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Decisions Made

Good and bad decisions made
We do this each and every day
So many choices that we have
We choose between good and bad

Right or wrong is not so clear
Sometimes our choices dont seem fair
We choose whats best for our lives
And live with outcomes wrong or right

Give or Take we must sometimes do
Allowing others choices too
We may not like what others choose
But they must give and take like you

Live or die with what you do
Your choice decides which one for you
The outcome to decide your fate
A short life lived or dieing late

Good or bad decisions made
We do this each and every day
So many choices that we have
We choose between good and bad

Carl Joseph Roberts
DEVILS food & cake

Gaining weight, it is not easy
So go eat what you want
Stuff that pizza in your mouth
Potato chips dont count

Go ahead and take a bite
It's as easy as just that
Buy new clothes as you grow
And you wont see yourself as fat

Eat it all, not just a bite
It's only a few pounds
The weight will surely come right off
Just as fast as it went on

Don't listen to what doctor's say
Their opinion doesn't count
It is your life after all
To do with as you want

So give yourself the pleasure
Of eating chocolate cake
Don't worry if you gain those pounds
It's just your life at stake

Carl Joseph Roberts
This is the Devil talking to all of us out there who are trying to loose weight. Im not calling anyone fat and I'm trying to loose 20 pounds myself. So much harder then it used to be to get it off. So the devil on your shoulder says these things but we cannot listen if we want to reach our goals.
yes, Yes, YES!

I think about you all day long
But must wait to call your name
You give me what I need the most
A release from my long day

Your boldness just amazes me
The coolness of your looks
I wrap my hands around you
And gently pull you to my lips

All my friends they wish they had you
They admire what they see
They want to have you with them
When they see you're here with me

Your seduction starts out slowly
Anticipating whats in store
My feeling of excitement grows
And I want you even more

The head you give it wont last long
I'll feel your wetness on my tongue
Then close my eyes and take you in
A guilty pleasure till I'm done

I think about you all day long
But must wait to call your name
And when that moment finally comes
Guinness Draft is what I'll say

Carl Joseph Roberts
It's beer people, just And just what were you thinking this poem was about? Get your minds out of the gutter and leave some room for
We Are The First Responders

We are the first responders
The many in the blue
We protect you from the fires
And from those who would harm you

We heal with a helping hand
And respond to all who call
We are the first responders
The ones who see it all

You ask us to protect you
And you call when you're in need
You get mad if we're a minute late
To a crime we cant forsee

You run quickly from the fire
We run toward the burning flames
You take the drugs to harm yourself
Still we treat you just the same

We see a fear that's in your eyes
Yet we stand straight and true
We are the first responders
And we do this all for you

Carl Joseph Roberts
A tribute to the brave heros who lost lives on 9/11 and those who work and have worked as our country's first responders.  This is a repost of one of my earlier poems and one I hope touches people and makes them think about those who serve us everyday and those who have given all to help others.
Whats Your Number

We all have a number
That we think that we must get
Where each poem that we write
Must get that many hits

We change our wording often
To try to get a perfect flow
In hope the readers understand
What we're needing them to know

Only when we meet our goal
Do we think our poem's right
For our readers have acknowledged
That our poem is now liked

So we check our numbers often
And we hope our poem trends
So that we can reach the goal we set
And a new poem can begin

We all have a number
That we think that we must get
If my poems touch only one
Then my number I have met

Whats your number

Carl Joseph Roberts
Written with the help of Poet KM and we went back several times. This is the version I ended with.
(American Football)

It's gametime, both men and boys
Time to throw the ball
Score the winning touchdown
And be the kings of fall

Man on man all hitting hard
Till the final second ends
All to play just the game
And to celebrate with friends

We run the ball down the field
Until that final play
We throw the ball on fourth and goal
And wait for what we crave

We  listen to the fans all scream
And we get to spike the ball
Knowing that we just helped win
The greatest game of all

Carl Joseph Roberts
Football, college or pro I never seem to get enough of it.

I feel a difference inside my soul
A calming peace within
Knowing I can now let go
And begin my life again

No longer will I waist my days
And try to change your heart
I will not long for your touch
I now make a brand new start

I give myself to me alone
And start my life out new
Begin to love a different way
And release my heart from you

The love we shared is in the past
A memory filled with tears
A new journey on a different path
I begin without you here

I feel a difference inside my soul
A calming peace within
Knowing I can now let go
And begin my life again

Carl Joseph Roberts
Written as I watch those going into and out of Domestic Relations court. Seeing at times a reliefe on a face after being divorced. A love once there no longer but a new day can begin. Please know that new love, new friends and a new life can happen if you look at life differently after divorce.
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