A Cops Day Off
Today I take just for me
No worries for others or their families
Sometimes we need just one day off
From the stress of life, protecting all
Today I do not take your call
I cannot be late to what you saw
No tickets that you hate to see
For today, well today I take just for me
Today I will not council you
On what your allowed or not to do
I cannot help a marriage lost
For today is just my one day off
I'll see no parents walk away
Expecting me to save the day
I teach no lessons of what should be
For today I take just for me
No fights with drugs or alcohol
And today I see no jail at all
I know you think I shouldnt need
But today , today I'm taking just for me
Carl J. Roberts
I know not everyone will understand this one and some may say its not a good poem. Sometimes my poems are juest of a fleeting thought as I wake up and this is one of those thoughts. Its fine if you dont like or understand. If just one person gets it then I reached that one and its one more person that I made think.