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Christmas Workers, To Place Your Mind Ease

There are some who work on Christmas
Protecting those in need
To give the gift of comfort
And place your mind at ease

Policemen who patrol the streets
Responding to your calls
Fire and Medics always there
Helping one and all

The nurse who gives out comfort
Who tries so hard to heal
A doctor there to fix whats wrong
To ask you how you feel

The dispatcber who is ready
To send whats needed most
The soldiers standing straight and strong
To honor at all costs

There are some who work on Christmas
Protecting those in need
To give a gift of comfort
And place your mind as ease

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)

Take a moment to thank a Christmas worker
As I work on Christmas day and volunteered to do Why, why, why after 25 years do I volunteer to work this day..... It has become a tradition I guess.
Don't Drink The Kool-Aid

Don't drink the Kool-Aid
That's a phrase you'll sometimes hear
It means don't believe every word
And don't live your life in fear

Don't walk around with blinders
Try to see the other side
You can listen to what others say
But make up your own mind

You do not have to follow
When someone makes a stand
There are many different points of view
Each side must get a chance

Your opinion may just matter
To no one else but you
The experience of a persons life
Creates their point of view

So don't drink the Kool-Aid
You can't believe all that you hear
Dont trust someone blindly
And don't live your life in fear

Don't drink the Kool-Aid

Carl Joseph Roberts
December 2013
For all the younger poets who may not know this. The phrase Don't drink the Kool-Aid was started because of the November 18, 1978 massacre when 918  people who were followers of preacher Jim Jones who while at a religious compound in Guyana drank Kool-Aid or a flovored drink laced with cyanide. It is believed that for many of these followers the drinking of this poison was voluntary.  Followers believed this one man so much that they were willing to give their own children poison. Since then this phrase has gained acceptance as meaning dont follow blindly.
Sometimes Something Happens

Sometimes something happens
That makes you stop and think
Is this the life I planned on
Or is it just the life I need

Is this life I live a good one
Have I done enough to help
In the end when I look back
Will I be happy with myself

Sometimes something happens
Makes you take that one step back
It reminds you of what matters
Or the good life that you have

It gives a new perspective
Shows a different point of view
Creates a feeling deep inside
That somehow changes you

Sometimes something happens
That makes you change your mind
Allows for new beginnings
Let's you leave your past behind

Well today that something happened
That did all the things above
It gave me what I needed most
A new chance to fall in love

Sometimes something happens

Carl Joseph Roberts
December 2013
Christmas Has A Meaning

Christmas has a meaning
That we must not forget to see
For a gift of love called Jesus
Was born for you and me

On a night so filled with darkness
A star did shine so bright
To guide the way for all to see
The savior born that night

The King of Kings they would proclaim
Kneeling faithful by his side
In the manger lay the son of God
The Messiah had arrived

The glory of this childs birth
We celebrate in many lands
He unites the world with love and hope
Peace on earth good will to man

Christmas has a meaning
We must not forget to see
For a gift of love called Jesus
Was born for you and me

Carl Joseph Roberts
December 2013
I Know My Heart Is Healed

I know my heart is healed
I no longer hurt each day
I remember all the pain once felt
Now that pain seems far away

I can look back on the memory
Of a love that was once true
Knowing that I tried my best
And thats all that I could do

I will not say those words of hate
When someone asks of you
Instead I'll say that I once loved
If only for a few

I know my heart is healed
I no longer dream of you
Instead my dreams are filled with hope
The hope of finding someone new

I know my heart is healed

Carl Joseph Roberts
Well crap, game is over and they beat us.
I write these words with sadness as Michigan State wins the game fair and square, no tricks, no bad calls just man on man beat us.
My Team, My Dream, My Buckeyes

The Ohio State Buckeyes
Each year their games I view
My team still undefeated
And ranked at number two

We now must play a team up north
But not the maize and blue
We beat that rival of our school
Now we'll beat the green ones too

With the game this week that we must play
We know one team must fall
With Buckeye Pride and heads held high
We will sing our victory song

The champion who will win this game
Will wear the Big Ten crown
They will give to them a trophy
And a parade for all in town

Then one more game that we must play
To be the number one of all
As college football champions
We will raise that Chrystal Ball

Go Bucks.... O. H. _
. __.
THE Ohio State University

Carl Joseph Roberts
December 2013
Yes I know this poem is very regional and it more then likely will not get a bunch of hits. Still this one is for me.  I am obviously from Ohio and Obviously a fan of The Ohio State Buckeyes. The victory over Michigan was fantastic and hopefully we can defeat a strong Michigan State team as well. If we win this weeks game we will play for the national championship and the crystal ball trophy. Such a great year for Buckeye Football. Go Bucks.
A Forever Love That Grows

The day you first came in  my life
I became that someone new
You showed an inner beauty
And a love that was so true

Now  a part of me forever
Inside my inner soul
You touched my heart with kindness
And made my life more whole

From that time when first our eyes did meet
And I know forevermore
I will feel the same inside my heart
As that day when you were born

You came into the world so pure
And changed me, this I know
You gave to me a forever love
A forever love that grows
Parents will understand this. The love for a child never stops growing no matter the age and It truly is a forever love.
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