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 Jan 2013 Carissa
Joshua Helmuth
Flesh and bone
Opinions never to be heard
Quiet voice

Peace lost
Terror ensues
Chaotic thoughts
Don't speak

Throw away emotions
Wrong place wrong time
We tell you what to be
Who are you?

This is a race
You are sure to lose
Stay in line
                                                            ­                                                                 ­           *I refuse
 Jan 2013 Carissa
Joshua Helmuth
The deep blue sky grays
Clouds sweep over the sun
The wind breathes and the air is chilled


Trees bend and sway
The day was still young
But, clouded, the horizon has been filled


Feel the heavens roar
The ground drinks deep
The sky breaks as the lightning dances


The rains pour
As lightning goes to sleep
A familiar light shines as the passing storm advances


— The End —