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Daily Courthouse

The people quickly come and go
All with problems in there lives
They all have different stories
Yet there lives are all alike

They are here to see a Judge
Who may decide to give them time
Or allow them to feel mercy
And give them one more try

Some are here to sue a neighbor
With whom they were great friends
But now they feel an anger
And that friendship soon will end

Two lovers get a license
So that soon they may wed
Two others sign the papers
And say there love was just pretend

Two children are adopted
And now say mom and dad
Two others go to jail
For a crime that was so bad

This is your daily courthouse
Where people come and go
They all have different stories
That we all should want to know

Carl Joseph Roberts
Just random thoughts that go in and out of my mind as I watch people come and go at a large city courthouse.
Spin The Bottle

That bottle spins in a game of chance
Who you'll kiss depends where it lands
It lands on me and we begin our life
Then a ring is given you become my wife

A child is born to change my view
I'm now responsible for someone new
Then one day you come to me
You tell me soon there will be three

So we buy a house where we can grow
We fix it up and call it home
It's not big enough for our family now
So we sell that home and look around

We find a home in a different town
To raise our kids until there grown
The days are spent in each others arms
Still holding hands, two melded hearts

That bottle knew just where to land
For it stopped on me and our life began
Spin the bottle's not a game a chance
Its a gift from God and it's heaven sent

Carl J. Roberts
No this  is not me. I wrote this for a friend of mine who said write a poem about spin the bottle. This is how I see his life with his wife. I have known him for many years and this is what I feel his life with his wife has gone.
A Cops Day Off

Today I take just for me
No worries for others or their families
Sometimes we need just one day off
From the stress of life, protecting all

Today I do not take your call
I cannot be late to what you saw
No tickets that you hate to see
For today, well today I take just for me

Today I will not council you
On what your allowed or not to do
I cannot help a marriage lost
For today is just my one day off

I'll see no parents walk away
Expecting me to save the day
I teach no lessons of what should be
For today I take just for me

No fights with drugs or alcohol
And today I see no jail at all
I know you think I shouldnt need
But today , today I'm taking just for me

Carl J. Roberts
I know not everyone will understand this one and some may say its not a good poem. Sometimes my poems are juest of a fleeting thought as I wake up and this is one of those thoughts. Its fine if you dont like or understand. If just one person gets it then I reached that one and its one more person that I made think.
Man Card

You must know that all men have one
That we use when we're in need
I would take mine out and show you
If I thought you would believe

I always have mine with me
But its hardly ever used
Unless I think I need it
When im shopping for new shoes

I will pull it out and wonder
If you will ever think its real
For you saw me walking fifi
My toy poodle with no tail

Now I know I'll have to show it
If ever I am found
Outside planting flowers
When college football comes around

My scooters not a harley
Every real man knows that sound
It wispers where's your man card
As I putter around this town

I have had it for so very long
But now my man card cant be found
I know I dont deserve it
With this pink shirt I wear now

I'm not worried I lost my man card
For there are plenty to be found
All married men have lost one
For not putting those tampons down

Carl J. Roberts
Inspired when I told another poet to tear up his man card.(Thanks Mike) Made me look at myself and laugh. lol.  I have a 300cc scooter and a 800cc Maurauder but at 85mpg I want to ride my scooter more each day. I should rip up my mancard
Lost Memory

Today I lost a memory
And that memory was of you
I will no longer search my soul
For that memory once so true

Your memory no longer takes my days
Nor fills my dreams each night
For those memories have been washed away
With this start of my new life

I no longer feel the hurt
My once troubled heart is calm
For all the pain that I once felt
Has been washed away with time

I know now memories can be lost
And replaced with something new
For today I lost a memory
And that memory was of you

Carl J. Roberts
About letting go of the past and beginning a future.
Greatest Cop In Town (LOL)

Well crap, he outran me
But, I wear thirty extra pounds
I  think I'll just say that
Because Im supposed to run him down

I yelled one time for him to stop
But, he ran like a gazelle
He jumped a fence with no hands
My gun belt slowed me down

I wear boots not made for running
He had Jordan sneakers on
He must not of heard my orders
I think my siren drowned the sound

He sized me up so quickly
I could see it in his eyes
I think he saw my anger
Or, the ******* at my side

I may have heard him laughing
But not once did he look back
He thought that he would get away
Because he ran so very fast

Now I know that I will find him
And he'll be easy to be found
I'll place his name on my business cards
And leave them all around

I'll write a dollar number very high
Note that he was a great help
His friends will be so happy
Or they will beat him straight to hell

He'll tell them that he did not talk
Say he ran like a gazelle
But no one will believe him
Because I'm the greatest cop in this town

Carl J. Roberts
40's isnt old but its old enough to know im not catching 18 year olds. There are many ways to catch someone and when one way doesn't work there are many other

They say that fear's a bad thing
But I know some fear is good
It makes you change the way you think
From the way you usually would

It can make you run from danger
Or stop you in your tracks
Allow you to protect yourself
From what you know is bad

The fear that you will hurt someone
Is what makes you bite your toung
Knowing you can't take back the words
Once the damage has been done

You can fear the future or the past
And not allow your life to change
Or face your fear and understand
You choose the path you take

So the next time that you're feeling fear
Know it could be something good
Fear can be the best part of life
Once its understood

Carl Joseph  Roberts
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