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Harley Time Machine

With the wind in my hair as I ride
I watch the scenes go by
 It allows me to feel so free
It is my Harley Time Machine

It gives me peace of mind
And allows me to unwind
It is an amazing ride
That lets me go back in time

A machine that was made for me
In synch with what I need
In this land that we call free
I ride with others like me

When on it the future I  see
On that road in front of me
Those horses under me
They are my Harley Time Machine

Carl Joseph Roberts
I Got Nothing (suicide)

I got nothing
Nothing else inside
Nothing else to speak about
Nothing else to hide

I got nothing
Nothing to call mine
Nothing to make me smile
Nothing to leave behind

I got nothing
Nothing to ease the pain
Nothing to protect me
Nothing to guide the way

I got nothing
Nothing else to give
Nothing else to hope for
Nothing to make me live

I Got Nothing

Carl Joseph Roberts
Just a poem, not how I fee at alll.  Just how I think others feel.
I Keep Hearing Whispers

I Keep hearing whispers
  Voices inside my head
Telling me to forget you
And to forget those words I said

I promised you forever
And we even took that vow
We would live our lives together
No other's would be allowed

I meant those words I said back then
To have and to hold every night
But those whispers that I hear inside
They tell me to give up this fight

The whispers just get stronger
As you are no longer by my side
I cannot block the whispers
If your not willing to even try

I keep hearing whispers

Carl Joseph Roberts
Know This
(A Cop's Creed)

I cannot shoot to only wound
For that requires you do not move
I shoot to stop you from a crime
So that I or others will not die

Once pulled my gun shoots to ****
Then what happens is God's will
Dont test the training that I have
For if you loose it will end up bad

If called to serve and protect a life
I will do my duty to do what's right
I do not wish to take a life
But I cannot chance that I will survive

No fear or flight will you ever see
I will stand my ground while others flee
So if ever I must pull my gun
Know this,........Your day is done

Carl Joseph Roberts ( Joe )
When you read this you have to use your Clint Eastwood voice. Its much better that
The Story Of Shoestring Jeb

This is the story of Shoestring Jeb
Everyone said he had a hard head
Jeb was a fighter, one of the best around
Till one day it was that Jeb hit the ground

Jeb had never lost a fight
He was known as being as fast as light
Jeb was a hero in my part of town
Known as the greatest fighter around

For sure now, it was surprise to see
Who Jeb lost to and buckeled his knees
No one would ever think it could be
That Jeb would fall to little Sally Marie

Sally Marie was a bitty little thing
But she used her size to bring down Shoestring
No flurry of punches to knock out his teeth
She blew him kisses and said he was sweet

Jeb was beaten by a punch never seen
No more fighting at the request of Sally Marie
Jeb lost that last fight but some say that he won
Sally Marie took him out with a punch of true love

Carl Joseph Roberts.

I see a sequel in the future. The continueing life of Shoestring
A break from my usual heart felt, past, teach a lesson, make you cry, laugh and think poems. This one is just a made up fun one to try something different.
Compared To Many Others

Do we ever really stop and think
Of how good a life we have
Compared to many others
It's really not that bad

We go to work and say things
Like how much we hate our jobs
Complain about the hours we work
Or the time we must get up

There are many others out there
Who begin a search each day
To try to find a job like ours
That comes with decent pay

Insurance is a big thing
We take for granted till there's a need
While those without a job at all
A doctor they wont see

We eat our dinners every night
Pay our bills and go to sleep
No worries for the ones outside
Who are living in the streets

So today I will just stop and think
Of this good life that I have
Compared to many others
Its really not that bad

Carl Joseph Roberts
This was written on a challenge I gave to Mike,  on how we see a typical day.  I have already made my concession call as Mike has already posted his master poem to stop any future challenges that other poets may have...LOL. Yep I may not have won this battle but I have just inlisted all other poets to challenge you   I will win the war and wear you down my friend and one day I will take the crown..This is my master plan.. crap.....I have given my master plan away. crap.
What a specjal day I remember . I remember that small cry from a new born baby at exactly 10:10pm. I remember watching over him when he was one day old as his mother went back into the hospital for ten days to have surgery. I remember how unsure I was that week and scared to death. I remember his gentle smiles when I walked into the room and his eyes when he saw something new. I remember our walks in the park along the trails to see the deer and his excitement to get a .99 cent disney video from the Blockbuster. Back then thats all I could afford. I remember the game rooms and movie theaters and the holding hands and little kisses and hugs. I still remember every word of our special prayer and the father and son song I made up and yes made him   Watching as he ran with his friends down the street and seeing him look back to make sure I was still there and that smile, oh that smile.  I remember rockets in the park, the boat rides,  sitting him on the gas tank of my motorcycle and giving him a ride around the parking lot time and time again. I remember him sitting on his great grandfathers lap and giggling and hoping I would get the chance to see my great grandchild. I remember every Tuesday and Thursdays phone calls at 7 pm just to hear his voice after he was moved to Florida.   Sometimes I would get him on the phone and sometimes I would leave a message but those calls meant the world to me and allowed my week to be just a little better. I remember all of our long and short talks for advice and how he actually listened. Teaching him to drive a stick shift and how he picked it up so fast.  His first girlfriend when she came over and said hi and after she left I said who was that, he said I dont know but im going to find out, and I just laughed. I remember every year taking vacations to Florida just to see him and then four times a year his trips to Ohio to see me. I remember all the tears from both him and me as he boarded a plain to fly back to Florida. I remember the extended family and how much everyone helped out when he was so young. Dont know how I could have survived without that help back then.  Christmas parties, and gatherings and how as a young man he helped me propose to my now ex wife.  His graduation from high school, his friends and  all the places he has worked. I remember how happy I was he decided to live in Ohio and go to Ohio State and how I was more excited on his first day of college then he was.  I remember how sweet he was when he knew my heart was broken and how the son tried to comfort his father when I got a divorce. There are so many thing that I cant even begin to list but most of all I remember and still feel the unconditional love he has for me and I for him. Today is my sons birthday and although he is now a man we spend time together almost every day. He is always my son first but has also grown into a friend and a great young man. I Love you son, always and forever.   Dad
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