopted
And now say mom and dad
Two others go to jail
For a crime that was so bad

This is your daily courthouse
Where people come and go
They all have different stories
That we all should want to know

Carl Joseph Roberts
Just random thoughts that go in and out of my mind as I watch people come and go at a large city courthouse.
Decisions Made

Good and bad decisions made
We do this each and every day
So many choices that we have
We choose between good and bad

Right or wrong is not so clear
Sometimes our choices dont seem fair
We choose whats best for our lives
And live with outcomes wrong or right

Give or Take we must sometimes do
Allowing others choices too
We may not like what others choose
But they must give and take like you

Live or die with what you do
Your choice decides which one for you
The outcome to decide your fate
A short life lived or dieing late

Good or bad decisions made
We do this each and every day
So many choices that we have
We choose between good and bad

Carl Joseph Roberts
DEVILS food & cake

Gaining weight, it is not easy
So go eat what you want
Stuff that pizza in your mouth
Potato chips dont count

Go ahead and take a bite
It's as easy as just that
Buy new clothes as you grow
And you wont see yourself as fat

Eat it all, not just a bite
It's only a few pounds
The weight will surely come right off
Just as fast as it went on

Don't listen to what doctor's say
Their opinion doesn't count
It is your life after all
To do with as you want

So give yourself the pleasure
Of eating chocolate cake
Don't worry if you gain those pounds
It's just your life at stake

Carl Joseph Roberts
This is the Devil talking to all of us out there who are trying to loose weight. Im not calling anyone fat and I'm trying to loose 20 pounds myself. So much harder then it used to be to get it off. So the devil on your shoulder says these things but we cannot listen if we want to reach our goals.
Differnt Taste, Different View

Each person has a different taste
In each thing they see or do
A different taste in all of life
And different points of view

It amazes me they like one thing
That I thought just wasn't good
Or they hate the thing that touched me
The one I understood

There may be many different paths
That each of us will make
The experience of each life lived
Decides which path we'll take

So when that perfect thing is found
Know It could be just for you
For others may not have your taste
They have a different point of view

Carl Joseph Roberts
Written because many of what I think are my best poems get little reads while others get many comments that people say they like. An example is I think my poem I'm Home Is my best but there are several others that get more likes and hits.
Doghouse Poem

Not knowing how to say things
I sometimes make mistakes
Regret the words that I use
And hope it's not to late

I ask you for forgiveness
For actions that were made
Knowing that I understand
The hurt inside I gave

I sometimes hide my feelings
But hope that you will see
What it is I feel inside
How much you truly mean

Please know you are so special
Your love I hold so true
I give my thanks to God above
Each day that I have you

Carl Joseph Roberts
Ok, make this trend and add it to some collections so I can get out of my doghouse for a stupid thing I may have said.
Don't Be Satisfied

*Don't be only satisfied
With having just enough
Always strive for something more
And work for what you want

Give yourself a chance in life
To make your dreams come true
It's okay to help someone
But do what's best for you

Always have a goal in life
Then reach for even more
Past mistakes you must let go
To open those new doors

Never should you close your mind
To learning something new
Push yourself everyday
To make a better you

Don't be only satisfied
With having just enough
Always strive for something more
And work for what you want

Don't be satisfied *

Carl Joseph Roberts
Don't Drink The Kool-Aid

Don't drink the Kool-Aid
That's a phrase you'll sometimes hear
It means don't believe every word
And don't live your life in fear

Don't walk around with blinders
Try to see the other side
You can listen to what others say
But make up your own mind

You do not have to follow
When someone makes a stand
There are many different points of view
Each side must get a chance

Your opinion may just matter
To no one else but you
The experience of a persons life
Creates their point of view

So don't drink the Kool-Aid
You can't believe all that you hear
Dont trust someone blindly
And don't live your life in fear

Don't drink the Kool-Aid

Carl Joseph Roberts
December 2013
For all the younger poets who may not know this. The phrase Don't drink the Kool-Aid was started because of the November 18, 1978 massacre when 918  people who were followers of preacher Jim Jones who while at a religious compound in Guyana drank Kool-Aid or a flovored drink laced with cyanide. It is believed that for many of these followers the drinking of this poison was voluntary.  Followers believed this one man so much that they were willing to give their own children poison. Since then this phrase has gained acceptance as meaning dont follow blindly.
Don't Let Go

We listen to the evening news
Hear things we can't believe
Get up and change the channel
And pretend we didn't see

The events unfold around us
And we lock ourselves inside
Thinking that behind closed doors
It won't effect our lives

We watch as others struggle
And turn the other way
Tell ourselves someone else
Will come and save the day

Just when did we stop caring
No longer lend a hand
Forget to show compassion
The love for fellow man

What happened to forgiveness
Where did the pride of giving go
We must find a way to turn back time
And make sure we don't let go

Don't Let Go

Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like add it to a couple of your collections.
Dont Slip

When you find that someone special
You want to hold them really tight
You dont want them to slip away
And be missing from your life

You hope they see inside of you
Know the feelings that you have
So that they can truly understand
And send those feelings back

You want to show them kindness
Whats inside the inner you
Wrap your arms around them
And hold them close to you

You can show them that they're special
But you should not hold to tight
You must trust that they wont slip away
You wont loose them from your life

When you freely give your love to them
Their love can freely be returned
They can choose to show you how they feel
And not worry or be concerned

If in fear you hold to tight
Love will slip away to soon
But if your love is built on trust
Then that love you share is true

Carl Joseph Roberts
Don't Sweat The Little Stuff

Don't sweat the little stuff
When there is big stuff still to see
That little stuff gets in the way
Of the life you need to lead

There is they say a right way
Of getting something done
But sometimes it seems the wrong way
Is just a lot more fun

You cannot change the world
There are things you cant control
Although you want the good life
You should never sell your soul

There are many ways to live your life
Many different points of view
You must choose the path that fits you best
The one that's right for you

So don't sweat the little stuff
When there is big stuff still to see
That little stuff gets in the way
Of the life you need to lead

Don't sweat the little stuff

Carl Joseph Roberts
Just a bunch of Joeisms thrown together. This for me is life and how I live it.
Don't Wait
Starting From Today

Have you ever really wondered
What you'd do or say
If a doctor said you have one week
Starting from today

Would you sit and watch a sunset
Or the dawn as it arrives
Go see the ones that you love most
Let them feel your love inside

Would you listen to the oceans waves
Hear the birds just singing songs
Feel the raindrops on your face
Let the sunshine make you warm

Would you watch the children playing
Make sure you played along
Look back upon a life well lived
Make good on all your wrongs

Well life is short and it goes by fast
So I know what I will do
All those things on my list
I won't wait to hear bad news

Have you ever really wondered
What you'd do or say
If a doctor said you have one week
Starting from today

Don't wait

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts

Downsizing, thats what they say
All my friends say ill be okay
That I'll find a job right away
If only they could see the pain

Downsizing, thats what they say
They lock the doors at close today
Now what am I supposed to do
Am I to old to start out new

Downsizing, thats what they say
No more work means no more pay
Twenty years at this job
They say the work now must stop

Downsizing, thats what they say
All for shareholders that must be please
Do they know the pain they've caused
So many families now feel lost

Downsizing, thats  what they say
We lost so many jobs today
Not just me but many friends
Today we know it all must end

Downsizing, thats what they say
Moved our jobs overseas
Chasing just the bottom line
All to make them one more dime


Carl Joseph Roberts
Do You Ever Wonder

Do you ever wonder
If all that you may need
Was already placed in front of you
Just sitting at your feet
Do you ever wonder
If you are strong enough
To take that one step forward
Never to look back
Do you ever wonder
Of the life that you must lead
Give yourself to others
Who you know to be in need
Do you ever wonder
If you have what it takes
To live your life the way you want
And know it's no mistake
Do you ever wonder
If all that you may need
Was already placed in front of you
Just sitting at your feet

Do you ever wonder

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Please share and help trend
Dream ***(LOL)

Have you ever really noticed
How dream *** feels so good
Makes you feel so special
Lets you wish you could

You try to fall back to sleep
And hope it starts again
Or lay there and just reminisce
With something in your hand

Dream *** can be special
It can help you through your day
You can dream about those you know
Or those who have no names

Still dream *** can be harmful
If you let a name scream out
Especially if you're married
And that name is not your spouse

Dream *** was my downfall
With my wife last night and me
It turns out I had dream ***
With an ex girlfriend who she'd seen

This dream *** has a funny part
For it wasn't my own dream
My wife just started yelling
And hit me in my sleep

My wife was having dream ***
And it involved my ex and me
I remember cause it hurt so good
When she woke me from my sleep

I asked if dream *** counted
If it was *** just in her dream
She stared at me with those eyes
And I knew I wouldn't sleep

So I took my wife in my arms
To make love so she could see
That it was only dream ***
And she was the one for me

Now what I didnt tell my wife
Was of the dream she made me see
For I now wanted dream ***
With the girl out of her dream

I closed my eyes and started
Then hollored the wrong name
Quickly I then figured out
Dream *** always ends the same

My wife started hitting me
For having dream *** once again
So like most dream *** that happens
I got no happy end

Carl Joseph Roberts
And im not married, go
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