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 Oct 2013 Candie
Simon Quperlier
The boys in tattered clothes huddle in streets like
So primitive and uncivilized they don't even know
what an iPhone is
Looking famished hands stretched and standing
on their knees
Unfolded palms begging from the men in suits
and ladies in heels
Hoping the heavenly grace may fall on them so
they can find bliss
Their mama at home suckling the young kids
With their dark flopping ******* which produce
milk like beads
The father is dead the uncles are nowhere, who is
responsible for the needs?
So she sends the small boys to the streets where
poverty recedes
They get the few collected coins and buy flour
which their mama make the dough she kneads
These kids with their mama don't know about
They never go to school or work so everyday is a
Bitterness engulfing their lives and can never
avoid depression
****** insanity and malnutrition because of diet
It's miserable to watch such beautiful beings
suffer in frustration
Why can't me and you reach out for them, or all
of us as a nation?
 Oct 2013 Candie
Why do I have to feel this way?
I feel like you never know me.
But we have been friends for ages.

Why do I have to feel this way?
You left me there in cold.
You are not there when I am in need.

Why do I have to feel this way?
I called and called out your name.
But you did not answer me.

Why do I have to feel this way?
We were so close and never fight.
We were like twins.

But you have changed completely.
Out of the blue we are far apart.
Every night I cried to sleep.

Was it something I said?
Was it something I did?
Was it my attitudes?

Oh friends, you left me with thousands of bad thoughts about me.
Oh friends, you left me without reasons.
Oh friends, you left me with lots of hows and whys.
Oh friends, you keep me asking myself.
Oh friends, you keep me blaming myself.

Do not torture me with these feelings.
I beg you.
Tell me what is my fault.
Let me free from these thoughts.

We have promised.
I remember how you told me we will tell each other our problems.
I remember your face and every inch of your smile lines.

You walked by.
You pretended not to see me.
You never know how you have hurt me.

I missed you.
I missed us.
And I can consider us,
As best friends but strangers.
 Oct 2013 Candie
 Oct 2013 Candie
i own more books than friends,

i need to return the books back to the library,
that i've kept since august,
but those words on that page kept me sane,

the words are real and everything a person could never be,
a person you call a friend is never always there,
when you need them most,
they let you down and even though you're suffering and drowning in your anxieties,
they are forgetting your mere existence,
but the pages on that book are the ones,
i hold close to my heart,
because they get me through the days when i need to grocery shopping,
but instead i'm smoking,
the pain away that in hope i will one day be okay

~ d.a
 Oct 2013 Candie
 Oct 2013 Candie
I lay here each night and close my eyes before I drift off into a deep sleep.
Within those seconds I imagine myself wrapped in our embrace.
I can see our souls intertwining with each other like the vines wrapping around an old tree,
attaching themselves.
I almost feel the connection we would have.
It sends surges throughout my body and I feel as if I'll float into air, into space.

God you make me feel alive.

But my happiness is stolen right away as soon as I open my eyes the next morning.
Maybe it's because my first waking thought was you,
or maybe it was the second,
an image of you grasping his hand instead of mine.

my heart aches.

it's funny to me how love can fade without any sort of warning, how someone can completely shatter every part of your heart.
leaving you, alone, to pick up the pieces with your fragile hands.
A part of me wishes you would come back and help me
because my hands hurt and have started to bleed from the jagged edges you caused.

I lost myself in you.
 Oct 2013 Candie
Melissa Nye
I always second guessed your actions,
Didn't know if you felt how I wanted you to
Always believed that you didn't feel it,
It helped me to pull through
I never wanted to give up,
I never wanted to let go
I always thought that I needed you forever,
But with every high comes every low

I spent a long time searching for you,
You were right in front of my eyes
I couldn't see you
I was so blind
Then came along something better,
An offer you couldn't refuse
You left me and everyone here,
Casted me with this bruise

But you were never mine to let go of,
I was never yours to leave,
But I still feel kind of angry at you,
Let down and deceived,
For it was not difficult to tell me you were leaving,
It was not hard to say where you were going,
It was more than easy just to say to me,
This whole time you had thought of fleeing.

I guess everyone has to move on,
To all things bigger and brighter,
Your future now looks pretty hopeful
Mine's looking that bit tighter.
I want you to be happy,
But sometimes I have to be selfish,
And say I want happiness for me
But I think our connection would tarnish

I haven't seen you in a month,
But it feels like five,
But when I come to think of it,
At least you said goodbye that time.
In the two years exactly since I've come to know you,
I haven't found anyone better,
Not their personality or physicality,
You're my favourite sweater,
An investment, a scarlet letter
In a bundle of broken hearts
Deemed inevitable,
Work of art, all the best to be a part.
 Oct 2013 Candie
Stef Ty
I wonder why it is that you have not left my mind
Too far behind to even say goodbye
Little by little you were slipping out of my grasp
Until out of nowhere there was absolutely nothing left

When will you come back - we both know you will
When will you look into my eyes again and hold me close at your will?
When will we stay up again - rolling in the sheets
Bodies interlocked.
Eyes stay meet.
With the moon glowing bright
Until the sun sinks in
"I can never get any sleep when I'm with you, what am I going to do with you?"
This is my excuse for why you ran away

So many questions I've been waiting for you to answer
Shall I wait much longer?
They say "distance makes the heart grow fonder."
So why haven't you called?
Or do you not care at all?

Just tell me you care and I will be there
Am I making this up all in my head?
It's easier to think you just wanted to **** me instead.
But if this is true - why would you say the things that you do?

"If it were any other time in my life Stefanie, I would have chased you until the sun burnt out."
If you felt this way then how not now?
The sun is still shining and you're not behind me.

Ah, I see it was all a game
You conquered me and left me to shame
And now we can never be friends again and it pains me inside
To lose the friendship we used to have because of a sweet talking lie

I will love you forever, this I know
And I know you will think about me and our time together
Holding me in your arms
Kisses on my back
It has been a year full of tears
And I want my energy back
It is no longer yours to keep
I am tired of feeling weak

This is me letting go, until the sun burns out.
 Oct 2013 Candie
its been so long
since i last seen your face,
that i almost didn't recognize you.
i notice that you wore a big sweater,
striped and made of knit.
and you had on a lot of mascara,
with your long blonde hair pinned back.
your hazel eyes tired and longing for sleep
because you stayed up all night
waiting for me to show up.

and today,
i run into your arms
like we never even left each other.

you thought i hated you,
but sweetie,
it's impossible to hate you.
i can't wish for anyone else to be my best friend.
we've been through a lot.
more than most best friends.

but when i pulled up to your house,
you did not know who i was.
i guess some things were forgotten,
but i never imagined that you would forget me.
Katie, i am not as close to you as i was.
i will miss you.
goodbye, stranger.

 Oct 2013 Candie
Arianna Stevens
Ever think and ever wonder
That you hit her heart like thunder
Tore it right out of her chest
Left a mark upon her breast
A mark of your possessive nature
The mark of an enragéd creature
Sold your soul to midnight’s beast
On her heart began to feast
You said that you would never leave
But left her in the dark to grieve
The loss of her heart’s other half
Torn by you on his behalf
You let the darkness in your soul
You turned hers into a black hole
Made her crazy, made her mad
Though she knew she never had
Your heart, your soul, your desire
Never made your heart feel fire
Of love, of hope, of childish glee
The only one that felt was she
She felt the love and then the pain
Now she cries out in the rain
The raindrops wash away her tears
The waters wash away her fears
And you, you monster, dark and grim
Boil the water past the brim
Boil her blood, her heart, desire
You can always see her tire
Tire of your jokes, your games
Tire of feeling ashamed
Ashamed of falling for your tricks
Ashamed of taking all your kicks
**** you, aggressive *******
The art of hate you quite have mastered
Feed her poison in your word
You can’t make sense of that which is slurred
Oh, but dear, don’t you worry
She’ll be gone in quite a hurry
Out of your way, out of your mind
She will no longer be of our kind
Sweet angel, so pained in this life
She pierced her heart with a biting knife
And still as her breath left her soul
Her body disintegrating as a whole
She thought of you, the horrid monster
Who brought this terrible fate upon her
She thought how you made her burst with love
As if you were a blessing from above

You knew she couldn’t live without you
But even as her face turned so blue
You held on to your use of her
Just as these hateful things once were
So was she, in the past tense
And no one could make any sense
Of why she loved you, dark and grim
Pushing her much past the brim
And now she’s gone, consumed by earth
Regretting so her day of birth
Six feet below, six feet in pain
And on her grave your tears do rain
Ha! You fool, you thing of loathing
The things you’ve done are unimposing
Too late, my sweet, the girl is gone
Her voice but echoes as a song…
By: myhearthasguitarstrings posted on
 Oct 2013 Candie
you're on my mind
like you were last night
and the day before that

you're in my dreams
always visiting me
one of the reasons
I prefer to be asleep
because my fantasies
are better than reality

you're in my thoughts
I kinda hope I'm in yours
because I have a burning desire
to reignite what used to be ours
© Natali Veronica 2013.

— The End —