I’m haunted,
Every shadow is my terror,
Your words in my ear,
Your kiss my lips,
The glow I’ve shown you,
All the lyrics of my passion for you are becoming pain instead of pleasure,
I reached out to you,
In the end I’m left stressing out and dealing with your disappearance,
I’ve stopped crying after the third time you left,
I closed your door,
How can you expect for that door to always be open for you?
I’ve loved you enough to be the only man to see me glow,
Only man to shudder when your lips touch mine,
To shiver when you lay me down,
Why was I the only woman in your bed when so many others wanted you?
I never made you choose me,
I never got jealous if you went out with others,
In the end I was the only one in your bed,
I respect and love you for that,
Still you left?
It’s been a day since your “death”
How can I mourn something that since there?
To continue your memory I will keep happiness within myself,
Fight for your love that is still in my heart,
To never glow to any man unless he can make me pure like your voice did,
Its cliché to say I’ll love you now and forever,
I don’t care you only find one
I’m in love with a ghost!