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Carel Prinsloo May 2021
somedays I look up, up into the mysterious sky
searching for aliens, shooting stars flying by

somedays I look up, up until the break of dawn
over the horizon, a light so very bright

makes me look down, down to the very ground
I see my shadow, my very living shadow

a reflection of the Sun
I truly am
Carel Prinsloo Mar 2016
careful where you tread child
others walked there before

careful where you tread son
the spirits walk along

careful where you tread man
can you sing your own song?
Carel Prinsloo Nov 2019
a beautiful woman
is something
that no man can ever be
Carel Prinsloo Mar 2018
only Love and kindness
can justify the existence
of this cruel Universe
Carel Prinsloo Apr 2016
Humanity yearns so desperately
to equal God's great creativity.
In some creations, how we shine:
music, dance, storyweaving, wine.

The thunderstorms of madness
rain upon us, flooding sadness,
sweep us into anguish, grief,
into despair without relief.

We're drawn to high castles,
where old hunchbacked vessals
glare wall-eyed as lightning
flares without brightning.

Laboratories in the high towers,
where the doctor wields power,
creating new life in a dark hour,
in the belfry of the high tower.
The Book of Counted Sorrows
Carel Prinsloo Jan 2017
the very distant stars
are much closer
than you think
Carel Prinsloo Mar 2016
shackles o' binding me so'
I wonder where else to go'
in this world

Time has many foes and few friends
it goes faster than the latest trends
regardless, it never ends?

and so, it's Time to go
to a far of place at the edge of space
warp speed will be my only trace..
Carel Prinsloo Feb 2017
don't be scared to be human, a mere mortal
live, love, will
see the light, see your future
be today, live forever
the Universe is empty, without you
Carel Prinsloo Mar 2017
look into the sun
see all of time and space
your soul exposed
Carel Prinsloo Jan 2020
surfing gravity waves,
all the way
to the edge of Time..

crossing the oceans of the Universe
in my mind
Carel Prinsloo May 2019
History teaches you everyting
you need to know.
About today, tomorrow,
and the future..
Carel Prinsloo Dec 2016
The hounds, the hounds
come baying at his heels.
The hounds! The hounds!
The breath of death he feels.
Carel Prinsloo Apr 2019
dare to challenge me
a mere mortal
on matters of survival?

I dare you to survive the wrath
of hate

I dare you to survive the wrath
of forgiveness

I dare you to survive the wrath
of the Universe

I dare you to feel Love
Carel Prinsloo Jan 2020
we are but little ants
walking between the GIANTS.
some of their footsteps are careful
most of them are not

if only the GIANTS
were not little ants
Carel Prinsloo Jun 2019
shoo shoo! Little Tiger
you make me feel
Too Alive..
Carel Prinsloo Mar 2016
some days I look up, up into the mysterious sky
searching for aliens, shooting stars flying by

some days I look up, up until the break of dawn
over the horizon, a light so very bright!

makes me look down, down to the very ground
I see my shadow, my very living shadow

a reflection of Amun-Ra, I truly am
Carel Prinsloo Sep 2018
lost at sea, adrift
just you and me..
nothing as far as the eye can see
Carel Prinsloo Oct 2017
lost at sea, adrift
you and me
no boundaries, no rules
just the ocean herself
a beautiful blue desert
full of magic and wonder
nothing as far as the eye can see
just you and me
Carel Prinsloo Dec 2016
We are the Masters of our Destiny
infants of our Galaxy

Grow up quick, or die
for the Universe is indifferent
Carel Prinsloo Jul 2018
high in my castle tower
far away from the winter flower
a little bee zooms in

my dog looking at me
all she can see
is mayhem and madness!!!

why why she looks
can one be scared
of a little bee?

lucky dog never played with fire
lucky dog never been the center
of the furious, angry Empire!

my dearest little honey bee
with the least amount of struggle
I will set thee free..
Carel Prinsloo Oct 2024
high in my castle tower
away from the winter flower
a little bee zooms in

dog looking at me
all she can see
is mayhem and madness

why why she looks
can one be scared
of a little bee?

lucky dog never played with fire
never been the focus
of the hive's angry Empire!

my dearest little honey bee
with the least amount of struggle
I will set thee free.
don't ever mess with African killer bees
Carel Prinsloo Jul 2017
Is there some meaning to this life?
What purpose lies behind the strife?
Whence do we come, where are we bound?
These cold questions echo and resound
through each day, each lonely night.
We long to find the splendid light
that will cast a revelatory beam
upon the meaning of the human dream.
Carel Prinsloo Dec 2019
my mortality
is what makes this
moment in Time
Carel Prinsloo Mar 2016
In deep space I wander, traceless
high on being weightless

I found a planet made of pure diamonds

It is a carbon compound of the purest kind
enough to blow even the most brilliant mind
Carel Prinsloo Mar 2019
Walking the quiet path
through the ancient forest
filled with snakes and spiders
some say, there might even be Tigers!
Carel Prinsloo Jan 2017
we have problems
we are human
what else?
Carel Prinsloo May 2017
are you scared little one
scared of the dying sun?

what fun we'll have,
beating Time and gravity

what fun we'll have
being children of the galaxy

shooting through wormholes
to the edge of space
playing with black holes
impossible to trace..
Carel Prinsloo Dec 2016
simple creatures
day and night
chasing the light
the light, the light!
shining so bright..
Carel Prinsloo Nov 2017
paddles at rest
the trout rise
into stillness
Carel Prinsloo Dec 2018
when the Eagle is soaring high
in the mid afternoon sky
don't run, little one!

be cool, like in a swimming pool~~~
don't be brave, don't be a hero
try to become absolute zero...

the eye in the sky
is looking for weakness, despair
always watching, in the cool summer air..

you can run like a rabbit
always looking up,
or you can fly like the Eagle

in the cool summer sky
Carel Prinsloo Oct 2017
to see the light
is to see the shadow
of your former self

to see the darkness
is to see all the way
to the edge of time..
Carel Prinsloo Apr 2016
Life is a gift that must be given back
and joy should arise from its possession.
It's too ****** short, and that's a fact.
Hard to accept, this earthly procession
to final darkness is a journey done,
circle completed, work of art sublime,
a sweet melodic rhyme, a battle won.
Carel Prinsloo Mar 2019
the hounds, the hounds
come baying at his heels

the hounds, the hounds!
the breath of death he feels
Carel Prinsloo Nov 2017
Evil is a faceless stranger,
living in a distant neighborhood.
Evil has a wholesome, hometown face,
with merry eyes and an open smile.
Evil walks among us, wearing a mask
which looks like all our faces

Book of Counted Sorrows ~ 1981
a heads up for the Vegas shooting..
Carel Prinsloo Apr 2019
“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly,
'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
And I've a many curious things to show when you are there.”

“Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “to ask me is in vain,
For who goes up your winding stair
-can ne'er come down again.”

~By Mary Howitt, 1829
as a guide to some of the newbies ;)
Carel Prinsloo Jan 2018
Living in the modern age,
death for virtue is the wage.
So it seems in darker hours.
Evil wins, kindness cowers.

Ruled by violence and vice
We all stand upon thin ice.
Are we brave or are we mice,
here upon such thin, thin ice?

Dare we linger, dare we skate?
Dare we laugh or celebrate,
knowing we may strain the ice?
Preserve the ice at any price?
Carel Prinsloo Apr 2016
a strange anomoly
in the sky
just you and I
Carel Prinsloo Jun 2017
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— The End —