Downsizing, thats what they say
All my friends say ill be okay
That I'll find a job right away
If only they could see the pain
Downsizing, thats what they say
They lock the doors at close today
Now what am I supposed to do
Am I to old to start out new
Downsizing, thats what they say
No more work means no more pay
Twenty years at this job
They say the work now must stop
Downsizing, thats what they say
All for shareholders that must be please
Do they know the pain they've caused
So many families now feel lost
Downsizing, thats what they say
We lost so many jobs today
Not just me but many friends
Today we know it all must end
Downsizing, thats what they say
Moved our jobs overseas
Chasing just the bottom line
All to make them one more dime
Carl Joseph Roberts