not good enough to be alive I could just disappear and no one would know I was gone Im the person who sitting in the corner Cry themselves to sleep hope and prayers that I die and never wake up
dreaming is the worst I never know when dreams stop and real time begins
Everyday is hard for me the thoughts the feelings the desire and longing to it the end and when will it end How will this end How can I go on like this
the lack of sleep is getting worse the thinking and dreaming of dying and death that live in my head the hurting and pain never lefts me
Dear Depressed you call me every day tell me how worthless and weak I am I hate the hold you have on me I hate the way you make me feel I hate that fact the monster in my head is winning this battle and maybe I will end this monster soon By any means possible
Depressed comes Depressed going Depressed Stay in my head eating away at me Depressed brings the pain Depressed bring the **** Depressed cut me into two
I cannot do this anymore As I write this My heart is breaking and tears pouring out my eyes The feelings of worthless are so bad that I really want to end it
Fed up of being depressed Fed up of feeling this way
Dear Depressed you broken me so hard It hurts you make me cry You made me hurt You made me feel the pain You sent me into darkness and straight to hell
Depression you broken my heart and my spirit you broken me like a rocket why can't you leave me why can't you let me you hold on tight you came in hard